Publications 2024

Title Authors Journal Published Online
Life Science 2.0: reframing the life science sector for 'the benefit on mankind'. Vallin M, Tomson G, Kampmann B, ..., Wanyenze RK, Ottersen OP Glob Health Action 17 (1) 2330758 2024-12-31 2024-04-05
MARC1 downregulation reduces hepatocyte lipid content by increasing beta-oxidation. Ciociola E, Dutta T, Sasidharan K, ..., Mancina RM, Romeo S Clin Mol Hepatol - (-) - 2024-12-23 2024-12-23
Phthalate esters in baltic lagoons: Spatial distribution, ecological risks, and novel insights into their fate using transcriptomics. Lorre E, Bianchi F, Broman E, ..., Woźniczka A, Zilius M Sci. Total Environ. 957 (-) 177526 2024-12-20 2024-11-18
Treatment of Periprosthetic Joint Infection with Intravenous Vancomycin: Do We Hit the Target? Haglund R, Tornberg U, Claesson AC, Freyhult E, Hailer NP Antibiotics (Basel) 13 (12) - 2024-12-18 2024-12-18
The AxBioTick study - immune gene expression signatures in human skin bitten by Borrelia-infected versus non-infected ticks. Berthén NC, Cronhjort S, Nordberg M, ..., Wilhelmsson P, Sjöwall J BMC Infect. Dis. 24 (1) 1422 2024-12-18 2024-12-18
Spatiotemporal single-cell roadmap of human skin wound healing. Liu Z, Bian X, Luo L, ..., Li D, Landén NX Cell Stem Cell - (-) - 2024-12-18 2024-12-18
Stem Cell-Associated Proteins and Extracellular Matrix Composition of the Human Atrioventricular Junction. Thorsell A, Sjölin L, Berger E, ..., Rotter Sopasakis V, Vukusic K Cells 13 (24) - 2024-12-11 2024-12-11
Naturally acquired IgG responses to Plasmodium falciparum do not target the conserved termini of the malaria vaccine candidate Merozoite Surface Protein 2 Zerebinski J, Margerie L, Han NS, ..., Färnert A, Plaza DF Front Immunol 15 (-) - 2024-12-09 2024-12-09
Coupling cellular drug-target engagement to downstream pharmacology with CeTEAM. Valerie NCK, Sanjiv K, Mortusewicz O, ..., Page BDG, Altun M Nat Commun 15 (1) 10347 2024-12-06 2024-12-06
Chemical exposomics in biobanked plasma samples and associations with breast cancer risk factors. Edlund J, Sdougkou K, Papazian S, ..., Martin JW, Harlid S J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol - (-) - 2024-12-06 2024-12-06
Multi-omics analysis detail a submicroscopic inv(15)(q14q15) generating fusion transcripts and MEIS2 and NUSAP1 haploinsufficiency. Ek M, Kvarnung M, Pettersson M, ..., Eisfeldt J, Lindstrand A Sci Rep 14 (1) 30343 2024-12-05 2024-12-05
Dynamics of the blood plasma proteome during hyperacute HIV-1 infection. Nazziwa J, Freyhult E, Hong MG, ..., Hassan AS, Esbjörnsson J Nat Commun 15 (1) 10593 2024-12-05 2024-12-05
A landscape of X-inactivation during human T cell development. Gylemo B, Bensberg M, Hennings V, ..., Ekwall O, Nestor CE Nat Commun 15 (1) 10527 2024-12-04 2024-12-04
The evolutionary history of metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours reveals a therapy driven route to high-grade transformation. Backman S, Botling J, Nord H, ..., Åkerström T, Crona J J. Pathol. 264 (4) 357-370 2024-12-00 2024-10-03
Scifer: An R/Bioconductor package for large-scale integration of Sanger sequencing and flow cytometry data of index-sorted single cells Arcoverde Cerveira R, Lenart K, Martin M, ..., Ols S, Loré K Immunoinformatics (Amst) 16 (-) 100046 2024-12-00 2024-12-00
Occurrence of cancer in Marfan syndrome: Report of two patients with neuroblastoma and review of the literature. Maya-González C, Delgado-Vega AM, Taylan F, ..., Martinsson T, Nordgren A Am. J. Med. Genet. A 194 (12) e63812 2024-12-00 2024-07-11
Longitudinal Analysis of Natural History Progression of Rare and Ultra-Rare Cerebellar Ataxias Using Item Response Theory. Hamdan A, Hendrickx N, Hooker AC, ..., Synofzik M, Karlsson MO Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 116 (6) 1593-1605 2024-12-00 2024-10-15
Lifestyle, biological, and genetic factors related to brain iron accumulation across adulthood. Gustavsson J, Ištvánfyová Z, Papenberg G, ..., Mangialasche F, Kalpouzos G Neurobiol. Aging 144 (-) 56-67 2024-12-00 2024-09-10
Genomics of severe and treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder treated with deep brain stimulation: A preliminary investigation. Chen LL, Naesström M, Halvorsen M, ..., Crowley JJ, Pascal D Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 195 (8) e32983 2024-12-00 2024-04-22
Genomic signals of adaptation to a natural CO2 gradient over a striking microgeographic scale González-Delgado S, Pérez-Portela R, Ortega-Martínez O, ..., Pereyra RT, Hernández JC Marine Pollution Bulletin 209 (-) 117225 2024-12-00 2024-12-00
Genetic diversity insights from population genomics and machine learning tools for Nordic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) populations Palaiokostas C, Kurta K, Pappas F, ..., Janhunen M, Kause A Aquaculture Reports 39 (-) 102495 2024-12-00 2024-12-00
Genetic analysis and family screening for dilated cardiomyopathy: a retrospective analysis of the stepwise pedigree approach. Ylipää J, Andersson T Scand Cardiovasc J 58 (1) 2379356 2024-12-00 2024-07-24
Applications of NMR based methodologies investigating the behavior of lignin and cellulose towards bio-based carbon fibers production. Guerroudj F, Fliri L, Bengtsson J, ..., Hummel M, Bernin D Solid State Nucl Magn Reson 134 (-) 101977 2024-12-00 2024-11-21
Achieving optically selective coatings of silica fixated carbon nanotubes for solar energy applications Zäll E, Segervald J, Mahmoodi H, ..., Edman L, Wågberg T Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 278 (-) 113202 2024-12-00 2024-12-00
A dataset of 40 assembled and annotated transcriptomes from 34 species in Silene and related genera. Cangren P, Bertrand YJK, Braverman JM, ..., Hamilton MB, Oxelman B Data Brief 57 (-) 111094 2024-12-00 2024-11-01
Toward target 2035: EUbOPEN - a public-private partnership to enable & unlock biology in the open. Tredup C, Ackloo S, Beck H, ..., Arrowsmith CH, Knapp S RSC Med Chem - (-) - 2024-11-29 2024-11-29
Spatial profiling of the mouse colonic immune landscape associated with colitis and sex. Holm M, Stepanauskaitė L, Bäckström A, ..., Stadler C, Williams C Commun Biol 7 (1) 1595 2024-11-29 2024-11-29
Closed and open structures of the eukaryotic magnesium channel Mrs2 reveal the auto-ligand-gating regulation mechanism. Li P, Liu S, Wallerstein J, ..., Liin SI, Gourdon P Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. - (-) - 2024-11-28 2024-11-28
Preanalytical (Mis)Handling of Plasma Investigated by 1H NMR Metabolomics Malmodin D, Bay Nord A, Zafar H, ..., Karlsson BG, Naluai ÅT ACS Omega - (-) - 2024-11-27 2024-11-27
Streptolysin O accelerates the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin Tang D, Khakzad H, Hjortswang E, ..., Happonen L, Malmström J Nat Commun 15 (1) 10212 2024-11-25 2024-11-25
In-situ X-ray analysis of cold alkali dissolution of cellulose pulps of various origin Wojtasz J, Bengtsson J, Ulmefors H, ..., Östlund Å, Yu S Cellulose - (-) - 2024-11-25 2024-11-25
Candidate serum protein biomarkers for active pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis in tuberculosis endemic settings. Ayalew S, Wegayehu T, Wondale B, ..., Fredolini C, Mihret A BMC Infect. Dis. 24 (1) 1329 2024-11-21 2024-11-21
Visualization and analysis of medically relevant tandem repeats in nanopore sequencing of control cohorts with pathSTR. De Coster W, Höijer I, Bruggeman I, ..., Ameur A, Rademakers R Genome Res. 34 (11) 2074-2080 2024-11-20 2024-11-20
Systematic screens for fertility genes essential for malaria parasite transmission reveal conserved aspects of sex in a divergent eukaryote. Sayers C, Pandey V, Balakrishnan A, ..., Berntsson R, Billker O Cell Syst 15 (11) 1075-1091.e6 2024-11-20 2024-11-13
SARS-CoV-2 and HSV-1 Induce Amyloid Aggregation in Human CSF Resulting in Drastic Soluble Protein Depletion. Christ W, Kapell S, Sobkowiak MJ, ..., El Andaloussi S, Ezzat K ACS Chem Neurosci 15 (22) 4095-4104 2024-11-20 2024-11-07
Resolving complex duplication variants in autism spectrum disorder using long-read genome sequencing. Eisfeldt J, Higginbotham EJ, Lenner F, ..., Scherer SW, Feuk L Genome Res. 34 (11) 1763-1773 2024-11-20 2024-11-20
One-Pot Time-Induced Proteome Integral Solubility Alteration Assay for Automated and Sensitive Drug-Target Identification. Meng Z, Saei AA, Lyu H, Gaetani M, Zubarev RA Anal. Chem. - (-) - 2024-11-20 2024-11-20
Liver X receptor unlinks intestinal regeneration and tumorigenesis. Das S, Parigi SM, Luo X, ..., Katajisto P, Villablanca EJ Nature - (-) - 2024-11-20 2024-11-20
Leveraging the T2T assembly to resolve rare and pathogenic inversions in reference genome gaps. Bilgrav Saether K, Eisfeldt J, Bengtsson JD, ..., Carvalho CMB, Lindstrand A Genome Res. 34 (11) 1785-1797 2024-11-20 2024-11-20
A national long-read sequencing study on chromosomal rearrangements uncovers hidden complexities. Eisfeldt J, Ameur A, Lenner F, ..., Feuk L, Lindstrand A Genome Res. 34 (11) 1774-1784 2024-11-20 2024-11-20
Unraveling the dynamics of lignin chemistry on decomposition to understand its contribution to soil organic matter accumulation Thirunavukkarasu A, Hedenström M, Sparrman T, ..., Schleucher J, Öquist M Plant Soil - (-) - 2024-11-19 2024-11-19
Inhibition mechanism of potential antituberculosis compound lansoprazole sulfide. Kovalova T, Król S, Gamiz-Hernandez AP, ..., Brzezinski P, Högbom M Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121 (47) e2412780121 2024-11-19 2024-11-12
Detecting transposable elements in long read genomes using sTELLeR. Bilgrav Saether K, Eisfeldt J Bioinformatics - (-) - 2024-11-18 2024-11-18
Combining live cell fluorescence imaging within situcryo electron tomography sheds light on the septation process inDeinococcus radiodurans Gaifas L, Kleman JP, Lacroix F, ..., Gutsche I, Timmins J - - (-) - 2024-11-18 2024-11-18
Autoantibodies against a subunit of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I in inclusion body myositis. Notarnicola A, Hellstrom C, Horuluoglu B, ..., Nilsson P, Lundberg IE J. Autoimmun. 149 (-) 103332 2024-11-18 2024-11-18
Whole-Genome Sequencing of Invasive Neonatal Escherichia coli From Uppsala County, Sweden. Heydecke A, Myrelid Å, Normann E, ..., Tano E, Sütterlin S J. Infect. Dis. 230 (5) e1136-e1145 2024-11-15 2024-06-13
Tau processing and tau-mediated inflammation differ in human APOEε2 and APOEε4 astrocytes. Mothes T, Konstantinidis E, Eltom K, ..., Rostami J, Erlandsson A iScience 27 (11) 111163 2024-11-15 2024-10-11
Sirtuin inhibitors reduce intracellular growth of M. tuberculosis in human macrophages via modulation of host cell immunity. Kalsum S, Akber M, Loreti MG, ..., Lerm M, Brighenti S Sci Rep 14 (1) 28150 2024-11-15 2024-11-15
Järn och gravar i Våmb Gustafsson J, Nordman A, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Stilborg O Jönköping läns museum arkeologisk rapport 2024:07 - (-) - 2024-11-15 -
Design, synthesis, and in vitro biological evaluation of meta-sulfonamidobenzamide-based antibacterial LpxH inhibitors. Benediktsdottir A, Sooriyaarachchi S, Cao S, ..., Sandström A, Karlén A Eur J Med Chem 278 (-) 116790 2024-11-15 2024-08-22
A genome-wide association study in Swedish colorectal cancer patients with gastric- and prostate cancer in relatives. Samola Winnberg J, Vermani L, Liu W, ..., Lindblad M, Lindblom A Hered Cancer Clin Pract 22 (1) 25 2024-11-14 2024-11-14
A comprehensive human embryo reference tool using single-cell RNA-sequencing data Zhao C, Plaza Reyes A, Schell JP, ..., Petropoulos S, Lanner F Nat Methods - (-) - 2024-11-14 2024-11-14
Prospective Screening of Cancer Syndromes in Patients with Mesenchymal Tumors. Öfverholm I, Lin Y, Mondini J, ..., Haglund de Flon F, Wallander K Cancers (Basel) 16 (22) 3816 2024-11-13 2024-11-13
ATP1A3 dysfunction causes motor hyperexcitability and afterhyperpolarization loss in a dystonia model. Akkuratov EE, Sorrell F, Picton L, ..., Miles GB, Aperia A Brain - (-) - 2024-11-13 2024-11-13
Simultaneous detection of membrane contact dynamics and associated Ca2+ signals by reversible chemogenetic reporters. García Casas P, Rossini M, Påvénius L, ..., Pizzo P, Filadi R Nat Commun 15 (1) 9775 2024-11-12 2024-11-12
MassiveFold: unveiling AlphaFold's hidden potential with optimized and parallelized massive sampling. Raouraoua N, Mirabello C, Véry T, ..., Lensink MF, Brysbaert G Nat Comput Sci - (-) - 2024-11-11 2024-11-11
Equid-human interactions in Medieval Rome: exploring the role and management of equids through an interdisciplinary approach Claudia Minniti CCAMaDC 30th conference of the European Association of Archaeologists, session 3893 - (-) - 2024-11-11 2024-08-27
A unique symbiosome in an anaerobic single-celled eukaryote. Jerlström-Hultqvist J, Gallot-Lavallée L, Salas-Leiva DE, ..., Archibald JM, Roger AJ Nat Commun 15 (1) 9726 2024-11-09 2024-11-09
Structural Variants in COL1A1 and COL1A2 in Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Batkovskyte D, Swolin-Eide D, Hammarsjö A, ..., Åström E, Grigelioniene G Am. J. Med. Genet. A - (-) e63935 2024-11-08 2024-11-08
Impact of thermal seed treatment on spermosphere microbiome, metabolome and viability of winter wheat. Karlsson ME, Forsberg G, Rosberg AK, Thaning C, Alsanius B Sci Rep 14 (1) 27197 2024-11-08 2024-11-08
Cancer-associated fibroblast subtypes modulate the tumor-immune microenvironment and are associated with skin cancer malignancy. Forsthuber A, Aschenbrenner B, Korosec A, ..., Kasper M, Lichtenberger BM Nat Commun 15 (1) 9678 2024-11-08 2024-11-08
Cryo-EM structures of a bathy phytochrome histidine kinase reveal a unique light-dependent activation mechanism. Bódizs S, Mészáros P, Grunewald L, Takala H, Westenhoff S Structure 32 (11) 1952-1962.e3 2024-11-07 2024-08-30
Transmembrane peptide-loaded ionic liquid nanocarriers for targeting ErbB2-positive cancer Abujubara H, Bharmoria P, Alvarez S, ..., Sayin V, Tietze A - - (-) - 2024-11-06 2024-11-06
The structure and function of P5A-ATPases. Li P, Bågenholm V, Hägglund P, ..., Wang K, Gourdon P Nat Commun 15 (1) 9605 2024-11-06 2024-11-06
Postprandial Effects of Four Test Meals Containing Wholegrain Rye or Refined Wheat Foods on Circulating Incretins, Ghrelin, Glucose, and Inflammatory Markers. Åberg S, Webb DL, Nordin E, Hellström PM, Landberg R J. Nutr. - (-) - 2024-11-06 2024-11-06
DMI fungicide resistance in Zymoseptoria tritici is unlinked to geographical origin and genetic background: a case study in Europe. Oreiro EG, Samils B, Kildea S, ..., Zhan J, Andersson B Pest Manag Sci - (-) - 2024-11-06 2024-11-06
Three-dimensional localization and tracking of chromosomal loci throughout the Escherichia coli cell cycle. Karempudi P, Gras K, Amselem E, ..., Schirman D, Elf J Commun Biol 7 (1) 1443 2024-11-05 2024-11-05
Pasteurella multocida from deep nasal swabs and tracheobronchial lavage in bovine calves from Sweden. Myrenås M, Pringle M, Harbom B, Bengtsson B Acta Vet. Scand. 66 (1) 58 2024-11-05 2024-11-05
A bispecific CD40 agonistic antibody allowing for antibody-peptide conjugate formation to enable cancer-specific peptide delivery, resulting in improved T proliferation and anti-tumor immunity in mice. Mebrahtu A, Laurén I, Veerman R, ..., Rockberg J, Mangsbo S Nat Commun 15 (1) 9542 2024-11-05 2024-11-05
Urban Pigeons as Reservoirs of Critical Pathogens: Improved protocol for sequencing pigeon faeces in disease monitoring Hermann E, Van Damme R, Bongcam-Rudloff E, Nasirzadeh L EMBnet j. 30 (-) e1059 2024-11-04 2024-11-04
Population pharmacokinetic modelling of cetirizine concentrations in human breast milk-A contribution from the ConcePTION project. Melander E, Nielsen EI, Lindqvist A, ..., Spigset O, Nordeng H Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol - (-) - 2024-11-04 2024-11-04
Incontinentia pigmenti underlies thymic dysplasia, autoantibodies to type I IFNs, and viral diseases. Rosain J, Le Voyer T, Liu X, ..., Anderson MS, Casanova JL J. Exp. Med. 221 (11) - 2024-11-04 2024-10-01
Characterisation of IBD heterogeneity using serum proteomics: A multicentre study. Salomon B, Sudhakar P, Bergemalm D, ..., Vermeire S, Halfvarson J J Crohns Colitis - (-) - 2024-11-04 2024-11-04
Revised diffusion law permits quantitative nanoscale characterization of membrane organization Svobodová B, Šťastný D, Blom H, ..., Hof M, Šachl R - - (-) - 2024-11-03 2024-11-03
Spatial Multiomics Reveals Intratumoral Immune Heterogeneity with Distinct Cytokine Networks in Lung Cancer Brain Metastases. Christensson G, Bocci M, Kazi JU, ..., Gonzalez Velozo H, Hagerling C Cancer Res Commun 4 (11) 2888-2902 2024-11-01 2024-10-14
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) induced cancer related DNA methylation alterations in human breast cells: A whole genome methylome study. Pierozan P, Höglund A, Theodoropoulou E, Karlsson O Sci. Total Environ. 949 (-) 174864 2024-11-01 2024-07-20
Transcriptomic profiles of myxofibrosarcoma and undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma correlate with clinical and genomic features. Mitra S, Farswan A, Piccinelli P, ..., Pillay N, Mertens F J. Pathol. 264 (3) 293-304 2024-11-00 2024-09-11
