Publications 2021

892 publications

CD105+CD90+CD13+ identifies a clonogenic subset of adventitial lung fibroblasts.
Kadefors M, Rolandsson Enes S, Åhrman E, ..., Scheding S, Westergren-Thorsson G
Sci Rep 11 (1) 24417 [2021-12-24; online 2021-12-24]
Clinical Genomics [Service] Clinical Genomics Lund [Service]
Melphalan flufenamide inhibits osteoclastogenesis by suppressing proliferation of monocytes.
Byrgazov K, Lind T, Rasmusson AJ, ..., Larsson R, Fryknäs M
Bone Rep 15 (-) 101098 [2021-12-00; online 2021-06-07]
Drug Discovery and Development (DDD)
Differences in risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers.
Elfström KM, Blomqvist J, Nilsson P, ..., Lundgren KC, Dillner J
Prev Med Rep 24 (-) 101518 [2021-12-00; online 2021-08-21]
Autoimmunity and Serology Profiling [Service]
In vivo Profiling of the Alk Proximitome in the Developing Drosophila Brain.
Uçkun E, Wolfstetter G, Anthonydhason V, ..., Fuchs J, Palmer RH
J. Mol. Biol. 433 (23) 167282 [2021-11-19; online 2021-10-06]
Glycoproteomics and MS Proteomics [Service]
Systemic Inflammation in Preclinical Ulcerative Colitis.
Bergemalm D, Andersson E, Hultdin J, ..., Karling P, Halfvarson J
Gastroenterology 161 (5) 1526-1539.e9 [2021-11-00; online 2021-07-21]
Affinity Proteomics Uppsala [Service]
Streptococcus pyogenes Forms Serotype- and Local Environment-Dependent Interspecies Protein Complexes.
Chowdhury S, Khakzad H, Bergdahl GE, ..., Happonen L, Malmström J
mSystems 6 (5) e0027121 [2021-10-26; online 2021-09-28]
Structural Proteomics [Collaborative]
Urinary cytokines correlate with acute kidney injury in critically ill COVID-19 patients.
Gradin A, Andersson H, Luther T, ..., Frithiof R, Hultström M
Cytokine 146 (-) 155589 [2021-10-00; online 2021-05-24]
Affinity Proteomics Uppsala [Collaborative]
The effect of sulfate half-ester groups on cellulose nanocrystal periodate oxidation
Llàcer Navarro S, Nakayama K, Idström A, ..., Ström A, Nypelö T
Cellulose 28 (15) 9633-9644 [2021-10-00; online 2021-08-17]
Swedish NMR Centre (SNC) [Service]
Q-space trajectory imaging with positivity constraints (QTI+).
Herberthson M, Boito D, Haije TD, ..., Westin CF, Özarslan E
Neuroimage 238 (-) 118198 [2021-09-00; online 2021-05-21]
AIDA Data Hub [Service] Bioinformatics (NBIS) [Service]
Efficacy of EBL-1003 (apramycin) against Acinetobacter baumannii lung infections in mice.
Becker K, Aranzana-Climent V, Cao S, ..., Hobbie SN, ENABLE consortium
Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 27 (9) 1315-1321 [2021-09-00; online 2020-12-11]
Spatial Mass Spectrometry [Collaborative]
Genomic Epidemiology of Azithromycin-Nonsusceptible Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Argentina, 2005-2019.
Gianecini RA, Poklepovich T, Golparian D, ..., Galarza P, Gonococcal Antimicrobial Susceptibility Surveillance Programme—Argentina1
Emerg. Infect. Dis. 27 (9) 2369-2378 [2021-08-24; online 2021-08-24]
Clinical Genomics [Collaborative] Clinical Genomics Örebro [Collaborative]
(p)ppGpp controls stringent factors by exploiting antagonistic allosteric coupling between catalytic domains.
Roghanian M, Van Nerom K, Takada H, ..., Garcia-Pino A, Hauryliuk V
Mol. Cell 81 (16) 3310-3322.e6 [2021-08-19; online 2021-08-21]
Structural Proteomics [Collaborative]
Anti-tumor effects of rigosertib in high-risk neuroblastoma.
Radke K, Hansson K, Sjölund J, ..., Gisselsson D, Bexell D
Transl Oncol 14 (8) 101149 [2021-08-00; online 2021-06-09]
Clinical Genomics [Service] Clinical Genomics Lund [Service]
High Amounts of SARS-CoV-2 Precede Sickness Among Asymptomatic Health Care Workers.
Dillner J, Elfström KM, Blomqvist J, ..., Arroyo Mühr LS, Lundgren KC
J. Infect. Dis. 224 (1) 14-20 [2021-07-02; online 2021-02-14]
