Year 2024
Nature - (-) -
[2024-11-20; online 2024-11-20]
Nature 635 (8037) 178-185
[2024-11-00; online 2024-10-16]
Tadepally L, Consiglio C, Sardh F, ..., Landegren N, Brodin P
Nature 633 (-) 155-164
Nature 633 (8028) 155-164
[2024-09-00; online 2024-09-04]
Nature - (-) -
[2024-05-01; online 2024-05-01]
Nature 626 (7998) 341-346
[2024-02-00; online 2024-01-31]
Nature 625 (7995) 540-547
[2024-01-00; online 2023-11-29]
Year 2023
Nature - (-) -
[2023-11-29; online 2023-11-29]
Nature 623 (7985) 193-201
[2023-11-00; online 2023-10-25]
Nature 623 (7988) 803-813
[2023-11-00; online 2023-11-08]
Nature 620 (7973) 381-385
[2023-08-00; online 2023-08-02]
Nature 618 (7965) 550-556
[2023-06-00; online 2023-06-07]
Nature 615 (7954) 934-938
[2023-03-00; online 2023-03-22]
Year 2022
Nature 611 (7934) 115-123
[2022-11-00; online 2022-09-30]
Nature 611 (7936) 594-602
[2022-11-00; online 2022-11-09]
Yengo L, Vedantam S, Marouli E, ..., Visscher PM, Hirschhorn JN
Nature 610 (7933) 704-712
[2022-10-00; online 2022-10-12]
Nature 609 (7926) 335-340
[2022-09-00; online 2022-07-19]
Nature 608 (7922) 360-367
[2022-08-00; online 2022-08-10]
Nature 607 (7918) 313-320
[2022-07-00; online 2022-06-29]
Nature 606 (7914) 603-608
[2022-06-00; online 2022-06-08]
Nature 606 (7912) 113-119
[2022-06-00; online 2022-05-18]
Year 2021
Nature 600 (7890) 675-679
[2021-12-00; online 2021-12-09]
Nature - (-) -
[2021-11-24; online 2021-11-24]
Nature - (-) -
[2021-10-27; online 2021-10-27]
Nature 598 (7880) 332-337
[2021-10-00; online 2021-10-06]
Nature 597 (7875) 196-205
[2021-09-00; online 2021-09-08]
La Manno G, Siletti K, Furlan A, ..., Lönnerberg P,
Linnarsson S
Nature 596 (7870) 92-96
[2021-08-00; online 2021-07-28]
Nature 596 (7872) 393-397
[2021-08-00; online 2021-08-04]
Nature 591 (7849) 265-269
[2021-03-00; online 2021-02-17]
Nature 590 (7847) 649-654
[2021-02-00; online 2021-02-24]
Nature 589 (7842) 402-407
[2021-01-00; online 2021-01-20]
Year 2020
Nature 587 (7833) 252-257
[2020-11-00; online 2020-11-11]
Zoonomia Consortium
Nature 587 (7833) 240-245
[2020-11-00; online 2020-11-11]
Nature 583 (7814) 139-144
[2020-07-00; online 2020-05-27]
Burmann BM, Gerez JA, Matečko-Burmann I, ..., Riek R, Hiller S
Nature 577 (7788) 127-132
[2020-01-00; online 2019-12-04]
Year 2019
Thompson DJ, Genovese G, Halvardson J, ..., Forsberg LA, Perry JRB
Nature 575 (7784) 652-657
[2019-11-00; online 2019-11-20]
Cappellini E, Welker F, Pandolfi L, ..., Lordkipanidze D, Willerslev E
Nature 574 (7776) 103-107
[2019-10-00; online 2019-09-11]
Newton PT, Li L, Zhou B, ..., Sävendahl L, Chagin AS
Nature 567 (7747) 234-238
[2019-03-00; online 2019-02-27]
Masuda T, Sankowski R, Staszewski O, ..., Stadelmann C, Prinz M
Nature 566 (7744) 388-392
[2019-02-00; online 2019-02-13]
Jäkel S, Agirre E, Falcão AM, ..., Williams A, Castelo-Branco G
Nature - (-) -
[2019-01-23; online 2019-01-23]
Year 2018
Srinivas V, Lebrette H, Lundin D, ...,
Sjöberg BM, Högbom M
Nature 563 (7731) 416-420
[2018-11-00; online 2018-10-31]
La Manno G, Soldatov R, Zeisel A, ..., Linnarsson S, Kharchenko PV
Nature 560 (7719) 494-498
[2018-08-00; online 2018-08-08]
Vanlandewijck M, He L, Mäe MA, ..., Lendahl U, Betsholtz C
Nature 554 (7693) 475-480
[2018-02-22; online 2018-02-14]
Year 2017
Gad H, Koolmeister T, Jemth AS, ..., Scobie M, Ulrika Warpman Berglund &Thomas Helleday
Nature 544 (7651) 508
[2017-04-26; online 2017-04-28]
Marouli E, Graff M, Medina-Gomez C, ..., Deloukas P, Lettre G