The non-canonical BAF chromatin remodeling complex is a novel target of spliceosome dysregulation in SF3B1-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Hägerstrand D, Oder B, Cortese D, ..., Sutton LA, Rosenquist R Leukemia 38 (11) 2429-2442 2024-11-00 2024-09-11
The TβRI promotes migration and metastasis through thrombospondin 1 and ITGAV in prostate cancer cells. Mu Y, Wallenius A, Zang G, ..., Mateus A, Landström M Oncogene 43 (45) 3321-3334 2024-11-00 2024-09-20
The Arabidopsis splicing factor PORCUPINE/SmE1 orchestrates temperature-dependent root development via auxin homeostasis maintenance. El Arbi N, Nardeli SM, Šimura J, Ljung K, Schmid M New Phytol. 244 (4) 1408-1421 2024-11-00 2024-09-27
Sustained immune activation and impaired epithelial barrier integrity in the ectocervix of women with chronic HIV infection. Franzén Boger M, Hasselrot T, Kaldhusdal V, ..., Broliden K, Tjernlund A PLoS Pathog. 20 (11) e1012709 2024-11-00 2024-11-19
Sensitive and Specific Droplet Digital PCR Assays for Circulating Tumor HPV DNA: Development, Validation, and Clinical Application in HPV-Associated Cancers. Qvick A, Andersson E, Oldaeus Almerén A, ..., Karlsson MG, Helenius G Mol Diagn Ther 28 (6) 835-845 2024-11-00 2024-09-26
Real-world assessment of immunogenicity in immunocompromised individuals following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination: a two-year follow-up of the prospective clinical trial COVAXID. Chen P, Bergman P, Blennow O, ..., Aleman S, Ljunggren HG EBioMedicine 109 (-) 105385 2024-11-00 2024-10-11
Pushing the boundaries of rare disease diagnostics with the help of the first Undiagnosed Hackathon. Delgado-Vega AM, Cederroth H, Taylan F, ..., Cederroth M, Nordgren A Nat. Genet. 56 (11) 2287-2294 2024-11-00 2024-10-22
Pisolithus microcarpus isolates with contrasting abilities to colonise Eucalyptus grandis exhibit significant differences in metabolic signalling. Vishwakarma K, Buckley S, Plett JM, ..., Jämtgård S, Plett KL Fungal Biol 128 (7) 2157-2166 2024-11-00 2024-09-10
Network analysis reveals age- and virus-specific circuits in nasal epithelial cells of extremely premature infants. Wisgrill L, Martens A, Kasbauer R, ..., Fyhrquist N, Alenius H Allergy 79 (11) 3062-3081 2024-11-00 2024-06-19
Molecular Profiling Defines Three Subtypes of Synovial Sarcoma. Chen Y, Su Y, Cao X, ..., Li X, de Flon FH Adv Sci (Weinh) 11 (41) e2404510 2024-11-00 2024-09-10
Local climate, air quality and leaf litter cover shape foliar fungal communities on an urban tree. Faticov M, Amorim JH, Abdelfattah A, ..., Laforest-Lapointe I, Tack AJM Ambio 53 (11) 1673-1685 2024-11-00 2024-06-13
Jag1 insufficiency alters liver fibrosis via T cell and hepatocyte differentiation defects. Mašek J, Filipovic I, Van Hul N, ..., Dobeš J, Andersson ER EMBO Mol Med 16 (11) 2946-2975 2024-11-00 2024-10-02
Genomic and functional characterization of the Atlantic salmon gut microbiome in relation to nutrition and health. Vera-Ponce de León A, Hensen T, Hoetzinger M, ..., Pope PB, La Rosa SL Nat Microbiol 9 (11) 3059-3074 2024-11-00 2024-10-14
Genomic analyses of Streptococcus uberis reveal high diversity but few antibiotic resistance genes Myrenås M, Fasth C, Waller KP, Pedersen K Vet. Microbiol. - (-) 110319 2024-11-00 2024-11-00
Examining the liver-pancreas crosstalk reveals a role for the molybdenum cofactor in β-cell regeneration. Karampelias C, Băloiu B, Rathkolb B, ..., Hrabě de Angelis M, Andersson O Life Sci. Alliance 7 (11) e202402771 2024-11-00 2024-08-19
Depth-specific distribution of bacterial MAGs in permafrost active layer in Ny Ålesund, Svalbard (79°N). Sipes K, Buongiorno J, Steen AD, ..., Vishnivetskaya TA, Lloyd KG Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 47 (6) 126544 2024-11-00 2024-08-28
Characterization of Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia With t(7;12)(q36;p13) Östlund A, Waraky A, Staffas A, ..., Abrahamsson J, Palmqvist L Genes Chromosomes Cancer 63 (11) - 2024-11-00 2024-11-07
Androgen receptor pathway inhibitors and taxanes in metastatic prostate cancer: an outcome-adaptive randomized platform trial. De Laere B, Crippa A, Discacciati A, ..., Grönberg H, Lindberg J Nat. Med. 30 (11) 3291-3302 2024-11-00 2024-08-20
An ancient ecospecies of Helicobacter pylori. Tourrette E, Torres RC, Svensson SL, ..., Thorell K, Falush D Nature 635 (8037) 178-185 2024-11-00 2024-10-16
A new species of Erinaceusyllis (Annelida: Syllidae) discovered at a wood-fall in the eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean. Nilsson CL, Wiklund H, Glover AG, Bribiesca-Contreras G, Dahlgren TG Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers - (-) 104415 2024-11-00 2024-11-00
Orthopteran Neo-Sex Chromosomes Reveal Dynamics of Recombination Suppression and Evolution of Supergenes. Jayaprasad S, Peona V, Ellerstrand SJ, ..., Schielzeth H, Palacios-Gimenez OM Mol. Ecol. - (-) e17567 2024-10-30 2024-10-30
High-parametric protein maps reveal the spatial organization in early-developing human lung. Sariyar S, Sountoulidis A, Hansen JN, ..., Lundberg E, Ayoglu B Nat Commun 15 (1) 9381 2024-10-30 2024-10-30
Explorative study of stimulated saliva proteome in head and neck cancer patients pre- and post-treatment. Almhöjd U, Fisic A, Cevik-Aras H, ..., Finizia C, Almståhl A Heliyon 10 (20) e39033 2024-10-30 2024-10-09
Integrative spatial and genomic analysis of tumor heterogeneity with Tumoroscope. Shafighi S, Geras A, Jurzysta B, ..., Lagergren J, Szczurek E Nat Commun 15 (1) 9343 2024-10-29 2024-10-29
Epigenetic memory of radiotherapy in dermal fibroblasts impairs wound repair capacity in cancer survivors. Bian X, Piipponen M, Liu Z, ..., Halle M, Xu Landén N Nat Commun 15 (1) 9286 2024-10-28 2024-10-28
Elucidating microRNA-34a organisation within human Argonaute-2 by dynamic nuclear polarisation-enhanced magic angle spinning NMR. Dasgupta R, Becker W, Petzold K Nucleic Acids Res. 52 (19) 11995-12004 2024-10-28 2024-09-04
Dynamic nuclear polarization solid-state NMR spectroscopy as a tool to rapidly determine degree of modification in dialcohol cellulose Karlsson H, Svenningsson L, Storm R, ..., Larsson PA, Evenäs L Cellulose - (-) - 2024-10-28 2024-10-28
ADAR3 modulates neuronal differentiation and regulates mRNA stability and translation. Karlström V, Sagredo EA, Planells J, ..., Visa N, Öhman M Nucleic Acids Res. 52 (19) 12021-12038 2024-10-28 2024-09-01
A transcriptome atlas of zygotic and somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce. Stojkovič K, Canovi C, Le K, ..., Egertsdotter U, Street NR Plant J. - (-) - 2024-10-27 2024-10-27
Highly Active and Durable Nanostructured Nickel-Molybdenum Coatings as Hydrogen Electrocatalysts via Solution Precursor Plasma Spraying. Wu X, Piñeiro-García A, Rafei M, ..., Canto-Aguilar EJ, Gracia-Espino E ChemistryOpen - (-) e202400069 2024-10-25 2024-10-25
A Phylogenomic Backbone for Acoelomorpha Inferred from Transcriptomic Data. Abalde S, Jondelius U Syst. Biol. - (-) - 2024-10-25 2024-10-25
Surface microlayer-mediated virome dissemination in the Central Arctic. Rahlff J, Westmeijer G, Weissenbach J, Antson A, Holmfeldt K Microbiome 12 (1) 218 2024-10-24 2024-10-24
Comparative Analysis of Plasma Protein Dynamics in Women with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Takotsubo Syndrome. Hussain S, Jha S, Berger E, ..., Omerovic E, Redfors B Cells 13 (21) 1764 2024-10-24 2024-10-24
Normalized Interferon Signatures and Clinical Improvements by IFNAR1 Blocking Antibody (Anifrolumab) in Patients with Type I Interferonopathies. Kretzschmar G, Páez LP, Tan Z, ..., Horne A, Brodin P J Clin Immunol 45 (1) 31 2024-10-23 2024-10-23
Epigenome-wide analysis across the development span of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: backtracking to birth. Ghantous A, Nusslé SG, Nassar FJ, ..., Munthe-Kaas MC, Herceg Z Mol. Cancer 23 (1) 238 2024-10-23 2024-10-23
Three Novel Spider Genomes Unveil Spidroin Diversification and Hox Cluster Architecture: Ryuthela nishihirai (Liphistiidae), Uloborus plumipes (Uloboridae) and Cheiracanthium punctorium (Cheiracanthiidae). Schöneberg Y, Audisio TL, Ben Hamadou A, ..., Prost S, Kennedy S Mol Ecol Resour - (-) e14038 2024-10-22 2024-10-22
Quantitative proteomics of patient fibroblasts reveal biomarkers and diagnostic signatures of mitochondrial disease. Correia SP, Moedas MF, Taylor LS, ..., Wedell A, Wredenberg A JCI Insight 9 (20) - 2024-10-22 2024-10-22
Oral-gut microbiome interactions in advanced cirrhosis: characterisation of pathogenic enterotypes and salivatypes, virulence factors and antimicrobial. Lee S, Arefaine B, Begum N, ..., Shoaie S, Patel VC J Hepatol - (-) - 2024-10-22 2024-10-22
Oral biofilm composition and phenotype in caries-active and caries-free children. Boisen G, Brogårdh-Roth S, Neilands J, ..., Carda-Diéguez M, Davies JR Front Oral Health 5 (-) 1475361 2024-10-22 2024-10-22
Modification of xylan in secondary walls alters cell wall biosynthesis and wood formation programs and improves saccharification. Sivan P, Urbancsok J, Donev EN, ..., Vilaplana F, Mellerowicz EJ Plant Biotechnol. J. - (-) - 2024-10-22 2024-10-22
Cancer Risk in Patients With Muscular Dystrophy and Myotonic Dystrophy: A Register-Based Cohort Study. Maya-González C, Tettamanti G, Taylan F, ..., Sejersen T, Nordgren A Neurology 103 (8) e209883 2024-10-22 2024-09-19
Persistent effects of di-n-butyl phthalate on liver transcriptome: impaired energy and lipid metabolic pathways. Theodoropoulou E, Pierozan P, Marabita F, Höglund A, Karlsson O Chemosphere - (-) 143605 2024-10-21 2024-10-21
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Robust approach for production of the human oncology target Aurora kinase B in complex with its binding partner INCENP. Mattsson J, Rogne P, Landström M, Wolf-Watz M Biochimie - (-) - 2024-10-18 2024-10-18
Phase-separated polymer blends for controlled drug delivery by tuning morphology Olsson M, Storm R, Björn L, ..., Liebi M, Matic A Commun Mater 5 (1) - 2024-10-18 2024-10-18
In vivo dendritic cell reprogramming for cancer immunotherapy. Ascic E, Åkerström F, Sreekumar Nair M, ..., Rosa FF, Pereira CF Science 386 (6719) eadn9083 2024-10-18 2024-10-18
Early evolutionary branching across spatial domains predisposes to clonal replacement under chemotherapy in neuroblastoma. Karlsson J, Yasui H, Mañas A, ..., Bexell D, Gisselsson D Nat Commun 15 (1) 8992 2024-10-18 2024-10-18
Changes in circulating extracellular vesicle cargo are associated with cognitive decline after major surgery: an observational case-control study. Mkrtchian S, Eldh M, Ebberyd A, ..., Eriksson LI, Gómez-Galán M Br J Anaesth - (-) - 2024-10-18 2024-10-18
Autoantibodies to protein S may explain rare cases of coagulopathy following COVID-19 vaccination. Yalcinkaya A, Cavalli M, Aranda-Guillén M, ..., Hallberg P, Landegren N Sci Rep 14 (1) 24512 2024-10-18 2024-10-18
Prevalent and persistent new-onset autoantibodies in mild to severe COVID-19. Jernbom AF, Skoglund L, Pin E, ..., Månberg A, Nilsson P Nat Commun 15 (1) 8941 2024-10-17 2024-10-17
Parvimonas micra forms a distinct bacterial network with oral pathobionts in colorectal cancer patients. Löwenmark T, Köhn L, Kellgren T, ..., Edin S, Palmqvist R J Transl Med 22 (1) 947 2024-10-17 2024-10-17
Different gene expression patterns between mouse and human brain pericytes revealed by single-cell/nucleus RNA sequencing. Miao Y, Li W, Jeansson M, ..., Muhl L, He L Vascul Pharmacol 157 (-) 107434 2024-10-17 2024-10-17
Temperature, sediment resuspension, and salinity drive the prevalence of Vibrio vulnificus in the coastal Baltic Sea. Fernández-Juárez V, Riedinger DJ, Gusmao JB, ..., Labrenz M, Riemann L MBio 15 (10) e0156924 2024-10-16 2024-09-19
SARS-CoV-2 infection induces hyaluronan production in vitro and hyaluronan levels in COVID-19 patients relate to morbidity and long-term lung impairment: a prospective cohort study. Hellman U, Rosendal E, Lehrstrand J, ..., Överby AK, Lenman A MBio 15 (10) e0130324 2024-10-16 2024-09-20
The crucial role of bioimage analysts in scientific research and publication. Cimini BA, Bankhead P, D'Antuono R, ..., Wiggins L, Eliceiri KW J. Cell. Sci. 137 (20) - 2024-10-15 2024-10-30
Modulating protein unfolding and refolding via the synergistic association of an anionic and a nonionic surfactant. Hjalte J, Diehl C, Leung AE, ..., Wahlgren M, Sanchez-Fernandez A Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 672 (-) 244-255 2024-10-15 2024-05-22
Defective ribosome assembly impairs leukemia progression in a murine model of acute myeloid leukemia. Sjövall D, Ghosh S, Fernandez-Fuentes N, ..., Guibentif C, Jaako P Cell Rep 43 (11) 114864 2024-10-15 2024-10-15
Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator dominates a 975 m deep groundwater community in central Sweden. Westmeijer G, van Dam F, Kietäväinen R, ..., Drake H, Dopson M Commun Biol 7 (1) 1332 2024-10-15 2024-10-15
Author Correction: The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics. Mc Cartney AM, Formenti G, Mouton A, ..., Waterhouse RM, Mazzoni CJ NPJ Biodivers 3 (1) 31 2024-10-15 2024-10-15
Resilience of genetic diversity in forest trees over the Quaternary. Milesi P, Kastally C, Dauphin B, ..., Pyhäjärvi T, GenTree Consortium Nat Commun 15 (1) 8538 2024-10-14 2024-10-14
LRPPRC and SLIRP synergize to maintain sufficient and orderly mammalian mitochondrial translation. Rubalcava-Gracia D, Bubb K, Levander F, ..., Koolmeister C, Larsson NG Nucleic Acids Res. 52 (18) 11266-11282 2024-10-14 2024-08-01
Fabrication and Electrocatalytic Evolution of Alkali-Free CoNb2O6 Thin Films for Water Oxidation via Polyoxoniobates De A, Rambaran MA, Ohlin CA ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 7 (19) 8333-8341 2024-10-14 2024-09-22
Autoantibodies towards HFE and SYT5 in anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis relapse. Bayati S, Nazeer J, Ng J, ..., Nilsson P, Pin E Rheumatology (Oxford) - (-) - 2024-10-14 2024-10-14
Quaternary Mixed Oxides of Non-Noble Metals with Enhanced Stability during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Piñeiro-García A, Wu X, Canto-Aguilar EJ, ..., Rafei M, Gracia-Espino E ACS Appl Mater Interfaces - (-) - 2024-10-13 2024-10-13
Smart variant filtering - A blueprint solution for massively parallel sequencing-based variant analysis. Brahimllari O, Eloranta S, Georgii-Hemming P, ..., Wästerlid T, Boman M Health Informatics J 30 (4) 14604582241290725 2024-10-12 2024-10-12
Limosilactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 Produce Bioactive Components during Formulation in Sucrose. Ermann Lundberg L, Mata Forsberg M, Lemanczyk J, ..., Roos S, Håkansson S Microorganisms 12 (10) - 2024-10-12 2024-10-12
Genomic Analyses of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius from Companion Animals Reveal Changing Clonal Populations, Multidrug Resistance, and Virulence Myrenås M, Pedersen K, Windahl U Antibiotics (Basel) 13 (10) 962 2024-10-12 2024-10-12
The power of hybridization capture - Illustrated using an expanded gene panel on 100 post mortem samples, focusing on sudden unexplained death. Kling D, Adolfsson E, Gréen H, Gréen A Forensic Sci Int Genet 74 (-) 103160 2024-10-11 2024-10-11
Dephosphorylation and ion binding in prokaryotic calcium transport Prabudiansyah I, Orädd F, Magkakis K, ..., Levantino M, Andersson M Sci Adv 10 (41) - 2024-10-11 2024-10-11
GCKIII Kinases Control Hepatocellular Lipid Homeostasis via Shared Mode of Action. Cansby E, Caputo M, Andersson E, ..., Hoy AJ, Mahlapuu M J. Lipid Res. - (-) 100669 2024-10-10 2024-10-10
Unmasking AlphaFold to integrate experiments and predictions in multimeric complexes. Mirabello C, Wallner B, Nystedt B, Azinas S, Carroni M Nat Commun 15 (1) 8724 2024-10-09 2024-10-09
The genome sequence of the white-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla (Linnaeus, 1758). Pálsson S, Skarphéðinsson KH, Heintz J, ..., Tree of Life Core Informatics collective , Darwin Tree of Life Consortium Wellcome Open Res 9 (-) 575 2024-10-09 2024-10-09
De novo production of protoberberine and benzophenanthridine alkaloids through metabolic engineering of yeast. Jiao X, Fu X, Li Q, ..., Nielsen J, Chen Y Nat Commun 15 (1) 8759 2024-10-09 2024-10-09
Estradiol-mediated enhancement of the human ectocervical epithelial barrier correlates with desmoglein-1 expression in the follicular menstrual phase. Bradley F, Stern A, Franzén Boger M, ..., Fowke KR, Broliden K Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 15 (-) 1454006 2024-10-08 2024-10-08
Chemical Exposomics in Human Plasma by Lipid Removal and Large-Volume Injection Gas Chromatography–High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Xie H, Sdougkou K, Bonnefille B, ..., Rantakokko P, Martin JW Environ. Sci. Technol. 58 (40) 17592-17605 2024-10-08 2024-09-24