Autoimmunity and Serology Profiling [Service]
The trans-ancestral genomic architecture of glycemic traits.
Chen J, Spracklen CN, Marenne G, ..., Barroso I, Meta-Analysis of Glucose and Insulin-related Traits Consortium (MAGIC)
Nat. Genet. 53 (6) 840-860 [2021-06-00; online 2021-05-31]
NGI Uppsala (SNP&SEQ Technology Platform) [Service] National Genomics Infrastructure [Service]
High Sensitivity Detection of a Solubility Limiting Surface Transformation of Drug Particles by DNP SENS.
Viger-Gravel J, Pinon AC, Björgvinsdóttir S, ..., Schantz S, Emsley L
J Pharm Sci 110 (6) 2452-2456 [2021-06-00; online 2021-01-06]
Swedish NMR Centre (SNC) [Collaborative]
ENABLE: an engine for European antibacterial drug discovery and development.
Olliver M, Griestop L, Hughes D, ..., Vingsbo Lundberg C, Karlén A
Nat Rev Drug Discov 20 (6) 407-408 [2021-06-00; online 2021-05-06]
Drug Discovery and Development (DDD) [Collaborative]
[Precision diagnostics and therapy in hematological malignancies].
Hellström Lindberg E, Cavelier L, Cammenga J, ..., Fioretos T, Rosenquist R
Lakartidningen 118 (-) - [2021-05-10; online 2021-05-10]
Clinical Genomics [Service] Clinical Genomics Lund [Service]
Genetic basis of lacunar stroke: a pooled analysis of individual patient data and genome-wide association studies.
Traylor M, Persyn E, Tomppo L, ..., UK DNA Lacunar Stroke Study Investigators , International Stroke Genetics Consortium
Lancet Neurol 20 (5) 351-361 [2021-05-00; online 2021-03-25]
NGI Uppsala (SNP&SEQ Technology Platform) [Service] National Genomics Infrastructure [Service]
3D-printing of solid lipid tablets from emulsion gels.
Johannesson J, Khan J, Hubert M, Teleki A, Bergström CAS
Int J Pharm 597 (-) 120304 [2021-03-15; online 2021-02-01]
Integrated Microscopy Technologies Umeå [Service]
NMR Structure and Dynamics Studies of Yeast Respiratory Supercomplex Factor 2.
Zhou S, Pettersson P, Huang J, ..., Mäler L, Ädelroth P
Structure 29 (3) 275-283.e4 [2021-03-04; online 2020-09-08]
Swedish NMR Centre (SNC) [Service]
Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 and risk of past or future sick leave.
Dillner J, Elfström KM, Blomqvist J, ..., Mühr LSA, Conneryd Lundgren K
Sci Rep 11 (1) 5160 [2021-03-04; online 2021-03-04]
Autoimmunity and Serology Profiling [Service]
Signaling Mechanism of Phytochromes in Solution.
Isaksson L, Gustavsson E, Persson C, ..., Orekhov V, Westenhoff S
Structure 29 (2) 151-160.e3 [2021-02-04; online 2020-09-10]
Swedish NMR Centre (SNC) [Collaborative]
Genetic and clinical basis for two distinct subtypes of primary Sjögren's syndrome.
Thorlacius GE, Hultin-Rosenberg L, Sandling JK, ..., Wahren-Herlenius M, Nordmark G
Rheumatology (Oxford) 60 (2) 837-848 [2021-02-01; online 2020-09-06]
Bioinformatics Support for Computational Resources [Service]
In vivo Cross-Linking MS of the Complement System MAC Assembled on Live Gram-Positive Bacteria.
Khakzad H, Happonen L, Tran Van Nhieu G, Malmström J, Malmström L
Front Genet 11 (-) 612475 [2021-01-08; online 2021-01-08]
Structural Proteomics [Collaborative]
Embryo-Like Features in Developing Bacillus subtilis Biofilms.
Futo M, Opašić L, Koska S, ..., Mijakovic I, Domazet-Lošo T
Mol. Biol. Evol. 38 (1) 31-47 [2021-01-04; online 2020-09-02]
Glycoproteomics and MS Proteomics [Service]
Immunocyte single cell analysis of vaccine‐induced narcolepsy
Lind A, Salami F, Landtblom A, ..., Adolfsson J, Elding Larsson H
Eur. J. Immunol. 51 (1) 247-249 [2021-01-00; online 2020-07-30]
Cellular Immunomonitoring [Service]
Vox2Vox: 3D-GAN for Brain Tumour Segmentation
Cirillo MD, Abramian D, Eklund A
- - (-) 274-284 [2021-00-00; online 2021-03-27]
AIDA Data Hub [Service] Bioinformatics (NBIS) [Service]

Publications 9.5.1