Nature 542 (7640) 186-190
[2017-02-09; online 2017-02-01]
Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka K, Caceres EF, Saw JH, ..., Spang A, Ettema TJG
Nature 541 (7637) 353-358
[2017-01-11; online 2017-01-11]
Year 2016
Fuchsberger C, Flannick J, Teslovich TM, ..., Altshuler D, McCarthy MI
Nature 536 (7614) 41-47
[2016-08-04; online 2016-07-11]
Reischauer S, Stone OA, Villasenor A, ..., Andersson O, Stainier DY
Nature 535 (7611) 294-298
[2016-07-14; online 2016-07-15]
Okbay A, Beauchamp JP, Fontana MA, ..., Cesarini D, Benjamin DJ
Nature 533 (7604) 539-542
[2016-05-26; online 2016-05-11]
Olsen JL, Rouzé P, Verhelst B, ..., Reusch TB, Van de Peer Y
Nature 530 (7590) 331-335
[2016-02-18; online 2016-01-28]
Cannon JT, Vellutini BC, Smith J, ..., Jondelius U, Hejnol A
Nature 530 (7588) 89-93
[2016-02-04; online 2016-02-06]
Year 2015
Jolma A, Yin Y, Nitta KR, ..., Morgunova E, Taipale J
Nature 527 (7578) 384-388
[2015-11-19; online 2015-11-10]
George J, Lim JS, Jang SJ, ..., Sage J, Thomas RK
Nature 524 (7563) 47-53
[2015-08-06; online 2015-07-13]
Joshi PK, Esko T, Mattsson H, ..., Polašek O, Wilson JF
Nature 523 (7561) 459-462
[2015-07-23; online 2015-07-02]
Spang A, Saw JH, Jørgensen SL, ..., Guy L, Ettema TJ
Nature 521 (7551) 173-179
[2015-05-14; online 2015-05-07]
Hibar DP, Stein JL, Renteria ME, ..., Thompson PM, Medland SE
Nature 520 (7546) 224-229
[2015-04-09; online 2015-01-22]
Lamichhaney S, Berglund J, Almén MS, ..., Webster MT, Andersson L
Nature 518 (7539) 371-375
[2015-02-19; online 2015-02-18]
Locke AE, Kahali B, Berndt SI, ..., Loos RJF, Speliotes EK
Nature 518 (7538) 197-206
[2015-02-12; online 2015-02-13]
Shungin D, Winkler TW, Croteau-Chonka DC, ..., Lindgren CM, Mohlke KL
Nature 518 (7538) 187-196
[2015-02-12; online 2015-02-13]
Year 2014
Perry JR, Day F, Elks CE, ..., Murabito JM, Ong KK
Nature 514 (7520) 92-97
[2014-10-02; online 2014-07-23]
Kaukua N, Shahidi MK, Konstantinidou C, ..., Fried K, Adameyko I
Nature 513 (7519) 551-554
[2014-09-25; online 2014-08-01]
Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
Nature 511 (7510) 421-427
[2014-07-24; online 2014-07-22]
Gad H, Koolmeister T, Jemth A, ..., Berglund UW,
Helleday T
Nature 508 (7495) 215-221
[2014-04-10; online 2014-04-02]
Okada Y, Wu D, Trynka G, ..., Yamamoto K, Plenge RM
Nature 506 (7488) 376-381
[2014-02-20; online 2013-12-25]
Year 2013
Lappalainen T, Sammeth M, Friedländer MR, ..., Estivill X, Dermitzakis ET
Nature 501 (7468) 506-511
[2013-09-26; online 2013-09-17]
Nature 497 (7451) 579-584
[2013-05-30; online 2013-05-22]
Nature 495 (7441) 360-364
[2013-03-21; online 2013-01-29]
Year 2012
Ellegren H, Smeds L, Burri R, ..., Uebbing S, Wolf JB
Nature 491 (7426) 756-760
[2012-11-29; online 2012-10-30]
Andersson LS, Larhammar M, Memic F, ..., Andersson L, Kullander K
Nature 488 (7413) 642-646
[2012-08-30; online 2012-08-31]
Year 2011
International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium N, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2 N, Sawcer S, ..., Donnelly P, Compston A
Nature 476 (7359) 214-219
[2011-08-10; online 2011-08-10]
Year 2010
Heinig M, Petretto E, Wallace C, ..., Hubner N, Cook SA
Nature 467 (7314) 460-464
[2010-09-23; online 2010-09-10]
Teslovich TM, Musunuru K, Smith AV, ..., Boehnke M, Kathiresan S
Nature 466 (7307) 707-713
[2010-08-05; online 2010-08-06]
Nature 464 (7288) 587-591
[2010-03-25; online 2010-03-12]