Orthogonal Phase Transfer of Oppositely Charged FeII 4L6 Cages. Matic ES, Bernard M, Jernstedt AJ, Grommet AB Chemistry - (-) e202403411 2024-10-07 2024-10-07
Characteristics of gene expression in epicardial adipose tissue and subcutaneous adipose tissue in patients at risk for heart failure undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Frisk C, Ekström M, Eriksson MJ, ..., Linde C, Persson B BMC Genomics 25 (1) 938 2024-10-07 2024-10-07
A topographic lung cell atlas reveals regional variation in cell-type specific gene programs and identifies healthy and diseased cellular neighborhoods Samakovlis C, Firsova A, Salas SM, ..., Nilsson M, Nawijn M - - (-) - 2024-10-07 2024-10-07
Metagenomic characterization of viruses in the serum of children with newly diagnosed cancer. Leijonhufvud G, Soratto TAT, Matos GM, ..., Ljungman G, Andersson B J. Clin. Virol. 175 (-) 105736 2024-10-06 2024-10-06
The lncRNA SNHG26 drives the inflammatory-to-proliferative state transition of keratinocyte progenitor cells during wound healing. Li D, Liu Z, Zhang L, ..., Sommar P, Xu Landén N Nat Commun 15 (1) 8637 2024-10-05 2024-10-05
Elucidating Thermothielavioides terrestris secretome changes for improved saccharification of mild steam-pretreated spruce. Caputo F, Siaperas R, Dias C, Nikolaivits E, Olsson L Biotechnol Biofuels Bioprod 17 (1) 127 2024-10-05 2024-10-05
The single-cell transcriptomic atlas iPain identifies senescence of nociceptors as a therapeutical target for chronic pain treatment. Techameena P, Feng X, Zhang K, Hadjab S Nat Commun 15 (1) 8585 2024-10-04 2024-10-04
The Population History of Domestic Sheep Revealed by Paleogenomes. Kaptan D, Atağ G, Vural KB, ..., Somel M, Özer F Mol. Biol. Evol. 41 (10) - 2024-10-04 2024-10-23
Inflammatory and cardiovascular markers in placenta following SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy: A Swedish prospective cohort study. Östling H, Lodefalk M, Bergman L, ..., Backman H, Kruse R Placenta 158 (-) 78-88 2024-10-04 2024-10-04
Estrogen-stimulated uropathogenic E. coli mediate enhanced neutrophil responses. Pettersson C, Wu R, Demirel I Sci Rep 14 (1) 23030 2024-10-03 2024-10-03
Early-Life Hygiene-Related Factors and Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Scandinavian Birth Cohort Study. Guo A, Östensson M, Størdal K, Ludvigsson J, Mårild K Inflamm Bowel Dis 30 (10) 1820-1830 2024-10-03 2023-11-03
Childhood Socioeconomic Characteristics and Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Scandinavian Birth Cohort Study. Sigvardsson I, Størdal K, Östensson M, ..., Ludvigsson J, Mårild K Inflamm Bowel Dis 30 (10) 1801-1811 2024-10-03 2023-09-23
An interlaboratory proficiency test using metagenomic sequencing as a diagnostic tool for the detection of RNA viruses in swine fecal material. Liu L, Hakhverdyan M, Wallgren P, ..., Hulst M, Van Borm S Microbiol Spectr 12 (10) e0420823 2024-10-03 2024-08-20
Multi-omics analysis reveals the key factors involved in the severity of the Alzheimer's disease. Meng L, Jin H, Yulug B, ..., Uhlén M, Mardinoglu A Alzheimers Res Ther 16 (1) 213 2024-10-02 2024-10-02
Spatial multiomic insights into acute cocaine exposure Nezhyva M, Shahen-Zoabi S, Kabirova M, ..., Margulis K, Jansson ET - 3 (10) - 2024-10-01 2024-10-10
Spatial Transcriptome Mapping of the Desmoplastic Growth Pattern of Colorectal Liver Metastases by In Situ Sequencing Reveals a Biologically Relevant Zonation of the Desmoplastic Rim. Andersson A, Escriva Conde M, Surova O, ..., Nilsson M, Nyström H Clin. Cancer Res. 30 (19) 4517-4529 2024-10-01 2024-07-26
IL-7-dependent and -independent lineages of IL-7R-dependent human T cells. Arango-Franco CA, Ogishi M, Unger S, ..., Casanova JL, Puel A J. Clin. Invest. 134 (19) - 2024-10-01 2024-10-01
Ebullition dominates methane emissions in stratified coastal waters. Hermans M, Stranne C, Broman E, ..., Jilbert T, Humborg C Sci. Total Environ. 945 (-) 174183 2024-10-01 2024-06-21
DockQ v2: improved automatic quality measure for protein multimers, nucleic acids, and small molecules. Mirabello C, Wallner B Bioinformatics 40 (10) - 2024-10-01 2024-09-30
Determining Marine Biodegradation Kinetics of Chemicals Discharged from Offshore Oil Platforms─Whole Mixture Testing at High Dilutions Increases Environmental Relevance Møller MT, Birch H, Sjøholm KK, ..., Papazian S, Mayer P Environ. Sci. Technol. 58 (39) 17454-17463 2024-10-01 2024-09-18
A novel SARS-CoV-2 recombinant transmitted from a patient with an acute co-infection. Dyrdak R, Stamouli S, Ganeshappa Aralaguppe S, ..., Murrell B, Albert J Lancet Microbe - (-) 100998 2024-10-01 2024-10-01
Unraveling GRIA1 neurodevelopmental disorders: Lessons learned from the p.(Ala636Thr) variant. Tvergaard NK, Tkemaladze T, Stödberg T, ..., Tümer Z, Bayat A Clin. Genet. 106 (4) 427-436 2024-10-00 2024-06-18
Sex estimation using long bones in the largest burial site of the Copper Age: Linear discriminant analysis and random forest Díaz-Navarro S, Díez-Hermano S, Rojo-Guerra MA, ..., Gunther T, Uriarte MH Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 58 (-) 104730 2024-10-00 2024-10-00
Personalized mixture toxicity testing: A proof-of-principle in vitro study evaluating the steroidogenic effects of reconstructed contaminant mixtures measured in blood of individual adults. Strand D, Lundgren B, Bergdahl IA, Martin JW, Karlsson O Environ Int 192 (-) 108991 2024-10-00 2024-08-30
Multi-omics profiling to identify early plasma biomarkers in pre-diagnostic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a nested case-control study. Borgmästars E, Ulfenborg B, Johansson M, ..., Lubovac-Pilav Z, Sund M Transl Oncol 48 (-) 102059 2024-10-00 2024-07-16
Molecular Subtypes Are Associated With Clinical Benefit in Cisplatin-Treated Metastatic Urothelial Cancer Patients. Holmsten K, Sjödahl G, Abrahamsson J, ..., Liedberg F, Ullén A JCO Precision Oncology 8 (-) e2400209 2024-10-00 2024-10-02
Mini-heterochromatin domains constrain the cis-regulatory impact of SVA transposons in human brain development and disease. Horváth V, Garza R, Jönsson ME, ..., Douse CH, Jakobsson J Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 31 (10) 1543-1556 2024-10-00 2024-06-04
Liquefaction of lignocellulosic biomass into phenolic monomers and dimers over multifunctional Pd/NbOPO4 catalyst Jogi R, Samikannu A, Mäki-Arvela P, ..., Xu C, Mikkola JP Renewable Energy 233 (-) 121148 2024-10-00 2024-10-00
Increased CSF DOPA Decarboxylase Correlates with Lower DaT-SPECT Binding: Analyses in Biopark and PPMI Cohorts. Khosousi S, Sturchio A, Appleton E, ..., Iwaki H, Svenningsson P Mov Disord 39 (10) 1881-1885 2024-10-00 2024-05-26
High rate of gene family evolution in proximity to the origin of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in Inocybaceae. Khan FK, Sánchez-García M, Johannesson H, Ryberg M New Phytol. 244 (1) 219-234 2024-10-00 2024-08-07
Gilthead seabream mucus glycosylation is complex, differs between epithelial sites and carries unusual poly N-acetylhexosamine motifs. Thomsson KA, Benktander J, Toxqui-Rodríguez S, Piazzon MC, Linden SK Fish Shellfish Immunol. 153 (-) 109864 2024-10-00 2024-08-30
Epidemiology and ecology of the sylvatic cycle of African Swine Fever Virus in Kenya. Obanda V, Akinyi M, King'ori E, ..., Stenberg-Lewerin S, Lwande OW Virus Res. 348 (-) 199434 2024-10-00 2024-07-19
Elucidation of cellulose phosphorylation with phytic acid Orzan E, Barrio A, Spirk S, Nypelö T Industrial Crops and Products 218 (-) 118858 2024-10-00 2024-10-00
Early unrecognised SARS-CoV-2 introductions shaped the first pandemic wave, Sweden, 2020. Dyrdak R, Hodcroft EB, Broddesson S, ..., Neher RA, Albert J Euro Surveill. 29 (41) - 2024-10-00 2024-10-11
Duloxetine enhances PAX6 expression and suppresses innate immune responses in murine LPS-induced corneal inflammation. Moustardas P, Abbasi M, Javidjam D, ..., Aberdam D, Lagali N Ocul Surf 34 (-) 225-234 2024-10-00 2024-08-08
Comparative proteomic analyses of potato leaves from field-grown plants grown under extremely long days. Resjö S, Willforss J, Large A, ..., Levander F, Andreasson E Plant Physiol Biochem 215 (-) 109032 2024-10-00 2024-08-10
Benchmarking long-read sequencing strategies for obtaining ASV-resolved rRNA operons from environmental microeukaryotes. Overgaard CK, Jamy M, Radutoiu S, Burki F, Dueholm MKD Mol Ecol Resour 24 (7) e13991 2024-10-00 2024-07-09
Associations between epigenetic aging and diabetes mellitus in a Swedish longitudinal study. Wikström Shemer D, Mostafaei S, Tang B, ..., Fall T, Hägg S Geroscience 46 (5) 5003-5014 2024-10-00 2024-06-27
A randomized controlled cross-over trial investigating the acute inflammatory and metabolic response after meals based on red meat, fatty fish, or soy protein: the postprandial inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (PIRA) trial. Hulander E, Bärebring L, Winkvist A, Gjertsson I, Lindqvist HM Eur J Nutr 63 (7) 2631-2642 2024-10-00 2024-06-27
"Metagenomics reveal the potential for geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol production across multiple bacterial phyla in recirculating aquaculture systems". Zheng D, Wilén BM, Öberg O, Wik T, Modin O Environ. Microbiol. 26 (10) e16696 2024-10-00 2024-10-09
RNA silencing is a key regulatory mechanism in the biocontrol fungus Clonostachys rosea-wheat interactions. Piombo E, Vetukuri RR, Konakalla NC, ..., Karlsson M, Dubey M BMC Biol. 22 (1) 219 2024-09-30 2024-09-30
BPP43_05035 is a Brachyspira pilosicoli cell surface adhesin that weakens the integrity of the epithelial barrier during infection. Rajan A, Gallego P, Dolan B, ..., Simrén M, Pelaseyed T Gut Microbes 16 (1) 2409247 2024-09-30 2024-09-30
A research data management (RDM) community for ELIXIR. D'Anna F, Jareborg N, Jetten M, ..., Vondrasek J, Andrabi M F1000Res 13 (-) - 2024-09-30 2024-09-30
SETD8 inhibition targets cancer cells with increased rates of ribosome biogenesis. Murga M, Lopez-Pernas G, Soliva R, ..., Orozco M, Fernández-Capetillo O Cell Death Dis 15 (9) 694 2024-09-28 2024-09-28
NiO thin films fabricated using spray-pyrolysis technique: structural and optical characterization and ultrafast charge dynamics studies Das L, Canto-Aguilar EJ, Tapani T, ..., Gracia-Espino E, Maccaferri N J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57 (38) 385303 2024-09-27 2024-07-02
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Merging multi-omics with proteome integral solubility alteration unveils antibiotic mode of action. Maity R, Zhang X, Liberati FR, ..., Aínsa JA, Sancho J Elife 13 (-) - 2024-09-27 2024-09-27
Single-cell genomics details the maturation block in BCP-ALL and identifies therapeutic vulnerabilities in DUX4-r cases. Thorsson H, Henningsson R, Puente-Moncada N, ..., Lilljebjörn H, Fioretos T Blood 144 (13) 1399-1411 2024-09-26 2024-07-05
Harnessing Light for G-Quadruplex Modulation: Dual Isomeric Effects of an Ortho-Fluoroazobenzene Derivative. Dudek M, López-Pacios L, Sabouri N, ..., Martinez-Fernandez L, Deiana M J Phys Chem Lett 15 (38) 9757-9765 2024-09-26 2024-09-17
CDK4 is co-amplified with either TP53 promoter gene fusions or MDM2 through distinct mechanisms in osteosarcoma. Saba KH, Difilippo V, Styring E, ..., Baumhoer D, Nord KH npj Genom. Med. 9 (1) 42 2024-09-25 2024-09-25
Analyzing Fusion Pore Dynamics and Counting the Number of Acetylcholine Molecules Released by Exocytosis. Wang Y, Pradhan A, Gupta P, ..., Zetterberg H, Cans AS J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146 (38) 25902-25906 2024-09-25 2024-09-11
Hematopoietic cells emerging from hemogenic endothelium exhibit lineage-specific oxidative stress responses. Biezeman H, Nubiè M, Oburoglu L J. Biol. Chem. 300 (11) 107815 2024-09-24 2024-09-24
A Versatile and Upgraded Version of the LundTax Classification Algorithm Applied to Independent Cohorts. Cotillas EA, Bernardo C, Veerla S, ..., Sjödahl G, Eriksson P J Mol Diagn - (-) - 2024-09-24 2024-09-24
Enrichment Reveals Extensive Integration of Hepatitis B Virus DNA in Hepatitis Delta Virus-Infected Patients. Ringlander J, Strömberg LG, Stenbäck JB, ..., Rydell GE, Lindh M J. Infect. Dis. 230 (3) e684-e693 2024-09-23 2024-01-25
PITAR, a DNA damage-inducible cancer/testis long noncoding RNA, inactivates p53 by binding and stabilizing TRIM28 mRNA. Jana S, Mondal M, Mahale S, ..., Kanduri C, Somasundaram K Elife 12 (-) - 2024-09-20 2024-09-20
Multi-omics analysis of aggregative multicellularity. Edelbroek B, Westholm JO, Bergquist J, Söderbom F iScience 27 (9) 110659 2024-09-20 2024-08-03
Cancer associated variant enrichment CAVE, a gene agnostic approach to identify low burden variants in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Yaacov A, Lazarian G, Pandzic T, ..., Rosenberg S, Soussi T Sci Rep 14 (1) 21962 2024-09-20 2024-09-20
Crystal structure validation of verinurad via proton-detected ultra-fast MAS NMR and machine learning. Torodii D, Holmes JB, Moutzouri P, ..., Schantz S, Emsley L Faraday Discuss. - (-) - 2024-09-19 2024-09-19
Cooperative folding as a molecular switch in an evolved antibody binder. Jönsson M, Mushtaq AU, Nagy TM, ..., Wolf-Watz M, Hober S J. Biol. Chem. 300 (11) 107795 2024-09-19 2024-09-19
Metabolic Phenotyping from Whole-Blood Responses to a Standardized Exercise Test May Discriminate for Physiological, Performance, and Illness Outcomes: A Pilot Study in Highly-Trained Cross-Country Skiers. Karlsson Ø, Govus AD, McGawley K, Hanstock HG Sports Med Open 10 (1) 99 2024-09-18 2024-09-18
Claustrum and dorsal endopiriform cortex complex cell-identity is determined by Nurr1 and regulates hallucinogenic-like states in mice. Mantas I, Flais I, Masarapu Y, ..., Perlmann T, Svenningsson P Nat Commun 15 (1) 8176 2024-09-18 2024-09-18
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics. Mc Cartney AM, Formenti G, Mouton A, ..., Waterhouse RM, Mazzoni CJ NPJ Biodivers 3 (1) 28 2024-09-17 2024-09-17
Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies in dried blood and saliva samples using antibody proximity extension assays (AbPEA). Wang M, Kamali-Moghaddam M, Löf L, ..., Landegren U, Zhao H Sci Rep 14 (1) 21655 2024-09-17 2024-09-17
Longitudinal Exposomics in a Multiomic Wellness Cohort Reveals Distinctive and Dynamic Environmental Chemical Mixtures in Blood. Sdougkou K, Papazian S, Bonnefille B, ..., Martin LJ, Martin JW Environ. Sci. Technol. 58 (37) 16302-16315 2024-09-17 2024-09-05
Genetic differentiation and diversity do not explain variation in heterosis or inbreeding depression: empirical evidence from a long-lived iteroparous plant Söderquist L, Karrenberg S, Sletvold N Conserv Genet - (-) - 2024-09-17 2024-09-17
Unraveling the Genetics of Shared Clinical and Serological Manifestations in Patients With Systemic Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases. Bianchi M, Kozyrev SV, Notarnicola A, ..., Lindblad-Toh K, with the DISSECT consortium and the ImmunoArray consortium Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.) - (-) - 2024-09-16 2024-09-16
Mosaic loss of Y chromosome and the association to mortality in Danish men aged 56-100 years. Hozakowska-Roszkowska DM, Mengel-From J, Hristozova TK, ..., Röttger R, Nygaard M Mech Ageing Dev 222 (-) 111979 2024-09-16 2024-09-16
An Improved Chromosome-scale Genome Assembly and Population Genetics resource for Populus tremula. Robinson KM, Schiffthaler B, Liu H, ..., Ingvarsson PK, Street NR Physiol Plantarum 176 (5) e14511 2024-09-16 2024-09-16
The CHCHD2-CHCHD10 protein complex is modulated by mitochondrial dysfunction and alters lipid homeostasis in the mouse brain Gerlach J, Pireddu P, Zhang X, ..., Svenningsson P, Filograna R - - (-) - 2024-09-14 2024-09-14
Solution-Processable Bismuthene Nanosheets for Ultrasensitive Sensing of Heavy Metal Ions via Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Adeniyi KO, Manavalan G, Zainelabdin A, Mikkola JP, Tesfalidet S ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 7 (17) 20217-20228 2024-09-13 2024-08-30
Exposure of Colon-Derived Epithelial Monolayers to Fecal Luminal Factors from Patients with Colon Cancer and Ulcerative Colitis Results in Distinct Gene Expression Patterns. Magnusson MK, Bas Forsberg A, Verveda A, ..., Simrén M, Öhman L Int J Mol Sci 25 (18) - 2024-09-13 2024-09-13
Early-Life Diet Diversity and the Subsequent Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Findings From Two Scandinavian Birth Cohorts. Guo A, Ludvigsson J, Hård Af Segerstad EM, ..., Størdal K, Mårild K Inflamm Bowel Dis - (-) - 2024-09-13 2024-09-13
Chromosome-level genome assembly of the morabine grasshopper Vandiemenella viatica19. Li X, Jayaprasad S, Einarsdottir E, ..., Kawakami T, Palacios-Gimenez OM Sci Data 11 (1) 997 2024-09-12 2024-09-12
Aberrant growth and expansion in Penium margaritaceum triggered by disruption of microtubules and the cell wall. LoRicco JG, Malone S, Becker A, ..., Epstein R, Domozych DS J. Exp. Bot. - (-) - 2024-09-12 2024-09-12
