NGI Uppsala (SNP&SEQ Technology Platform)

SciLifeLab Infrastructure Unit 2013–2019.

Primary: Shown in the list of current labels, if end date is not specified.

Started: 2013

Ended: 2019

Year 2024

Year 2023

Year 2022

Year 2021

The trans-ancestral genomic architecture of glycemic traits.
Chen J, Spracklen CN, Marenne G, ..., Barroso I, Meta-Analysis of Glucose and Insulin-related Traits Consortium (MAGIC)
Nat. Genet. 53 (6) 840-860 [2021-06-00; online 2021-05-31]
NGI Uppsala (SNP&SEQ Technology Platform) [Service] National Genomics Infrastructure [Service]
Genetic basis of lacunar stroke: a pooled analysis of individual patient data and genome-wide association studies.
Traylor M, Persyn E, Tomppo L, ..., UK DNA Lacunar Stroke Study Investigators , International Stroke Genetics Consortium
Lancet Neurol 20 (5) 351-361 [2021-05-00; online 2021-03-25]
NGI Uppsala (SNP&SEQ Technology Platform) [Service] National Genomics Infrastructure [Service]

Year 2020

Genetic Associations Between Childhood Psychopathology and Adult Depression and Associated Traits in 42 998 Individuals: A Meta-analysis.
Akingbuwa WA, Hammerschlag AR, Jami ES, ..., Middeldorp CM, Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder Working Groups of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
JAMA Psychiatry 77 (7) 715-728 [2020-07-01; online 2020-04-16]
NGI Uppsala (SNP&SEQ Technology Platform) [Service] National Genomics Infrastructure [Service]

Year 2019