Prokaryotic morphological features and maintenance activities governed by seasonal productivity conditions. Verma A, Amnebrink D, Lee CC, ..., Pinhassi J, Wikner J FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. - (-) - 2024-09-11 2024-09-11
Probing erythrocytes as sensitive and reliable sensors of metabolic disturbances in the crosstalk between childhood obesity and insulin resistance: findings from an observational study, in vivo challenge tests, and ex vivo incubation assays. González-Domínguez Á, Savolainen O, Domínguez-Riscart J, ..., Lechuga-Sancho A, González-Domínguez R Cardiovasc Diabetol 23 (1) 336 2024-09-11 2024-09-11
Enrichment of Cis-Acting Regulatory Elements in Differentially Methylated Regions Following Lipopolysaccharide Treatment of Bovine Endometrial Epithelial Cells. Jhamat N, Guo Y, Han J, ..., Andersson G, Niazi A Int J Mol Sci 25 (18) - 2024-09-11 2024-09-11
Aging is associated with functional and molecular changes in distinct hematopoietic stem cell subsets. Su TY, Hauenstein J, Somuncular E, ..., Månsson R, Luc S Nat Commun 15 (1) 7966 2024-09-11 2024-09-11
Inherited human RelB deficiency impairs innate and adaptive immunity to infection. Le Voyer T, Maglorius Renkilaraj MRL, Moriya K, ..., Tangye SG, Puel A Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121 (37) e2321794121 2024-09-10 2024-09-04
Epigenetic regulation of cell state by H2AFY governs immunogenicity in high-risk neuroblastoma. Nagarajan D, Parracho RT, Corujo D, ..., Buschbeck M, Mao Y J. Clin. Invest. 134 (21) - 2024-09-10 2024-09-10
Loss of Lamin A leads to the nuclear translocation of AGO2 and compromised RNA interference. Lobo V, Nowak I, Fernandez C, ..., Angeletti D, Sarshad AA Nucleic Acids Res. 52 (16) 9917-9935 2024-09-09 2024-07-12
Transient colonizing microbes promote gut dysbiosis and functional impairment. Lee S, Meslier V, Bidkhori G, ..., Uhlen M, Shoaie S NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes 10 (1) 80 2024-09-08 2024-09-08
MAIT cell heterogeneity across paired human tissues reveals specialization of distinct regulatory and enhanced effector profiles. Kammann T, Cai C, Sekine T, ..., Buggert M, Sandberg JK Sci Immunol 9 (99) eadn2362 2024-09-06 2024-09-06
Defining the Soluble and Extracellular Vesicle Protein Compartments of Plasma Using In-Depth Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics. Sharma N, Angori S, Sandberg A, ..., Eriksson H, Pernemalm M J. Proteome Res. 23 (9) 4114-4127 2024-09-06 2024-08-14
Compound heterozygosity for two variants in BMP5 in human skeletal dysostosis with atrioventricular septal defect. Gregersen PA, Hammarsjö A, Graversen L, ..., Hellfritzsch MB, Grigelioniene G Clin. Genet. - (-) - 2024-09-06 2024-09-06
The Influence of Disulfide, Thioacetal and Lanthionine-Bridges on the Conformation of a Macrocyclic Peptide. Darling WTP, Wieske LHE, Cook DT, ..., Erdélyi M, Tabor AB Chemistry 30 (50) e202401654 2024-09-05 2024-08-20
Structure of the iminium reaction intermediate in an engineered aldolase explains the carboligation activity toward arylated ketones and aldehydes. Hebert H, Sönmez E, Purhonen P, Widersten M Structure 32 (9) 1322-1326.e4 2024-09-05 2024-07-15
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Male-biased recombination at chromosome ends in a songbird revealed by precisely mapping crossover positions. Zhang H, Lundberg M, Ponnikas S, Hasselquist D, Hansson B G3 (Bethesda) 14 (9) - 2024-09-04 2024-07-10
Immune system adaptation during gender-affirming testosterone treatment Tadepally L, Consiglio C, Sardh F, ..., Landegren N, Brodin P Nature 633 (-) 155-164 2024-09-04 -
Urine metabolomic profiles of autism and autistic traits-A twin study. Arora A, Mastropasqua F, Bölte S, Tammimies K PLoS ONE 19 (9) e0308224 2024-09-03 2024-09-03
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In silico gepotidacin target mining among 33 213 global Neisseria gonorrhoeae genomes from 1928 to 2023 combined with gepotidacin MIC testing of 22 gonococcal isolates with different GyrA and ParC substitutions. David A, Golparian D, Jacobsson S, ..., Davies C, Unemo M J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 79 (9) 2221-2226 2024-09-03 2024-07-15
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Gene-based association analysis of a large patient cohort provides insights into genetics of atypical femur fractures. Zhou W, Ås J, Shore-Lorenti C, ..., Ebeling PR, Zillikens MC J. Bone Miner. Res. 39 (9) 1315-1326 2024-09-02 2024-08-10
Protective Non-neutralizing anti-N-terminal Domain mAb Maintains Fc-mediated Function against SARS-COV-2 Variants up to BA.2.86-JN.1 with Superfluous In Vivo Protection against JN.1 Due to Attenuated Virulence. Izadi A, Godzwon M, Söderlund Strand A, ..., Ohlin M, Nordenfelt P J. Immunol. 213 (5) 678-689 2024-09-01 2024-07-17
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A Drug Discovery Pipeline for MAPK/ERK Pathway Inhibitors in Caenorhabditis elegans. Gorgoń S, Billing O, Eriksson AU, Hemmingsson O Cancer Res Commun 4 (9) 2454-2462 2024-09-01 2024-08-31
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Transcriptomic and functional analyses on a Botrytis cinerea multidrug-resistant (MDR) strain provides new insights into the potential molecular mechanisms of MDR and fitness. Sofianos G, Piombo E, Dubey M, ..., Karaoglanidis G, Tzelepis G Mol. Plant Pathol. 25 (9) e70004 2024-09-00 2024-09-08
The PerioGene North Study Uncovers Serum Proteins Related to Periodontitis. Wänman M, Betnér S, Esberg A, ..., Kindstedt E, Lundberg P J Dent Res 103 (10) 999-1007 2024-09-00 2024-08-05
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Speciation in savanna birds in South America: The case of the Least Nighthawk Chordeiles pusillus (Aves: Caprimulgidae) in and out of the Amazon. Fernandes AM, Cohn-Haft M, Fábio Silveira L, ..., Nascimento N, Olsson U Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 198 (-) 108117 2024-09-00 2024-06-07
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New finds of European bison identified through the systematic DNA-based species identification of archaeological remains of large bovines from Scandinavia Rosengren E, Rossi C, Heino MT, Sinding MHS Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 57 (-) 104668 2024-09-00 2024-09-00
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Immune system adaptation during gender-affirming testosterone treatment. Lakshmikanth T, Consiglio C, Sardh F, ..., Landegren N, Brodin P Nature 633 (8028) 155-164 2024-09-00 2024-09-04
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Genome-Wide Association Study of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms including 33,943 individuals from the general population. Strom NI, Burton CL, Iyegbe C, ..., Smit DJA, Arnold PD Mol. Psychiatry 29 (9) 2714-2723 2024-09-00 2024-03-28
Dantrolene corrects cellular disease features of Darier disease and may be a novel treatment. Hunt M, Wang N, Pupinyo N, ..., Bachar-Wikstrom E, Wikstrom JD EMBO Mol Med 16 (9) 1986-2001 2024-09-00 2024-07-26
Contemporary intergeneric hybridization and backcrossing among birds-of-paradise. Thörn F, Soares AER, Müller IA, ..., Blom MPK, Irestedt M Evolution Letters 8 (5) 680-694 2024-09-00 2024-06-08
Associations between sickness behavior, but not inflammatory cytokines, and psychiatric comorbidity in chronic pain. Åström Reitan JLM, Karshikoff B, Holmström L, ..., Kemani MK, Wicksell RK Psychoneuroendocrinology 167 (-) 107094 2024-09-00 2024-06-13
Activating mutations remodel the chromatin accessibility landscape to drive distinct regulatory networks in KMT2A-rearranged acute leukemia. Zhang Q, Falqués-Costa T, Pilheden M, ..., Hyrenius-Wittsten A, Hagström-Andersson AK Hemasphere 8 (9) e70006 2024-09-00 2024-09-26
Making Multiplexed Imaging Flexible: Combining Essential Markers With Established Antibody Panels. Deen AJ, Thorsson J, O'Roberts EM, ..., Oses C, Stadler C J. Histochem. Cytochem. 72 (8-9) 517-544 2024-08-31 2024-08-31
Joint single-cell genetic and transcriptomic analysis reveal pre-malignant SCP-like subclones in human neuroblastoma. Olsen TK, Otte J, Mei S, ..., Kharchenko PV, Baryawno N Mol. Cancer 23 (1) 180 2024-08-31 2024-08-31
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Rapid and robust isolation of microglia and vascular cells from brain subregions for integrative single-cell analyses. Preka E, Lastra Romero A, Sun Y, ..., Osman AM, Blomgren K Heliyon 10 (16) e35838 2024-08-30 2024-08-05
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Plastome evolution in Santalales involves relaxed selection prior to loss of ndh genes and major boundary shifts of the inverted repeat. Edlund M, Anderson BM, Su H, ..., Nickrent DL, Petersen G Ann. Bot. - (-) - 2024-08-30 2024-08-30
Five centuries of consanguinity, isolation, health, and conflict in Las Gobas: A Northern Medieval Iberian necropolis. Rodríguez-Varela R, Yaka R, Pochon Z, ..., Azkarate A, Götherström A Sci Adv 10 (35) eadp8625 2024-08-30 2024-08-28
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Conference report: the first bacterial genome sequencing pan-European network conference. Germuskova Z, Sosa E, Lagos AC, ..., Mölling P, Egli A Microbes Infect - (-) 105410 2024-08-30 2024-08-30
The Crosstalk Analysis between mPSCs and Panc1 Cells Identifies CCN1 as a Positive Regulator of Gemcitabine Sensitivity in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Gündel B, Liu X, Pfützenreuter A, ..., Löhr JM, Heuchel R Int J Mol Sci 25 (17) - 2024-08-29 2024-08-29
Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, nitrotyrosine, eosinophilic peroxidase, eotaxin-3, and galectin-3 in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, eosinophilic esophagitis, and in healthy controls: a semiquantitative image analysis of 3,3'-diaminobenzidine-stained esophageal biopsies. Plate J, Bove M, Larsson HM, ..., Johansson LE, Bergquist H Dis Esophagus 37 (9) - 2024-08-29 2024-04-29
An intronic copy number variation in Syntaxin 17 determines speed of greying and melanoma incidence in Grey horses. Rubin CJ, Hodge M, Naboulsi R, ..., Lindgren G, Andersson L Nat Commun 15 (1) 7510 2024-08-29 2024-08-29
A charged tail on anti-α-Synuclein antibodies does not enhance their affinity to α-Synuclein fibrils. Petersen I, Godec A, Ranjbarian F, ..., Mirabello C, Hultqvist G PLoS ONE 19 (8) e0308521 2024-08-29 2024-08-29
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Polygenic Risk Scores and Twin Concordance for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. Song J, Pasman JA, Johansson V, ..., Hultman CM, Sullivan PF JAMA Psychiatry - (-) - 2024-08-28 2024-08-28
Identification of novel and potent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease from DNA-encoded chemical libraries Akaberi D, Pourghasemi Lati M, Krambrich J, ..., Verho O, Lennerstrand J Antimicrob Agents Chemother - (-) - 2024-08-28 2024-08-28
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Identifying metabotypes of insulin resistance severity in children with metabolic syndrome. González-Domínguez Á, Domínguez-Riscart J, Savolainen O, ..., Landberg R, González-Domínguez R Cardiovasc Diabetol 23 (1) 315 2024-08-27 2024-08-27
Single-cell transcriptomics reveal transcriptional programs underlying male and female cell fate during Plasmodium falciparum gametocytogenesis. Mohammed M, Dziedziech A, Macedo D, ..., Henriksson J, Ankarklev J Nat Commun 15 (1) 7177 2024-08-26 2024-08-26
Intensified, Kilogram-Scaled, and Environment-Friendly: Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Bio-Based Acylated Hydroxystyrenes. Petermeier P, Domínguez de María P, Byström E, Kara S ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 12 (34) 12869-12878 2024-08-26 2024-08-15
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BaTwa populations from Zambia retain ancestry of past hunter-gatherer groups. Breton G, Barham L, Mudenda G, ..., Schlebusch CM, Jakobsson M Nat Commun 15 (1) 7307 2024-08-24 2024-08-24
ΔNp63 bookmarks and creates an accessible epigenetic environment for TGFβ-induced cancer cell stemness and invasiveness. Vasilaki E, Bai Y, Ali MM, ..., Moustakas A, Heldin CH Cell Commun Signal 22 (1) 411 2024-08-23 2024-08-23
Oral nicotinamide provides robust, dose-dependent structural and metabolic neuroprotection of retinal ganglion cells in experimental glaucoma. Cimaglia G, Tribble JR, Votruba M, Williams PA, Morgan JE Acta Neuropathol Commun 12 (1) 137 2024-08-23 2024-08-23
Massively parallel analysis of single-molecule dynamics on next-generation sequencing chips. Aguirre Rivera J, Mao G, Sabantsev A, ..., Jinek M, Deindl S Science 385 (6711) 892-898 2024-08-23 2024-08-22
CDK8 of the mediator kinase module connects leaf development to the establishment of correct stomata patterning by regulating the levels of the transcription factor SPEECHLESS (SPCH). Hermida-Carrera C, Vergara A, Cervela-Cardona L, ..., Björklund S, Strand Å Plant Cell Environ. - (-) - 2024-08-23 2024-08-23
Synthesis of Highly Porous Lignin-Sulfonate Sulfur-Doped Carbon for Efficient Adsorption of Sodium Diclofenac and Synthetic Effluents. Dos Reis GS, Conrad S, Lima EC, ..., Dotto GL, Grimm A Nanomaterials (Basel) 14 (16) - 2024-08-22 2024-08-22
Structural basis for lipid transfer by the ATG2A-ATG9A complex. Wang Y, Dahmane S, Ti R, ..., Carlson LA, Stjepanovic G Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. - (-) - 2024-08-22 2024-08-22
Hydrazide-based reactive matrices for the sensitive detection of aldehydes and ketones by MALDI mass spectrometry imaging. Lodén H, Schembri LS, Nilsson A, ..., Odell LR, Andrén PE Chem. Commun. (Camb.) 60 (69) 9238-9241 2024-08-22 2024-08-22
Heavy-atom-free π-twisted photosensitizers for fluorescence bioimaging and photodynamic therapy. Sánchez DP, Morice K, Mutovska MG, ..., Cabanetos C, Deiana M J Mater Chem B 12 (33) 8107-8121 2024-08-22 2024-08-22
Efficacy of T-cell assays for the diagnosis of primary defects in cytotoxic lymphocyte exocytosis. Chiang SCC, Covill LE, Tesi B, ..., Meeths M, Bryceson YT Blood 144 (8) 873-887 2024-08-22 2024-07-03
Surface-Shaving of Staphylococcus aureus Strains and Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveal Differences in Protein Abundance of the Surfaceome. Karlsson A, Alarcón LA, Piñeiro-Iglesias B, ..., Jin T, Karlsson R Microorganisms 12 (8) - 2024-08-21 2024-08-21
FOXO-regulated OSER1 reduces oxidative stress and extends lifespan in multiple species. Song J, Li Z, Zhou L, ..., Rasmussen LJ, Dai F Nat Commun 15 (1) 7144 2024-08-21 2024-08-21
The involvement of cyclotides in the heavy metal tolerance of Viola spp. Sychta K, Słomka A, Shariatgorji R, ..., Göransson U, Slazak B Sci Rep 14 (1) 19306 2024-08-20 2024-08-20
Gel-Assisted Proteome Position Integral Shift Assay Returns Molecular Weight to Shotgun Proteomics and Identifies Caspase 3 Substrates. Meng Z, Saei AA, Gharibi H, ..., Gaetani M, Zubarev RA Anal. Chem. 96 (33) 13533-13541 2024-08-20 2024-08-07
The evolutionarily ancient FOXA transcription factors shape the murine gut microbiome via control of epithelial glycosylation. Swisa A, Kieckhaefer J, Daniel SG, ..., Bittinger K, Kaestner KH Dev. Cell 59 (16) 2069-2084.e8 2024-08-19 2024-05-30
Host-pathogen interactions in the Plasmodium-infected mouse liver at spatial and single-cell resolution. Hildebrandt F, Iturritza MU, Zwicker C, ..., Lundeberg J, Ankarklev J Nat Commun 15 (1) 7105 2024-08-19 2024-08-19
Type I Interferon Autoantibodies Correlate With Cellular Immune Alterations in Severe COVID-19. Strunz B, Maucourant C, Mehta A, ..., Björkström NK, Karolinska KI/K COVID-19 Study Group J. Infect. Dis. 230 (2) e318-e326 2024-08-16 2024-02-29
Origin, structure, and composition of the spider major ampullate silk fiber revealed by genomics, proteomics, and single-cell and spatial transcriptomics. Sonavane S, Hassan S, Chatterjee U, ..., Reimegård J, Rising A Sci Adv 10 (33) eadn0597 2024-08-16 2024-08-14
Motor innervation directs the correct development of the mouse sympathetic nervous system. Erickson AG, Motta A, Kastriti ME, ..., Bonanomi D, Adameyko I Nat Commun 15 (1) 7065 2024-08-16 2024-08-16
Glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibition controls Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Peña-Díaz S, Chao JD, Rens C, ..., Pelech S, Av-Gay Y iScience 27 (8) 110555 2024-08-16 2024-07-20
Ruminococcus torques is a keystone degrader of intestinal mucin glycoprotein, releasing oligosaccharides used by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Schaus SR, Vasconcelos Pereira G, Luis AS, ..., Hansson GC, Martens EC MBio 15 (8) e0003924 2024-08-14 2024-07-08
Immunological characterization of IgG subclass deficiency reveals decreased Tregs and increased circulating costimulatory and regulatory immune checkpoints. Wågström P, Hjorth M, Appelgren D, ..., Ernerudh J, Nyström S Front Immunol 15 (-) 1442749 2024-08-14 2024-08-14
Escherichia coli in urban marine sediments: interpreting virulence, biofilm formation, halotolerance, and antibiotic resistance to infer contamination or naturalization. Erb IK, Suarez C, Frank EM, ..., Lindberg E, Paul CJ FEMS Microbes 5 (-) xtae024 2024-08-14 2024-08-14
Breaking barriers: pCF10 type 4 secretion system relies on a self-regulating muramidase to modulate the cell wall. Sun W, Torrens G, Ter Beek J, Cava F, Berntsson RP MBio 15 (8) e0048824 2024-08-14 2024-06-28
Screening persistent organic pollutants for effects on testosterone and estrogen synthesis at human-relevant concentrations using H295R cells in 96-well plates. Strand D, Nylander E, Höglund A, ..., Martin JW, Karlsson O Cell Biol. Toxicol. 40 (1) 69 2024-08-13 2024-08-13
Decrease due to pollution in the rhizosphere microbial diversity can be amended by supplementation from adapted plants of another species. Fetsiukh A, Pall T, Timmusk S Sci Rep 14 (1) 18806 2024-08-13 2024-08-13
Blending Samples to Increase Accuracy and Precision of 1H NMR Urine Metabolomics. Bay Nord A, Lindqvist H, Rådjursöga M, ..., Karlsson BG, Malmodin D Anal. Chem. 96 (32) 13078-13085 2024-08-13 2024-07-31
Activity of botulinum neurotoxin X and its structure when shielded by a non-toxic non-hemagglutinin protein. Martínez-Carranza M, Škerlová J, Lee PG, ..., Dong M, Stenmark P Commun Chem 7 (1) 179 2024-08-13 2024-08-13
READv2: advanced and user-friendly detection of biological relatedness in archaeogenomics. Alaçamlı E, Naidoo T, Güler MN, ..., Malmström H, Günther T Genome Biol. 25 (1) 216 2024-08-12 2024-08-12
Reprogramming Yarrowia lipolytica metabolism for efficient synthesis of itaconic acid from flask to semipilot scale. Fu J, Zaghen S, Lu H, ..., Di Bartolomeo F, Kerkhoven EJ Sci Adv 10 (32) eadn0414 2024-08-09 2024-08-09
Multifaceted Proteome Analysis at Solubility, Redox, and Expression Dimensions for Target Identification. Saei AA, Lundin A, Lyu H, ..., Gygi SP, Zubarev RA Adv Sci (Weinh) - (-) e2401502 2024-08-09 2024-08-09
Magnesium induced structural reorganization in the active site of adenylate kinase. Nam K, Thodika ARA, Tischlik S, ..., Sauer-Eriksson AE, Wolf-Watz M Sci Adv 10 (32) eado5504 2024-08-09 2024-08-09
Long-term ambient air pollution exposure and renal function and biomarkers of renal disease. Kilbo Edlund K, Xu Y, Andersson EM, ..., Ljungman P, Stockfelt L Environ Health 23 (1) 67 2024-08-09 2024-08-09
AlphaFold accelerated discovery of psychotropic agonists targeting the trace amine-associated receptor 1. Díaz-Holguín A, Saarinen M, Vo DD, ..., Carlsson J, Svenningsson P Sci Adv 10 (32) eadn1524 2024-08-09 2024-08-07
Micro-costing of genetic diagnostics in acute leukemia in Sweden: from standard-of-care to whole-genome sequencing. Thangavelu T, Wirta V, Orsmark-Pietras C, ..., Rosenquist R, Levin LÅ J Med Econ 27 (1) 1053-1060 2024-08-08 2024-08-08
JAK inhibition decreases the autoimmune burden in Down syndrome Rachubinski AL, Wallace E, Gurnee E, ..., Norris DA, Espinosa JM - - (-) - 2024-08-08 2024-08-08
Genetic diversity and signatures of selection in Icelandic horses and Exmoor ponies. Sigurðardóttir H, Ablondi M, Kristjansson T, Lindgren G, Eriksson S BMC Genomics 25 (1) 772 2024-08-08 2024-08-08
The genetic architecture of dog ownership: large-scale genome-wide association study in 97,552 European-ancestry individuals. Gong T, Karlsson R, Yao S, ..., Fall T, Almqvist C G3 (Bethesda) 14 (8) - 2024-08-07 2024-05-31
Hypoxic-Ischemic Insult Alters Polyamine and Neurotransmitter Abundance in the Specific Neonatal Rat Brain Subregions. Mácha H, Luptáková D, Juránek I, Andrén PE, Havlíček V ACS Chem Neurosci 15 (15) 2811-2821 2024-08-07 2024-07-26
Applying Spatial Metabolomics To Investigate Age- and Drug-Induced Neurochemical Changes. Vallianatou T, Angerer TB, Kaya I, ..., Svenningsson P, Andrén PE ACS Chem Neurosci 15 (15) 2822-2829 2024-08-07 2024-07-29
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Few chemoreceptor genes in the ambrosia beetle Trypodendron lineatum may reflect its specialized ecology. Biswas T, Vogel H, Biedermann PHW, ..., Yuvaraj JK, Andersson MN BMC Genomics 25 (1) 764 2024-08-06 2024-08-06
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A genome-wide genetic screen identified targets for destabilizing the parasitophorous vacuole ofChlamydia trachomatis Babu Sait MR, Jachmann LH, Milivojevic M, ..., Schmierer B, Sixt BS - - (-) - 2024-08-02 2024-08-02
The novel 2024 WHO Neisseria gonorrhoeae reference strains for global quality assurance of laboratory investigations and superseded WHO N. gonorrhoeae reference strains-phenotypic, genetic and reference genome characterization. Unemo M, Sánchez-Busó L, Golparian D, ..., Wi T, Lahra MM J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 79 (8) 1885-1899 2024-08-01 2024-06-18
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Ecological genomics in the Northern krill uncovers loci for local adaptation across ocean basins. Unneberg P, Larsson M, Olsson A, ..., Meyer B, Wallberg A Nat Commun 15 (1) 6297 2024-08-01 2024-08-01
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One-year longitudinal changes of peripheral CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts, gut microbiome, and plaque vulnerability after an acute coronary syndrome. I Fernández-Avila A, Gutiérrez-Ibanes E, Martín de Miguel I, ..., Correa R, Bermejo J Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc 53 (-) 101438 2024-08-00 2024-06-04
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Dominance between self-incompatibility alleles determines the mating system of Capsella allopolyploids. Duan T, Zhang Z, Genete M, ..., Castric V, Vekemans X Evolution Letters 8 (4) 550-560 2024-08-00 2024-03-17
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A genetic-epigenetic interplay at 1q21.1 locus underlies CHD1L-mediated vulnerability to primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Pahlevan Kakhki M, Giordano A, Starvaggi Cucuzza C, ..., Kular L, Jagodic M Nat Commun 15 (1) 6419 2024-07-30 2024-07-30
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Nematocida displodere mechanosensitive ion channel of small conductance 2 assembles into a unique 6-channel super-structure in vitro. Berg A, Berntsson RP, Barandun J PLoS ONE 19 (7) e0301951 2024-07-22 2024-07-22
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A single-cell pan-cancer analysis to show the variability of tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells in immune checkpoint blockade. Li W, Pan L, Hong W, ..., Xiao C, Li X Nat Commun 15 (1) 6142 2024-07-21 2024-07-21
Hybridization in birds-of-paradise: Widespread ancestral gene flow despite strong sexual selection in a lek-mating system. Blom MPK, Peona V, Prost S, ..., Suh A, Irestedt M iScience 27 (7) 110300 2024-07-19 2024-06-19
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Enhancing Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter by Integrative Direct Infusion and Liquid Chromatography Nontargeted Workflows. Patrone J, Vila-Costa M, Dachs J, ..., Gago-Ferrero P, Gil-Solsona R Environ. Sci. Technol. 58 (28) 12454-12466 2024-07-16 2024-07-03
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Maturation of Human Intestinal Epithelial Cell Layers Fortifies the Apical Surface againstSalmonellaAttack van Rijn JM, Lopes ACC, Ceylan M, ..., Di Martino ML, Sellin ME - - (-) - 2024-07-13 2024-07-13
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Regional Changes in Brain Biomolecular Markers in a Collagen-Induced Arthritis Rat Model. Millen AME, Maluleke TT, Pienaar L, ..., Andrén PE, Baijnath S Biology (Basel) 13 (7) - 2024-07-10 2024-07-10
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Nucleotide binding to the ATP-cone in anaerobic ribonucleotide reductases allosterically regulates activity by modulating substrate binding Bimai O, Banerjee I, Rozman Grinberg I, ..., Sjöberg BM, Logan DT Elife 12 (-) - 2024-07-05 2024-07-05
Neonatal microbiota colonization drives maturation of primary and secondary goblet cell mediated protection in the pre-weaning colon. Johansson Å, Subramani MV, Yilmaz B, ..., Johansson MEV, Birchenough GMH bioRxiv - (-) - 2024-07-05 2024-07-05
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A DNA Methylation Signature from Buccal Swabs to Identify Tuberculosis Infection. Karlsson L, Öhrnberg I, Sayyab S, ..., Paues J, Lerm M J. Infect. Dis. - (-) - 2024-07-04 2024-07-04
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Limited Parallelism in Genetic Adaptation to Brackish Water Bodies in European Sprat and Atlantic Herring. Pettersson ME, Quintela M, Besnier F, ..., Glover KA, Andersson L Genome Biol Evol 16 (7) - 2024-07-03 2024-06-26
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Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Pattern of Evolution of Male and Female Reproductive Proteins in Seed Beetles. Papachristos K, Sayadi A, Arnqvist G Genome Biol Evol 16 (7) - 2024-07-03 2024-06-28
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CRISPR-Cas9 Knockout Screens Identify DNA Damage Response Pathways and BTK as Essential for Cisplatin Response in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Issa II, Due H, Brøndum RF, ..., Schmierer B, Dybkær K Cancers (Basel) 16 (13) 2437 2024-07-02 2024-07-02
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Clinical and genetic factors associated with tumor response to neoadjuvant (chemo)radiotherapy, survival and recurrence risk in rectal cancer. Hammarström K, Nunes L, Mathot L, ..., Sjöblom T, Glimelius B Int. J. Cancer 155 (1) 40-53 2024-07-01 2024-02-20
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Cancer Core Europe: Leveraging Institutional Synergies to Advance Oncology Research and Care Globally. Carmona J, Chavarria E, Donoghue K, ..., Zwart W, Tabernero J Cancer Discov 14 (7) 1147-1153 2024-07-01 2024-06-13
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Utilising ancient DNA to understand crop population dynamics across a millennium: A case study of archaeological barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from Gran Canaria, Spain Hagenblad J, Morales J, Leino MW, ..., Rodríguez-Rodríguez AC, Santana J Journal of Archaeological Science 167 (-) 106001 2024-07-00 2024-07-00
Uncommon Variants in FLG2 and NOD2 Are Associated with Atopic Dermatitis in the Ethiopian Population. Wang S, Elmgren JK, Eisfeldt J, ..., Tapia-Paez I, Bradley M JID Innov 4 (4) 100284 2024-07-00 2024-04-29
The WHO Enhanced Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme (EGASP) identifies high levels of ceftriaxone resistance across Vietnam, 2023. Lan PT, Nguyen HT, Golparian D, ..., Unemo M, EGASP-Vietnam WGS study group Lancet Reg Health West Pac 48 (-) 101125 2024-07-00 2024-06-27
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Precision Diagnostics in Myeloid Malignancies: Development and Validation of a National Capture-Based Gene Panel. Orsmark-Pietras C, Lyander A, Ladenvall C, ..., Fioretos T, SciLifeLab Clinical Genomics Platform and Genomic Medicine Sweden Genes Chromosomes Cancer 63 (7) e23257 2024-07-00 2024-07-20
Multiarray screening identifies plasma proteins associated with Th17 cell differentiation and viral defense in coincident asthma and obesity. Manell H, Tsolakis N, Janson C, Malinovschi A, Alving K Pediatr Allergy Immunol 35 (7) e14187 2024-07-00 2024-07-05
Molecular basis for different substrate-binding sites and chaperone functions of the BRICHOS domain. Chen G, Wang Y, Zheng Z, ..., Knight SD, Johansson J Protein Sci. 33 (7) e5063 2024-07-00 2024-06-12
LIGHT protein: A novel gingival crevicular fluid biomarker associated with increased probing depth after periodontal surgery. Esberg A, Kindstedt E, Isehed C, ..., Holmlund A, Lundberg P J Clin Periodontol 51 (7) 852-862 2024-07-00 2024-02-23
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GABA-mediated inhibition of human CD4+ T cell functions is enhanced by insulin but impaired by high glucose levels. Jin Z, Hammoud H, Bhandage AK, ..., Kamali-Moghaddam M, Birnir B EBioMedicine 105 (-) 105217 2024-07-00 2024-06-28
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Distinct origin and region-dependent contribution of stromal fibroblasts to fibrosis following traumatic injury in mice. Holl D, Hau WF, Julien A, ..., Dias DO, Göritz C Nat. Neurosci. 27 (7) 1285-1298 2024-07-00 2024-06-07
Diagnostic patterns of serum inflammatory protein markers in children with Lyme neuroborreliosis. Fredriksson T, Brudin L, Henningsson AJ, Skogman BH, Tjernberg I Ticks Tick Borne Dis 15 (4) 102349 2024-07-00 2024-05-08
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Detection and quantification of Na,K-ATPase dimers in the plasma membrane of living cells by FRET-FCS. Nordahl L, Akkuratov EE, Heimgärtner J, ..., Wennmalm S, Brismar H Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects 1868 (7) 130619 2024-07-00 2024-04-20
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A community effort to track commercial single-cell and spatial 'omic technologies and business trends. De Jonghe J, Opzoomer JW, Vilas-Zornoza A, ..., Cribbs AP, Taylor-King JP Nat. Biotechnol. 42 (7) 1017-1023 2024-07-00 2024-07-18
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Chromosome-level genome assembly and annotation of the social amoeba Dictyostelium firmibasis. Edelbroek B, Kjellin J, Jerlström-Hultqvist J, Koskiniemi S, Söderbom F Sci Data 11 (1) 678 2024-06-22 2024-06-22
Quantification and Profiling of Early and Late Differentiation Stage T Cells in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Reveals Immunotherapeutic Targets in Subsets of Patients. Lokhande L, Nilsson D, de Matos Rodrigues J, ..., Jerkeman M, Ek S Cancers (Basel) 16 (13) - 2024-06-21 2024-06-21
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Structures of the Staphylococcus aureus ribosome inhibited by fusidic acid and fusidic acid cyclopentane. González-López A, Larsson DSD, Koripella RK, ..., Sanyal S, Selmer M Sci Rep 14 (1) 14253 2024-06-20 2024-06-20
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LAPTM4B counteracts ferroptosis via suppressing the ubiquitin-proteasome degradation of SLC7A11 in non-small cell lung cancer. Yan R, Liu D, Guo H, ..., Blom T, Zhou K Cell Death Dis 15 (6) 436 2024-06-20 2024-06-20
Hearing loss and its association with the proteome of perilymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and tumor tissue in patients with vestibular schwannoma. Edvardsson Rasmussen J, Li P, Laurell G, Bergquist J, Eriksson PO Sci Rep 14 (1) 14118 2024-06-19 2024-06-19
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Pyrene Functionalized Norbornadiene-Quadricyclane Fluorescent Photoswitches: Characterization of their Spectral Properties and Application in Imaging of Amyloid Beta Plaques. Ghasemi S, Shamsabadi M, Olesund A, ..., Dreos A, Moth-Poulsen K Chemistry 30 (34) e202400322 2024-06-17 2024-05-22
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Intestinal Ketogenesis and Permeability. Casselbrant A, Elias E, Hallersund P, ..., Fändriks L, Wallenius V Int J Mol Sci 25 (12) - 2024-06-14 2024-06-14
Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Alters Clinical Diagnoses in a Significant Fraction of Tumors Suspicious of Sarcoma. Öfverholm I, Wallander K, Haglund C, ..., Lin Y, Haglund de Flon F Clin. Cancer Res. 30 (12) 2647-2658 2024-06-14 2024-04-04
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descSPIM: an affordable and easy-to-build light-sheet microscope optimized for tissue clearing techniques. Otomo K, Omura T, Nozawa Y, ..., Brismar H, Susaki EA Nat Commun 15 (1) 4941 2024-06-12 2024-06-12
Integrative transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of the effects of cell confluency on gene expression. Lobo V, Shcherbinina E, Westholm JO, ..., Anastasakis DG, Sarshad AA Sci Data 11 (1) 617 2024-06-12 2024-06-12
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DOPA-decarboxylase is elevated in CSF, but not plasma, in prodromal and de novo Parkinson's disease. Appleton E, Khosousi S, Ta M, ..., Iwaki H, Svenningsson P Transl Neurodegener 13 (1) 31 2024-06-11 2024-06-11
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ASXLs binding to the PHD2/3 fingers of MLL4 provides a mechanism for the recruitment of BAP1 to active enhancers. Zhang Y, Xie G, Lee JE, ..., Ge K, Kutateladze TG Nat Commun 15 (1) 4883 2024-06-07 2024-06-07
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Detection of rare variants among nuclei populating the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal model species Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM197198. Manyara D, Sánchez-García M, Montoliu-Nerin M, Rosling A G3 (Bethesda) 14 (6) - 2024-06-05 2024-04-24
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Ancient Sheep Genomes Reveal Four Millennia of North European Short-Tailed Sheep in the Baltic Sea Region. Larsson MNA, Morell Miranda P, Pan L, ..., Storå J, Günther T Genome Biol Evol 16 (6) - 2024-06-04 2024-05-25
A laboratory-based predictive pathway for the development of Neisseria gonorrhoeae high-level resistance to corallopyronin A, an inhibitor of bacterial RNA polymerase. Balthazar JT, Golparian D, Unemo M, ..., Vassylyev DG, Shafer WM Microbiol Spectr 12 (6) e0056024 2024-06-04 2024-04-22
Chemical signatures delineate heterogeneous amyloid plaque populations across the Alzheimer's disease spectrum. Koutarapu S, Ge J, Dulewicz M, ..., Schöll M, Hanrieder J bioRxiv - (-) - 2024-06-03 2024-06-03
A CRISPR homing screen finds a chloroquine resistance transporter-like protein of thePlasmodiumoocyst essential for mosquito transmission of malaria Balakrishnan A, Hunziker M, Tiwary P, ..., Drew D, Billker O - - (-) - 2024-06-02 2024-06-02
Towards identification of new genetic determinants for post-weaning diarrhea in piglets. Ibragimov E, Eriksen EØ, Nielsen JP, ..., Fredholm M, Karlskov-Mortensen P Anim Genet 55 (3) 387-395 2024-06-00 2024-02-11
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Spatial Transcriptomics in a Case of Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma Reveals Clone-Specific Dysregulation of Genes Regulating Extracellular Matrix in the Invading Front. Condello V, Paulsson JO, Zedenius J, Näsman A, Juhlin CC Endocr. Pathol. 35 (2) 122-133 2024-06-00 2024-01-27
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Proteomics of cell-free breast cancer scaffolds identify clinically relevant imprinted proteins and cancer-progressing properties. Gustafsson A, Jonasson E, Ståhlberg A, Landberg G Cancer Commun (Lond) 44 (6) 695-699 2024-06-00 2024-04-04
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Phylogenomic analysis of Stylops reveals the evolutionary history of a Holarctic Strepsiptera radiation parasitizing wild bees. Lähteenaro M, Benda D, Straka J, Nylander JAA, Bergsten J Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 195 (-) 108068 2024-06-00 2024-03-28
Pericyte-Specific Secretome Profiling in Hypoxia Using TurboID in a Multicellular in Vitro Spheroid Model. Enström A, Carlsson R, Buizza C, Lewi M, Paul G Mol. Cell Proteomics 23 (6) 100782 2024-06-00 2024-05-04
Macrophages upregulate mural cell-like markers and support healing of ischemic injury by adopting functions important for vascular support. Amoedo-Leite C, Parv K, Testini C, ..., Christoffersson G, Phillipson M Nat Cardiovasc Res 3 (6) 685-700 2024-06-00 2024-06-06
Hybrid capture-based next-generation sequencing of new and old world Orthohantavirus strains and wild-type Puumala isolates from humans and bank voles. Rosenbaum W, Bovinder Ylitalo E, Castel G, ..., Pettersson L, Tuiskunen Bäck A J. Clin. Virol. 172 (-) 105672 2024-06-00 2024-03-30
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Epigenetic dissection of human blood group genes reveals regulatory elements and detailed characteristics of KEL and four other loci. Wu PC, McGowan EC, Lee YQ, ..., Hansson J, Olsson ML Transfusion 64 (6) 1083-1096 2024-06-00 2024-04-21
Childhood screening for type 1 diabetes comparing automated multiplex Antibody Detection by Agglutination-PCR (ADAP) with single plex islet autoantibody radiobinding assays. Lind A, Freyhult E, de Jesus Cortez F, ..., Lernmark Å, Better Diabetes Diagnosis (BDD) study group EBioMedicine 104 (-) 105144 2024-06-00 2024-05-08
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Bacterial diversity in semen from stallions in three European countries evaluated by 16S sequencing. Malaluang P, Niazi A, Guo Y, ..., Aurich C, Morrell JM Vet Res Commun 48 (3) 1409-1421 2024-06-00 2024-02-02
An endothelial regulatory module links blood pressure regulation with elite athletic performance. Fegraeus K, Rosengren MK, Naboulsi R, ..., Meadows JRS, Lindgren G PLoS Genet. 20 (6) e1011285 2024-06-00 2024-06-17
A monoallelic UXS1 variant associated with short-limbed short stature. Rustad CF, Backe PH, Jin C, ..., Elgstøen KBP, Holla ØL Mol Genet Genomic Med 12 (6) e2472 2024-06-00 2024-06-11
Tumor-matched and unmatched cancer associated fibroblasts exhibit differential effect on proliferation and FMOD and MMP9 gene expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells when cocultured in spheroids. Rademaekers M, Johansson EO, Johansson E, Roberg K, Wiechec E Cancer Cell Int 24 (1) 190 2024-05-31 2024-05-31
Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Early Childhood and Later Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Scandinavian Birth Cohort Study. Sigvardsson I, Ludvigsson J, Andersson B, Størdal K, Mårild K J Crohns Colitis 18 (5) 661-670 2024-05-31 2024-02-08
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Sequential drug treatment targeting cell cycle and cell fate regulatory programs blocks non-genetic cancer evolution in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Malyukova A, Lahnalampi M, Falqués-Costa T, ..., Heinäniemi M, Sangfelt O Genome Biol. 25 (1) 143 2024-05-31 2024-05-31
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Overexpression of the plastidial pseudo-protease AtFtsHi3 enhances drought tolerance while sustaining plant growth. Mishra LS, Cook SD, Kushwah S, ..., Libby E, Funk C Physiol Plantarum 176 (3) e14370 2024-05-31 2024-05-31
Regulatory and evolutionary impact of DNA methylation in two songbird species and their naturally occurring F1 hybrids. Boman J, Qvarnström A, Mugal CF BMC Biol. 22 (1) 124 2024-05-29 2024-05-29
NGS method for parallel processing of high quality, damaged or fragmented input material using target enrichment. Lyander A, Gellerbring A, Hägglund M, Elhami K, Wirta V PLoS ONE 19 (5) e0304411 2024-05-29 2024-05-29
Evolutionary history of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and genomic signatures of obligate symbiosis. Rosling A, Eshghi Sahraei S, Kalsoom Khan F, ..., Bonito G, Sánchez-García M BMC Genomics 25 (1) 529 2024-05-29 2024-05-29
The structure of the second CysD domain of MUC2 and role in mucin organization by transglutaminase-based cross-linking. Recktenwald CV, Karlsson G, Garcia-Bonete MJ, ..., Hansson GC, Trillo-Muyo S Cell Rep 43 (5) 114207 2024-05-28 2024-05-09
Distinct Infiltration of T Cell Populations in Bladder Cancer Molecular Subtypes. Sincic V, Arlenhold KF, Richtmann S, ..., Liedberg F, Lundberg K Cells 13 (11) - 2024-05-28 2024-05-28
The Metabolomic Profile of Microscopic Colitis Is Affected by Smoking but Not Histopathological Diagnosis, Clinical Course, Symptoms, or Treatment. Ström A, Stenlund H, Ohlsson B Metabolites 14 (6) - 2024-05-27 2024-05-27
Species-specific dynamics may cause deviations from general biogeographical predictions - evidence from a population genomics study of a New Guinean endemic passerine bird family (Melampittidae). Müller IA, Thörn F, Rajan S, ..., Jønsson KA, Irestedt M PLoS ONE 19 (5) e0293715 2024-05-23 2024-05-23
Quantifying combined effects of colistin and ciprofloxacin against Escherichia coli in an in silico pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model. Zhao C, Kristoffersson AN, Khan DD, ..., Nielsen EI, Friberg LE Sci Rep 14 (1) 11706 2024-05-22 2024-05-22
The Gly82Ser polymorphism in the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts increases the risk for coronary events in the general population. Grauen Larsen H, Sun J, Sjögren M, ..., Melander O, Schiopu A Sci Rep 14 (1) 11567 2024-05-21 2024-05-21
Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains performing similarly during fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysates show pronounced differences in transcriptional stress responses. Cámara E, Mormino M, Siewers V, Nygård Y Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 90 (5) e0233023 2024-05-21 2024-04-08
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MDM2 amplification in rod-shaped chromosomes provides clues to early stages of circularized gene amplification in liposarcoma. Sydow S, Piccinelli P, Mitra S, ..., Spierings D, Mertens F Commun Biol 7 (1) 606 2024-05-20 2024-05-20
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Prediction models of persistent taxane-induced peripheral neuropathy among breast cancer survivors using whole-exome sequencing. Engvall K, Uvdal H, Björn N, Åvall-Lundqvist E, Gréen H NPJ Precis Oncol 8 (1) 102 2024-05-16 2024-05-16
Exploring carbon source related localization and phosphorylation in the Snf1/Mig1 network using population and single cell-based approaches. Braam S, Tripodi F, Österberg L, ..., Coccetti P, Cvijovic M Microb Cell 11 (-) 143-154 2024-05-16 2024-05-16
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Novel findings in a Swedish primary familial brain calcification cohort. Sennfält S, Gustavsson P, Malmgren H, ..., Svenningsson P, Paucar M J. Neurol. Sci. 460 (-) 123020 2024-05-15 2024-04-18
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Complex genetic architecture of the chicken Growth1 QTL region. Ou JH, Rönneburg T, Carlborg Ö, ..., Siegel PB, Rubin CJ PLoS ONE 19 (5) e0295109 2024-05-13 2024-05-13
Copy number variation and elevated genetic diversity at immune trait loci in Atlantic and Pacific herring. Mohamadnejad Sangdehi F, Jamsandekar MS, Enbody ED, Pettersson ME, Andersson L BMC Genomics 25 (1) 459 2024-05-10 2024-05-10
Modulation of innate immune response to mRNA vaccination after SARS-CoV-2 infection or sequential vaccination in humans. Hellgren F, Rosdahl A, Arcoverde Cerveira R, ..., Cajander S, Loré K JCI Insight 9 (9) - 2024-05-08 2024-05-08
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The super-pangenome of Populus unveils genomic facets for its adaptation and diversification in widespread forest trees. Shi T, Zhang X, Hou Y, ..., Yin T, Wang J Mol Plant 17 (5) 725-746 2024-05-06 2024-03-13
Teaching transposon classification as a means to crowd source the curation of repeat annotation - a tardigrade perspective. Peona V, Martelossi J, Almojil D, ..., Pecoraro C, Suh A Mob DNA 15 (1) 10 2024-05-06 2024-05-06
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Genetic Causes and Genomic Consequences of Breakdown of Distyly in Linum trigynum. Gutiérrez-Valencia J, Zervakis P, Postel Z, ..., Arroyo J, Slotte T Mol. Biol. Evol. 41 (5) - 2024-05-03 2024-05-06
Comparative genomics of Ascetosporea gives new insight into the evolutionary basis for animal parasitism in Rhizaria. Hiltunen Thorén M, Onuț-Brännström I, Alfjorden A, ..., Bass D, Burki F BMC Biol. 22 (1) 103 2024-05-03 2024-05-03
Recent dynamics in Neisseria gonorrhoeae genomic epidemiology in Brazil: antimicrobial resistance and genomic lineages in 2017-20 compared to 2015-16. Golparian D, Bazzo ML, Ahlstrand J, ..., Unemo M, Brazilian-GASP Network J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 79 (5) 1081-1092 2024-05-02 2024-03-22
Pharmacodynamic evaluation of ceftriaxone single-dose therapy (0.125-1 g) to eradicate ceftriaxone-susceptible and ceftriaxone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains in a hollow fibre infection model for gonorrhoea. Unemo M, Golparian D, Oxelbark J, ..., Drusano G, Jacobsson S J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 79 (5) 1006-1013 2024-05-02 2024-03-18
Maintenance of caecal homeostasis by diverse adaptive immune cells in the rhesus macaque. Castro Dopico X, Guryleva M, Mandolesi M, ..., Murrell B, Karlsson Hedestam GB Clin Transl Immunology 13 (5) e1508 2024-05-02 2024-05-02
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Whole-genome sequencing in prenatally detected congenital malformations: prospective cohort study in clinical setting. Westenius E, Conner P, Pettersson M, ..., Lindstrand A, Iwarsson E Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 63 (5) 658-663 2024-05-00 2024-04-14
Unlocking the secret life of blue mussels: Exploring connectivity in the Skagerrak through biophysical modeling and population genomics. Gustafsson M, Strand Å, Laugen AT, ..., Wrange AL, De Wit P Evol Appl 17 (5) e13704 2024-05-00 2024-05-20
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Novel Associations Between Mid-Pregnancy Cardiovascular Biomarkers and Preeclampsia: An Explorative Nested Case-Control Study. Callbo PN, Junus K, Gabrysch K, ..., Lager S, Wikström AK Reprod Sci 31 (5) 1391-1400 2024-05-00 2024-01-22
Low birthweight and overweight during childhood and young adulthood and the risk of type 2 diabetes in men: a population-based cohort study. Célind J, Bygdell M, Bramsved R, ..., Ohlsson C, Kindblom JM Diabetologia 67 (5) 874-884 2024-05-00 2024-02-22
Item response theory analysis of daytime sleepiness as a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. Wellhagen GJ, Karlsson MO, Kjellsson MC, ..., Weimann G, Yassen A CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol 13 (5) 880-890 2024-05-00 2024-03-12
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Head-to-head comparison of relevant cell sources of small extracellular vesicles for cardiac repair: Superiority of embryonic stem cells. González-King H, Rodrigues PG, Albery T, ..., Wang QD, Jennbacken K J Extracell Vesicles 13 (5) e12445 2024-05-00 2024-05-07
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Fasting plasma metabolites reflecting meat consumption and their associations with incident type 2 diabetes in two Swedish cohorts. Noerman S, Johansson A, Shi L, ..., Brunius C, Landberg R Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 119 (5) 1280-1292 2024-05-00 2024-02-23
Evaluation of covariate effects in item response theory models. Wellhagen GJ, Yassen A, Garmann D, ..., Kjellsson MC, Karlsson MO CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol 13 (5) 812-822 2024-05-00 2024-03-04
Ectomycorrhizal fungi are more sensitive to high soil nitrogen levels in forests exposed to nitrogen deposition. Jörgensen K, Clemmensen KE, Wallander H, Lindahl BD New Phytol. 242 (4) 1725-1738 2024-05-00 2024-01-11
Comparison and optimization of protocols and whole-genome capture conditions for ancient DNA samples. Yaka R, Lagerholm VK, Linderholm A, ..., Somel M, Götherström A BioTechniques 76 (5) 216-223 2024-05-00 2024-03-26
Antimicrobial-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Europe in 2020 compared with in 2013 and 2018: a retrospective genomic surveillance study. Golparian D, Cole MJ, Sánchez-Busó L, ..., Unemo M, Euro-GASP study group Lancet Microbe 5 (5) e478-e488 2024-05-00 2024-04-10
Metabolomics for early pancreatic cancer detection in plasma samples from a Swedish prospective population-based biobank. Borgmästars E, Jacobson S, Simm M, ..., Franklin O, Sund M J Gastrointest Oncol 15 (2) 755-767 2024-04-30 2024-04-28
PARKIN is not required to sustain OXPHOS function in adult mammalian tissues. Filograna R, Gerlach J, Choi H, ..., Svenningsson P, Larsson N NPJ Parkinsons Dis 10 (1) 93 2024-04-29 2024-04-29
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Population genomic history of the endangered Anatolian and Cyprian mouflons in relation to worldwide wild, feral and domestic sheep lineages. Atağ G, Kaptan D, Yüncü E, ..., Hadjisterkotis E, Somel M Genome Biol Evol - (-) - 2024-04-27 2024-04-27
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Very short sleep duration reveals a proteomic fingerprint that is selectively associated with incident diabetes mellitus but not with incident coronary heart disease: a cohort study. Svensson T, Svensson AK, Kitlinski M, ..., Nilsson PM, Melander O BMC Med 22 (1) 173 2024-04-23 2024-04-23
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A chemical inhibitor of IST1-CHMP1B interaction impairs endosomal recycling and induces noncanonical LC3 lipidation. Knyazeva A, Li S, Corkery DP, ..., Waldmann H, Wu YW Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121 (17) e2317680121 2024-04-23 2024-04-18
Combined Metabolic Activators with Different NAD+ Precursors Improve Metabolic Functions in the Animal Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases. Altay O, Yang H, Yildirim S, ..., Turkez H, Mardinoglu A Biomedicines 12 (4) - 2024-04-22 2024-04-22
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Patient-Specific Measurable Residual Disease Markers Predict Outcome in Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Related Diseases After Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation. Tobiasson M, Pandzic T, Illman J, ..., Dybedal I, Hellström-Lindberg E J Clin Oncol 42 (12) 1378-1390 2024-04-20 2024-01-17
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Effects of bottom trawling and environmental factors on benthic bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna communities and benthic ecosystem processes. Bradshaw C, Iburg S, Morys C, ..., Jonsson P, Nascimento FJA Sci. Total Environ. 921 (-) 171076 2024-04-15 2024-02-19
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Evolution of microRNAs in Amoebozoa and implications for the origin of multicellularity. Edelbroek B, Kjellin J, Biryukova I, ..., Friedländer MR, Söderbom F Nucleic Acids Res. 52 (6) 3121-3136 2024-04-12 2024-02-20
Dual molecule targeting HDAC6 leads to intratumoral CD4+ cytotoxic lymphocytes recruitment through MHC-II upregulation on lung cancer cells. Ducellier S, Demeules M, Letribot B, ..., Nascimento M, Apcher S J Immunother Cancer 12 (4) - 2024-04-11 2024-04-11
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A time course analysis through diapause reveals dynamic temporal patterns of microRNAs associated with endocrine regulation in the butterfly Pieris napi. Roberts KT, Steward RA, Süess P, Lehmann P, Wheat CW Mol. Ecol. - (-) e17348 2024-04-10 2024-04-10
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Antibiotic class with potent in vivo activity targeting lipopolysaccharide synthesis in Gram-negative bacteria. Huseby DL, Cao S, Zamaratski E, ..., Hughes D, Karlén A Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121 (15) e2317274121 2024-04-09 2024-04-05
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Transcriptomic atlas of midbrain dopamine neurons uncovers differential vulnerability in a Parkinsonism lesion model. Yaghmaeian Salmani B, Lahti L, Gillberg L, ..., Svenningsson P, Perlmann T Elife 12 (-) - 2024-04-08 2024-04-08
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Adaptive introgression reveals the genetic basis of a sexually selected syndrome in wall lizards. Feiner N, Yang W, Bunikis I, While GM, Uller T Sci Adv 10 (14) eadk9315 2024-04-05 2024-04-03
Treatment Monitoring of a Patient with Synchronous Metastatic Angiosarcoma and Breast Cancer Using ctDNA. Vannas C, Escobar M, Österlund T, ..., Fagman H, Ståhlberg A Int J Mol Sci 25 (7) - 2024-04-04 2024-04-04
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Chromosome-scale Genome Assembly of the Rough Periwinkle Littorina saxatilis. De Jode A, Faria R, Formenti G, ..., Butlin RK, Leder EH Genome Biol Evol 16 (4) - 2024-04-02 2024-04-08
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Viridibacillus culture derived silver nanoparticles exert potent anticancer action in 2D and 3D models of lung cancer via mitochondrial depolarization-mediated apoptosis. Joshi AS, Bapat MV, Singh P, Mijakovic I Mater Today Bio 25 (-) 100997 2024-04-00 2024-02-11
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Novel ultrasensitive immunoassay for the selective quantification of tau oligomers and related soluble aggregates. Islam T, Kvartsberg H, Sehrawat A, ..., Blennow K, Karikari TK Alzheimers Dement 20 (4) 2894-2905 2024-04-00 2024-03-23
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Liprin-α proteins are master regulators of human presynapse assembly. Marcó de la Cruz B, Campos J, Molinaro A, ..., Acuna C, Sterky FH Nat. Neurosci. 27 (4) 629-642 2024-04-00 2024-03-12
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Current and emerging sequencing-based tools for precision cancer medicine. Edsjö A, Gisselsson D, Staaf J, ..., Cavelier L, Rosenquist R Mol Aspects Med 96 (-) 101250 2024-04-00 2024-02-07
Cerebrospinal fluid mtDNA concentrations are increased in multiple sclerosis and were normalized after intervention with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Pavlovic I, Zjukovskaja C, Nazir FH, ..., Wiberg A, Burman J Mult Scler Relat Disord 84 (-) 105482 2024-04-00 2024-02-03
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Baltic Sea coastal sediment-bound eukaryotes have increased year-round activities under predicted climate change related warming. Li S, Nilsson E, Seidel L, ..., Dopson M, Hylander S Front Microbiol 15 (-) 1369102 2024-03-26 2024-03-26
Novel Synonymous and Deep Intronic Variants Causing Primary and Secondary Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency Bruhn H, Naess K, Ygberg S, ..., Wedell A, Wredenberg A Hum. Mutat. 2024 (-) 1-16 2024-03-25 2024-03-25
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Abstract 2025: Zeb1 downregulation sensitizes pancreatic cancer-associated fibroblasts to killing by oncolytic reovirus through upregulation of the reovirus receptor junction adhesion molecule A Dam N, Harryvan TJ, Schmierer B, Hawinkels LJAC, Kemp V Cancer Res. 84 (6_Supplement) 2025-2025 2024-03-22 2024-03-22
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Cell-Mediated Proteomics, and Serological and Mucosal Humoral Immune Responses after Seasonal Influenza Immunization: Characterization of Serological Responders and Non-Responders. Carlsson H, Brudin L, Serrander L, Hinkula J, Tjernberg I Vaccines (Basel) 12 (3) - 2024-03-14 2024-03-14
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Complete reference genomes of two ceftriaxone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains identified in routine surveillance in Bangkok, Thailand, using Nanopore Q20+ chemistry, VolTRAX V2b, and Illumina sequencing. Sangprasert P, Golparian D, Paopang P, ..., Kittiyaowanarn R, Unemo M Microbiol Resour Announc 13 (3) e0123123 2024-03-12 2024-02-01
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Aberrant MNX1 expression associated with t(7;12)(q36;p13) pediatric acute myeloid leukemia induces the disease through altering histone methylation. Waraky A, Östlund A, Nilsson T, ..., Plass C, Palmqvist L Haematologica 109 (3) 725-739 2024-03-01 2024-03-01
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Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections among Swedish healthcare workers on duty in December 2023. Aguilera K, Bladh O, Marking U, ..., Alm JJ, Thålin C Lancet Reg Health Eur 38 (-) 100872 2024-03-00 2024-02-08
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Gustavson syndrome is caused by an in-frame deletion in RBMX associated with potentially disturbed SH3 domain interactions. Johansson J, Lidéus S, Frykholm C, ..., Wilbe M, Bondeson ML Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 32 (3) 333-341 2024-03-00 2023-06-05
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Adaptation to seasonal reproduction and environment-associated factors drive temporal and spatial differentiation in northwest Atlantic herring despite gene flow. Fuentes-Pardo AP, Stanley R, Bourne C, ..., Andersson L, Ruzzante DE Evol Appl 17 (3) e13675 2024-03-00 2024-03-14
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Analysis of genetic variant associated with heart failure mortality implicates thymic stromal lymphopoietin as mediator of strain‐induced myocardial fibroblast‐mast cell crosstalk and fibrosis Pimpalwar N, Celik S, Karbalaei Sadegh M, ..., Gidlöf O, Smith JG The FASEB Journal 38 (4) - 2024-02-29 2024-02-26
Visualizing DNA single- and double-strand breaks in the Flash comet assay by DNA polymerase-assisted end-labelling. Bivehed E, Hellman B, Wenson L, ..., Söderberg O, Heldin J Nucleic Acids Res. 52 (4) e22 2024-02-28 2024-01-23
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Subcellular protein turnover in human neural progenitor cells revealed by correlative electron microscopy and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging. Lork AA, Rabasco S, Ernst C, ..., Rizzoli SO, Phan NTN Chem. Sci. 15 (9) 3311-3322 2024-02-28 2024-01-29
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Tumor Predisposing Post-Zygotic Chromosomal Alterations in Bladder Cancer-Insights from Histologically Normal Urothelium. Stańkowska W, Sarkisyan D, Bruhn-Olszewska B, ..., Filipowicz N, Dumanski JP Cancers (Basel) 16 (5) - 2024-02-27 2024-02-27
Structural and functional insight into the interaction of Clostridioides difficile toxin B and FZD7. Kinsolving J, Bous J, Kozielewicz P, ..., Dong M, Schulte G Cell Rep 43 (2) 113727 2024-02-27 2024-02-02
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Gene flow and an anomaly zone complicate phylogenomic inference in a rapidly radiated avian family (Prunellidae). Jiang Z, Zang W, Ericson PGP, ..., Lei F, Qu Y BMC Biol. 22 (1) 49 2024-02-27 2024-02-27
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Dynamics of Gut Bacteria Across Different Zooplankton Genera in the Baltic Sea. Xu T, Novotny A, Zamora-Terol S, Hambäck PA, Winder M Microb. Ecol. 87 (1) 48 2024-02-26 2024-02-26
Associations of the placental metabolome with immune maturation up to one year of age in the Swedish NICE-cohort. Hartvigsson O, Barman M, Rabe H, ..., Brunius C, Sandberg A Metabolomics 20 (2) 28 2024-02-26 2024-02-26
UV-Induced Spectral and Morphological Changes in Bacterial Spores for Inactivation Assessment. Öberg R, Sil TB, Johansson AC, ..., Andersson M, Andersson PO J. Phys. Chem. B 128 (7) 1638-1646 2024-02-22 2024-02-07
No link between type I interferon autoantibody positivity and adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines. Yalcinkaya A, Cavalli M, Cederholm A, ..., Wadelius M, Landegren N NPJ Vaccines 9 (1) 42 2024-02-22 2024-02-22
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Spatial Neurolipidomics at the Single Amyloid-β Plaque Level in Postmortem Human Alzheimer's Disease Brain. Michno W, Bowman A, Jha D, ..., Heeren RMA, Hanrieder J ACS Chem Neurosci 15 (4) 877-888 2024-02-21 2024-02-01
Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids Alter the Membrane Lipid Composition and Vesicle Size to Regulate Exocytosis and Storage of Catecholamines. Gu C, Philipsen MH, Ewing AG ACS Chem Neurosci 15 (4) 816-826 2024-02-21 2024-02-12
MIGRENE: The Toolbox for Microbial and Individualized GEMs, Reactobiome and Community Network Modelling. Bidkhori G, Shoaie S Metabolites 14 (3) - 2024-02-21 2024-02-21
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Clonally heritable gene expression imparts a layer of diversity within cell types. Mold JE, Weissman MH, Ratz M, ..., Michaëlsson J, Frisén J Cell Syst 15 (2) 149-165.e10 2024-02-21 2024-02-09
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Ancient reindeer mitogenomes reveal island-hopping colonisation of the Arctic archipelagos. Hold K, Lord E, Brealey JC, ..., Martin MD, Dussex N Sci Rep 14 (1) 4143 2024-02-20 2024-02-20
MicroRNAs as Plasma Biomarkers of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis-A Cross-Sectional Study. Zenlander R, Salter H, Gilg S, Eggertsen G, Stål P Int J Mol Sci 25 (4) - 2024-02-19 2024-02-19
Lymphocytic colitis can be transcriptionally divided into channelopathic and inflammatory lymphocytic colitis. Bhardwaj A, Münch A, Montague J, ..., Rosenstiel P, Escudero-Hernández C United European Gastroenterol J - (-) - 2024-02-17 2024-02-17
Targeting the Main Protease (Mpro, nsp5) by Growth of Fragment Scaffolds Exploiting Structure-Based Methodologies. Altincekic N, Jores N, Löhr F, ..., Sreeramulu S, Schwalbe H ACS Chem. Biol. 19 (2) 563-574 2024-02-16 2024-01-17
Long noncoding RNA plasmacytoma variant translocation 1 is overexpressed in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and exon 2 is critical for its oncogenicity. Li C, Sun C, Mahapatra KD, ..., Sonkoly E, Pivarcsi A Br J Dermatol 190 (3) 415-426 2024-02-16 2023-11-06
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Staphylococcus aureus mutants resistant to the feed-additive monensin show increased virulence and altered purine metabolism. Warsi OM, Upterworth LM, Breidenstein A, ..., Ingmer H, Andersson DI MBio 15 (2) e0315523 2024-02-14 2024-01-12
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Exploration of differential responses to FODMAPs and gluten in people with irritable bowel syndrome- a double-blind randomized cross-over challenge study. Nordin E, Landberg R, Hellström PM, Brunius C Metabolomics 20 (2) 21 2024-02-12 2024-02-12
AIRR-C IG Reference Sets: curated sets of immunoglobulin heavy and light chain germline genes. Collins AM, Ohlin M, Corcoran M, ..., Watson CT, Lees WD Front Immunol 14 (-) 1330153 2024-02-09 2024-02-09
Exploring the Dispersion and Electrostatic Components in Arene-Arene Interactions between Ligands and G4 DNA to Develop G4-Ligands. Andreasson M, Donzel M, Abrahamsson A, ..., Wanrooij S, Chorell E J. Med. Chem. 67 (3) 2202-2219 2024-02-08 2024-01-19
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Reagentless impedimetric immunosensor for monitoring of methotrexate in human blood serum using multiwalled carbon nanotube@polypyrrole/polytyramine film electrode. Adeniyi KO, Osmanaj B, Manavalan G, ..., Berisha A, Tesfalidet S Talanta 268 (Pt 1) 125316 2024-02-01 2023-10-16
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A Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly and Annotation for the Clouded Apollo Butterfly (Parnassius mnemosyne): A Species of Global Conservation Concern. Höglund J, Dias G, Olsen RA, ..., Talla V, Backström N Genome Biol Evol 16 (2) - 2024-02-01 2024-02-18
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Vaginal candida infection is associated with host molecular signatures of neutrophil activation in the adjacent ectocervical mucosa in Kenyan sex workers Hasselrot T, Boger MF, Kaldhusdal V, ..., Czarnewski P, Broliden K American J Rep Immunol 91 (2) - 2024-02-00 2024-01-31
Ultrastructural insights into the microsporidian infection apparatus reveal the kinetics and morphological transitions of polar tube and cargo during host cell invasion. Sharma H, Jespersen N, Ehrenbolger K, Carlson LA, Barandun J PLoS Biol. 22 (2) e3002533 2024-02-00 2024-02-29
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Playing with Protic Additives to Improve the Outcome of Rhodium‐Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Fullerene C60 with Arylboronic Acids Ergun Dönmez M, Eriksson M, Hulu G, Nordström M, Grennberg H Helvetica Chimica Acta 107 (2) - 2024-02-00 2024-01-16
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MiCId GUI: The Graphical User Interface for MiCId, a Fast Microorganism Classification and Identification Workflow with Accurate Statistics and High Recall. Ogurtsov A, Alves G, Rubio A, ..., Moore ERB, Yu YK J Comput Biol 31 (2) 175-178 2024-02-00 2024-02-02
Intrinsic deletion at 10q23.31, including the PTEN gene locus, is aggravated upon CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome engineering in HAP1 cells mimicking cancer profiles. Geng K, Merino LG, Veiga RG, ..., Brinkman EK, Kutter C Life Sci. Alliance 7 (2) - 2024-02-00 2023-11-20
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Homo sapiens reached the higher latitudes of Europe by 45,000 years ago. Mylopotamitaki D, Weiss M, Fewlass H, ..., Schüler T, Hublin JJ Nature 626 (7998) 341-346 2024-02-00 2024-01-31
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Fine-scale genetic structure in the orchid Gymnadenia conopsea is not associated with local density of flowering plants. Sletvold N, Joffard N, Söderquist L Am. J. Bot. 111 (2) e16273 2024-02-00 2024-01-30
Evidence from Finland and Sweden on the relationship between early-life diseases and lifetime childlessness in men and women. Liu A, Akimova ET, Ding X, ..., Mills MC, Ganna A Nat Hum Behav 8 (2) 276-287 2024-02-00 2023-12-18
Correlates of Plasma Citrulline, a Potential Marker of Enterocyte Mass, among Children with Stunting: A Cross-Sectional Study in Uganda. Pesu H, Mbabazi J, Mutumba R, ..., Friis H, Grenov B J. Nutr. 154 (2) 765-776 2024-02-00 2023-12-21
Complex In Vitro Model Characterization for Context of Use in Toxicologic Pathology: Use Cases by Collaborative Teams of Biologists, Bioengineers, and Pathologists. Stokar-Regenscheit N, Bell L, Berridge B, ..., Sura R, Tomlinson L Toxicol Pathol 52 (2-3) 123-137 2024-02-00 2024-06-18
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A survey of ficolin-3 activity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus reveals a link to hematological disease manifestations and autoantibody profile. Lindelöf L, Rantapää-Dahlqvist S, Lundtoft C, ..., Svenungsson E, Eriksson O J. Autoimmun. 143 (-) 103166 2024-02-00 2024-01-13
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Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis strain affects transcriptomic response in liver but not skin in latitudinal populations of the common toad (Bufo bufo). Chondrelli N, Kuehn E, Meurling S, ..., Laurila A, Höglund J Sci Rep 14 (1) 2495 2024-01-30 2024-01-30
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Single-cell RNA-seq mapping of chicken peripheral blood leukocytes. Maxwell M, Söderlund R, Härtle S, Wattrang E BMC Genomics 25 (1) 124 2024-01-29 2024-01-29
Dietary patterns, untargeted metabolite profiles and their association with colorectal cancer risk. Bodén S, Zheng R, Ribbenstedt A, ..., Van Guelpen B, Brunius C Sci Rep 14 (1) 2244 2024-01-26 2024-01-26
Related in Death? Further Insights on the Curious Case of Bishop Peder Winstrup and His Grandchild’s Burial Krzewińska M, Rodríguez-Varela R, Yaka R, ..., Storå J, Götherström A Heritage 7 (2) 576-584 2024-01-25 2024-01-25
High-parametric protein maps reveal the spatial organization in early-developing human lung Sariyar S, Sountoulidis A, Hansen JN, ..., Lundberg E, Ayoglu B - - (-) - 2024-01-25 2024-01-25
The potential of liquid biopsy for detection of the KIAA1549-BRAF fusion in circulating tumor DNA from children with pilocytic astrocytoma. Krynina O, de Ståhl TD, Jylhä C, ..., Tham E, Sandvik U Neurooncol Adv 6 (1) vdae008 2024-01-24 2024-01-24
QComics: Recommendations and Guidelines for Robust, Easily Implementable and Reportable Quality Control of Metabolomics Data. González-Domínguez Á, Estanyol-Torres N, Brunius C, Landberg R, González-Domínguez R Anal. Chem. 96 (3) 1064-1072 2024-01-23 2024-01-05
Genetic diversity and recent ancestry based on whole-genome sequencing of endangered Swedish cattle breeds. Harish A, Lopes Pinto FA, Eriksson S, Johansson AM BMC Genomics 25 (1) 89 2024-01-22 2024-01-22
Three immunizations with Novavax's protein vaccines increase antibody breadth and provide durable protection from SARS-CoV-2. Lenart K, Arcoverde Cerveira R, Hellgren F, ..., Smith G, Loré K NPJ Vaccines 9 (1) 17 2024-01-20 2024-01-20
Towards high-throughput parallel imaging and single-cell transcriptomics of microbial eukaryotic plankton. Grujčić V, Saarenpää S, Sundh J, ..., Foster RA, Andersson AF PLoS ONE 19 (1) e0296672 2024-01-19 2024-01-19
Remodeling of the human skeletal muscle proteome found after long-term endurance training but not after strength training. Emanuelsson EB, Arif M, Reitzner SM, ..., Sundberg CJ, Chapman MA iScience 27 (1) 108638 2024-01-19 2023-12-05
Genotyping of SNPs in bread wheat at reduced cost from pooled experiments and imputation. Clouard C, Nettelblad C Theor. Appl. Genet. 137 (1) 26 2024-01-19 2024-01-19
Metagenomic analysis of Mesolithic chewed pitch reveals poor oral health among stone age individuals. Kırdök E, Kashuba N, Damlien H, ..., Aravena A, Götherström A Sci Rep 13 (1) 22125 2024-01-18 2024-01-18
Ciliate Grazing on the Bloom-Forming Microalga Gonyostomum semen. Bergman I, Lindström ES, Sassenhagen I Microb. Ecol. 87 (1) 33 2024-01-18 2024-01-18
Characterization of MdpS: an in-depth analysis of a MUC5B-degrading protease from Streptococcus oralis. Leo F, Lood R, Thomsson KA, ..., Svensäter G, Wickström C Front Microbiol 15 (-) 1340109 2024-01-18 2024-01-18
Evaluation of Genetic or Cellular Impairments in Type I IFN Immunity in a Cohort of Young Adults with Critical COVID-19. Covill LE, Sendel A, Campbell TM, ..., Bergman P, Bryceson YT J Clin Immunol 44 (2) 50 2024-01-17 2024-01-17
CircNetVis: an interactive web application for visualizing interaction networks of circular RNAs. Nguyen TH, Nguyen HN, Vu TN BMC Bioinformatics 25 (1) 31 2024-01-17 2024-01-17
OMICs Signatures Linking Persistent Organic Pollutants to Cardiovascular Disease in the Swedish Mammography Cohort. Schillemans T, Yan Y, Ribbenstedt A, ..., Åkesson A, Brunius C Environ. Sci. Technol. 58 (2) 1036-1047 2024-01-16 2024-01-04
High-throughput analysis of membrane fluidity unveils a hidden dimension in immune cell states Andronico LA, Jiang Y, Carannante V, ..., Brodin P, Sezgin E - - (-) - 2024-01-16 2024-01-16
Erythroid Differentiation Enhances RNA Mis-Splicing in SF3B1-Mutant Myelodysplastic Syndromes with Ring Sideroblasts. Moura PL, Mortera-Blanco T, Hofman IJ, ..., Jacobsen SEW, Hellström-Lindberg E Cancer Res. 84 (2) 211-225 2024-01-16 2023-11-03
Ultralight Ultrafast Enzymes. Zhang X, Meng Z, Beusch CM, ..., Gaetani M, Zubarev RA Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 63 (3) e202316488 2024-01-15 2023-12-07
Apoptosis-mediated ADAM10 activation removes a mucin barrier promoting T cell efferocytosis. Drexhage LZ, Zhang S, Dupont M, ..., Karaji N, Sattentau QJ Nat Commun 15 (1) 541 2024-01-15 2024-01-15
Profiling of Surface Protein Epitopes on Viral Particles by Multiplex Dual-Reporter Strategy Sahi M, Andersson S, Mattson C, ..., Chiodi F, Fredolini C J Vis Exp - (203) - 2024-01-12 2024-01-12
Furan Distribution as a Severity Indicator upon Organosolv Fractionation of Hardwood Sawdust through a Novel Ternary Solvent System Thoresen PP, Delgado Vellosillo I, Lange H, ..., Christakopoulos P, Matsakas L ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. - (-) - 2024-01-12 2024-01-12
Differential expression and alternative splicing analyses of multiple tissues reveal albinism-associated genes in the Wels catfish (Silurus glanis). Ozerov MY, Noreikiene K, Kahar S, ..., Gross R, Vasemägi A Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol 271 (-) 110941 2024-01-11 2024-01-11
Identification of circulating autoantibodies to non-modified proteins associated with ACPA status in early rheumatoid arthritis. Lourido L, Joshua V, Hansson M, ..., Klareskog L, Blanco FJ Rheumatology (Oxford) - (-) - 2024-01-09 2024-01-09
Single-cell genomics of a bloom-forming phytoplankton species reveals population genetic structure across continents. Gollnisch R, Ahrén D, Rengefors K ISME J 18 (1) - 2024-01-08 2024-03-15
Separating phases of allopolyploid evolution with resynthesized and natural Capsella bursa-pastoris. Duan T, Sicard A, Glémin S, Lascoux M Elife 12 (-) - 2024-01-08 2024-01-08
Climate acts as an environmental filter to plant pathogens. Caballol M, Redondo MÁ, Catalán N, ..., Stenlid J, Oliva J ISME J 18 (1) - 2024-01-08 2024-02-17
Biotic interactions between benthic infauna and aerobic methanotrophs mediate methane fluxes from coastal sediments. Broman E, Olsson M, Maciute A, ..., Bonaglia S, Nascimento FJA ISME J 18 (1) - 2024-01-08 2024-02-17
A pan-genomic approach reveals novel Sulfurimonas clade in the ferruginous meromictic Lake Pavin. Biderre-Petit C, Courtine D, Hennequin C, ..., Divne A, Hochart C Mol Ecol Resour - (-) e13923 2024-01-08 2024-01-08
Antimicrobial Activity of Two Different Types of Silver Nanoparticles against Wide Range of Pathogenic Bacteria. Holubnycha V, Husak Y, Korniienko V, ..., Ramanavicius A, Pogorielov M Nanomaterials (Basel) 14 (2) - 2024-01-07 2024-01-07
WOMBAT-P: Benchmarking Label-Free Proteomics Data Analysis Workflows. Bouyssié D, Altıner P, Capella-Gutierrez S, ..., Winkelhardt D, Schwämmle V J. Proteome Res. 23 (1) 418-429 2024-01-05 2023-12-01
Sex-limited experimental evolution drives transcriptomic divergence in a hermaphrodite. Cīrulis A, Nordén AK, Churcher AM, ..., Zadesenets KS, Abbott JK Genome Biol Evol 16 (1) - 2024-01-05 2023-12-29
Proteomic analysis shows decreased type I fibers and ectopic fat accumulation in skeletal muscle from women with PCOS. Stener-Victorin E, Eriksson G, Mohan Shrestha M, ..., Lanner J, Benrick A Elife 12 (-) - 2024-01-05 2024-01-05
Nuclear Hsp104 safeguards the dormant translation machinery during quiescence. Kohler V, Kohler A, Berglund LL, ..., Andréasson C, Büttner S Nat Commun 15 (1) 315 2024-01-05 2024-01-05
Bridging responses to a human telomerase reverse transcriptase-based peptide cancer vaccine candidate in a mechanism-based model. Ibrahim EIK, Ellingsen EB, Mangsbo SM, Friberg LE Int Immunopharmacol 126 (-) 111225 2024-01-05 2023-11-20
Secretome Analyses Identify FKBP4 as a GBA1-Associated Protein in CSF and iPS Cells from Parkinson's Disease Patients with GBA1 Mutations. Kojima R, Paslawski W, Lyu G, ..., Zhang X, Svenningsson P Int J Mol Sci 25 (1) - 2024-01-04 2024-01-04
METTL17 is an Fe-S cluster checkpoint for mitochondrial translation. Ast T, Itoh Y, Sadre S, ..., Amunts A, Mootha VK Mol. Cell - (-) - 2024-01-04 2024-01-04
Exonic trinucleotide repeat expansions in ZFHX3 cause spinocerebellar ataxia type 4: A poly-glycine disease. Wallenius J, Kafantari E, Jhaveri E, ..., Ehrencrona H, Puschmann A Am. J. Hum. Genet. 111 (1) 82-95 2024-01-04 2023-11-29
Elevated circulating adiponectin levels do not prevent anxiety-like behavior in a PCOS-like mouse model. Samad M, Ek J, Börchers S, ..., Asterholm IW, Benrick A Sci Rep 14 (1) 563 2024-01-04 2024-01-04
Mutation of the cyclooxygenase 2 gene promoter and anastomotic leakage in colorectal cancer patients: retrospective cohort study. Grahn O, Holmgren K, Hong MG, Sund M, Rutegård M BJS Open 8 (1) - 2024-01-03 2024-01-30
Identification of a Notch transcriptomic signature for breast cancer. Braune EB, Geist F, Tang X, ..., Wienke D, Lendahl U Breast Cancer Res. 26 (1) 4 2024-01-03 2024-01-03
Tissue-specific RNA Polymerase II promoter-proximal pause release and burst kinetics in a Drosophila embryonic patterning network. Hunt G, Vaid R, Pirogov S, ..., Reimegård J, Mannervik M Genome Biol. 25 (1) 2 2024-01-02 2024-01-02
Functional annotation of a divergent genome using sequence and structure-based similarity. Svedberg D, Winiger RR, Berg A, ..., Vossbrinck CR, Barandun J BMC Genomics 25 (1) 6 2024-01-02 2024-01-02
A comprehensive dataset on spatiotemporal variation of microbial plankton communities in the Baltic Sea. Latz MAC, Andersson A, Brugel S, ..., Torstensson A, Andersson AF Sci Data 11 (1) 18 2024-01-02 2024-01-02
Metastasis and recurrence patterns in the molecular subtypes of urothelial bladder cancer. Sjödahl G, Eriksson P, Holmsten K, ..., Ullén A, Liedberg F Int. J. Cancer 154 (1) 180-190 2024-01-01 2023-09-06
Global Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Distinct Phases of the Endothelial Response to TNF. Struck EC, Belova T, Hsieh PH, ..., Dusart PJ, Butler LM J. Immunol. 212 (1) 117-129 2024-01-01 2023-11-29
Astrocytic Regulation of Endocannabinoid-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity in the Dorsolateral Striatum. Adermark L, Stomberg R, Söderpalm B, Ericson M Int J Mol Sci 25 (1) - 2024-01-01 2024-01-01
Analysis of stabilization mechanisms in β-lactoglobulin-based amorphous solid dispersions by experimental and computational approaches. Zhuo X, Foderà V, Larsson P, ..., Löbmann K, Kabedev A Eur J Pharm Sci 192 (-) 106639 2024-01-01 2023-11-13
A biobased binder of carboxymethyl cellulose, citric acid, chitosan and wheat gluten for nonwoven and paper. Wennman M, Pinon AC, Svagan AJ, Hellberg M, Hedenqvist MS Carbohydr Polym 323 (-) 121430 2024-01-01 2023-09-23
pyngoST: fast, simultaneous and accurate multiple sequence typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae genome collections. Sánchez-Busó L, Sánchez-Serrano A, Golparian D, Unemo M Microb Genom 10 (1) - 2024-01-00 2024-01-30
Whole-genome selective sweep analyses identifies the region and candidate gene associated with white earlobe color in Mediterranean chickens. Guo Y, Rubin CJ, Rönneburg T, ..., Hu X, Carlborg Ö Poult. Sci. 103 (1) 103232 2024-01-00 2023-10-24
The genetic legacy of the expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples in Africa. Fortes-Lima CA, Burgarella C, Hammarén R, ..., Bostoen K, Schlebusch CM Nature 625 (7995) 540-547 2024-01-00 2023-11-29
The functional role of CST1 and CCL26 in asthma development. Hoyer A, Chakraborty S, Lilienthal I, ..., Katayama S, Söderhäll C Immun Inflamm Dis 12 (1) e1162 2024-01-00 2024-01-25
Substance P, NPY, CCK and their receptors in five brain regions in major depressive disorder with transcriptomic analysis of locus coeruleus neurons. Barde S, Aguila J, Zhong W, ..., Hedlund E, Hökfelt T Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 78 (-) 54-63 2024-01-00 2023-11-04
Randomized open-label trial of semaglutide and dapagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes of different pathophysiology. Dwibedi C, Ekström O, Brandt J, ..., Abrahamsson B, Rosengren AH Nat Metab 6 (1) 50-60 2024-01-00 2024-01-04
Pulmonary function and atherosclerosis in the general population: causal associations and clinical implications. Engström G, Lampa E, Dekkers K, ..., Östgren CJ, Sundström J Eur. J. Epidemiol. 39 (1) 35-49 2024-01-00 2024-01-02
Prognostic value of hypoxia-responsive gene expression profile in patients diagnosed with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Matic N, Pettersson L, Sellebjerg F, ..., Roberg K, Wiechec E Transl Oncol 39 (-) 101841 2024-01-00 2023-11-27
Population genomics of the muskox' resilience in the near absence of genetic variation. Pečnerová P, Lord E, Garcia-Erill G, ..., Moltke I, Siegismund HR Mol. Ecol. 33 (2) e17205 2024-01-00 2023-11-16
Phylogenomics and topological conflicts in the tribe Anthospermeae (Rubiaceae). Thureborn O, Wikström N, Razafimandimbison SG, Rydin C Ecol Evol 14 (1) e10868 2024-01-00 2024-01-25
Phylogenetics and environmental distribution of nitric oxide-forming nitrite reductases reveal their distinct functional and ecological roles. Pold G, Bonilla-Rosso G, Saghaï A, ..., Jones CM, Hallin S ISME COMMUN. 4 (1) ycae020 2024-01-00 2024-02-02
Novel candidate taxa contribute to key metabolic processes in Fennoscandian Shield deep groundwaters. Dopson M, Rezaei Somee M, González-Rosales C, ..., Mehrshad M, Bertilsson S ISME COMMUN. 4 (1) ycae113 2024-01-00 2024-09-23
New indicators for monitoring genetic diversity applied to alpine brown trout populations using whole genome sequence data. Kurland S, Saha A, Keehnen N, ..., Ryman N, Laikre L Mol. Ecol. 33 (2) e17213 2024-01-00 2023-11-28
New chemical and microbial perspectives on vitamin B1 and vitamer dynamics of a coastal system. Bittner MJ, Bannon CC, Rowland E, ..., Paerl RW, Riemann L ISME COMMUN. 4 (1) ycad016 2024-01-00 2024-01-10
Multiplexed experimental strategies for fragment library screening against challenging drug targets using SPR biosensors. FitzGerald EA, Vagrys D, Opassi G, ..., de Esch IJP, Danielson UH SLAS DISCOVERY: Advancing Life Sciences R&D 29 (1) 40-51 2024-01-00 2023-09-14
Molecular profiling of high-level athlete skeletal muscle after acute endurance or resistance exercise – A systems biology approach Reitzner SM, Emanuelsson EB, Arif M, ..., Chapman MA, Sundberg CJ Mol Metab 79 (-) 101857 2024-01-00 2024-01-00
Molecular blueprints for spinal circuit modules controlling locomotor speed in zebrafish. Pallucchi I, Bertuzzi M, Madrid D, ..., Higashijima SI, El Manira A Nat. Neurosci. 27 (1) 78-89 2024-01-00 2023-11-02
Heat inactivation of foetal bovine serum performed after EV-depletion influences the proteome of cell-derived extracellular vesicles. Urzì O, Bergqvist M, Lässer C, ..., Olofsson Bagge R, Crescitelli R J Extracell Vesicles 13 (1) e12408 2024-01-00 2024-01-24
Effects of Wholegrain Compared to Refined Grain Intake on Cardiometabolic Risk Markers, Gut Microbiota, and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Children: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Madsen MTB, Landberg R, Nielsen DS, ..., Lauritzen L, Damsgaard CT Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 119 (1) 18-28 2024-01-00 2023-10-28
Distinct molecular targets of ProEGCG from EGCG and superior inhibition of angiogenesis signaling pathways for treatment of endometriosis. Hung SW, Gaetani M, Li Y, ..., Zubarev RA, Wang CC J Pharm Anal 14 (1) 100-114 2024-01-00 2023-09-11
DNA metabarcoding reveals spatial and temporal variation of fish eye fluke communities in lake ecosystems. Diaz-Suarez A, Noreikiene K, Kahar S, ..., Kisand V, Vasemägi A Int J Parasitol 54 (1) 33-46 2024-01-00 2023-08-24
Compound heterozygous variants in RAB34 in a rare skeletal ciliopathy syndrome. Batkovskyte D, Komatsu M, Hammarsjö A, ..., Nishimura G, Yamada T Clin. Genet. 105 (1) 87-91 2024-01-00 2023-08-24
Birth Weight, Childhood and Young Adult Overweight, and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Men. Bramsved R, Bygdell M, Martikainen J, ..., Ohlsson C, Kindblom JM Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 44 (1) 314-321 2024-01-00 2023-11-16
A conserved graft formation process in Norway spruce and Arabidopsis identifies the PAT gene family as central regulators of wound healing. Feng M, Zhang A, Nguyen V, ..., Carlsbecker A, Melnyk CW NPLANTS 10 (1) 53-65 2024-01-00 2024-01-02
Visualizing the Microbial N Uptake During Arctic Extreme Winter Warming Events Using Nanosims Rasmussen LH, Danielsen BK, Elberling B, ..., Micaroni M, Andresen LC - - (-) - 2024-00-00 2024-00-00
Strategies for Multimodal Image Data Transformation to a Common Format for Cloud Integration and Visualization Camacho R, Berndtsson J, Micaroni M, Zhang K, Fernandez-Rodriguez J BIO Web Conf. 129 (-) 13019 2024-00-00 2024-10-17
Population genomic data reveal low genetic diversity, divergence and local adaptation among threatened Reeves's Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) Lu Q, Wang P, Chang J, ..., Höglund J, Zhang Z Avian Research 15 (-) 100156 2024-00-00 2024-00-00
One-pot reductive liquefaction of sawdust to renewables over MoOx–Al2O3 variants: insight into structure–activity relationships Salam MA, Tran QK, Ho PH, ..., Olsson L, Creaser D Sustainable Energy Fuels 8 (12) 2668-2681 2024-00-00 2024-00-00
Landscape of Epstein-Barr virus gene expression and perturbations in cancer K. W. Tang YTGXABIHDVea Res Sq - (-) - 2024-00-00 -
Ionic liquid strategy for chitosan production from chitin and molecular insights Dinh VM, Khokarale SG, May PO, ..., Irgum K, Mikkola JP RSC Sustain. 2 (4) 1154-1164 2024-00-00 2024-00-00
A surface passivated fluorinated polymer nanocomposite for carbon monoxide resistant plasmonic hydrogen sensing Östergren I, Darmadi I, Lerch S, ..., Langhammer C, Müller C J. Mater. Chem. A 12 (13) 7906-7915 2024-00-00 2024-00-00
A combination of long- and short-read genomics reveals frequent p-arm breakpoints within chromosome 21 complex genomic rearrangements Schuy J, Sæther KB, Lisfeld J, ..., Eisfeldt J, Lindstrand A Genetics in Medicine Open 2 (-) 101863 2024-00-00 2024-00-00

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