Publications 2018

Title Authors Journal Published Online
Sensitive ADAR editing reporter in cancer cells enables high-throughput screening of small molecule libraries Fritzell K, Xu LD, Otrocka M, Andréasson C, Öhman M Nucleic Acids Res - (-) - 2018-12-22 2018-12-22
Zebrafish larvae as a model system for systematic characterization of drugs and genes in dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis Bandaru MK, Emmanouilidou A, Ranefall P, ..., Ingelsson E, den Hoed M - - (-) - 2018-12-20 2018-12-20
PRR14L mutations are associated with chromosome 22 acquired uniparental disomy, age-related clonal hematopoiesis and myeloid neoplasia. Chase A, Pellagatti A, Singh S, ..., Boultwood J, Cross NCP Leukemia - (-) - 2018-12-20 2018-12-20
Targeted Delivery of Stk25 Antisense Oligonucleotides to Hepatocytes Protects Mice Against Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Cansby E, Nuñez-Durán E, Magnusson E, ..., Aghajan M, Mahlapuu M Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology 7 (3) 597-618 2018-12-19 2018-12-19
Carbon's Three-Center, Four-Electron Tetrel Bond, Treated Experimentally. Karim A, Schulz N, Andersson H, ..., Keller S, Erdélyi M J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140 (50) 17571-17579 2018-12-19 2018-12-07
Red Fluorescent Chlamydia trachomatis Applied to Live Cell Imaging and Screening for Antibacterial Agents. Mojica SA, Eriksson AU, Davis RA, ..., Elofsson M, Gylfe Å Front Microbiol 9 (-) 3151 2018-12-18 2018-12-18
Rainbow Trout Maintain Intestinal Transport and Barrier Functions Following Exposure to Polystyrene Microplastics. Ašmonaitė G, Sundh H, Asker N, Carney Almroth B Environ. Sci. Technol. 52 (24) 14392-14401 2018-12-18 2018-12-05
A multigene typing system for human adenoviruses reveals a new genotype in a collection of Swedish clinical isolates. Kaján GL, Lipiec A, Bartha D, Allard A, Arnberg N PLoS ONE 13 (12) e0209038 2018-12-14 2018-12-14
Significantly altered peripheral blood cell DNA methylation profile as a result of immediate effect of metformin use in healthy individuals. Elbere I, Silamikelis I, Ustinova M, ..., Schiöth HB, Klovins J Clin Epigenetics 10 (1) 156 2018-12-13 2018-12-13
Transcriptional landscape of B cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia based on an international study of 1,223 cases. Li JF, Dai YT, Lilljebjörn H, ..., Chen SJ, Huang JY Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115 (50) E11711-E11720 2018-12-11 2018-11-28
Proteotyping bacteria: Characterization, differentiation and identification of pneumococcus and other species within the Mitis Group of the genus Streptococcus by tandem mass spectrometry proteomics. Karlsson R, Gonzales-Siles L, Gomila M, ..., Kristiansson E, Moore ERB PLoS ONE 13 (12) e0208804 2018-12-10 2018-12-10
Progress on Identifying and Characterizing the Human Proteome: 2018 Metrics from the HUPO Human Proteome Project. Omenn GS, Lane L, Overall CM, ..., Baker MS, Deutsch EW J. Proteome Res. 17 (12) 4031-4041 2018-12-07 2018-08-23
PhenoMeNal: Processing and analysis of Metabolomics data in the Cloud. Peters K, Bradbury J, Bergmann S, ..., Zanetti G, Steinbeck C Gigascience - (-) - 2018-12-07 2018-12-07
Cotranslational Folding of a Pentarepeat β-Helix Protein. Notari L, Martínez-Carranza M, Farías-Rico JA, Stenmark P, von Heijne G J. Mol. Biol. 430 (24) 5196-5206 2018-12-07 2018-10-27
Somatic Structural Alterations in Childhood Leukemia Can Be Backtracked in Neonatal Dried Blood Spots by Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing and Digital PCR. Taylan F, Bang B, Öfverholm II, ..., Zachariadis V, Nordgren A Clin. Chem. - (-) - 2018-12-05 2018-12-05
Porous Cellulose Nanofiber-Based Microcapsules for Biomolecular Sensing. Paulraj T, Wennmalm S, Riazanova AV, ..., Crespo GA, Svagan AJ ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 10 (48) 41146-41154 2018-12-05 2018-11-26
A Novel Inorganic Sulfur Compound Metabolizing Ferroplasma-Like Population Is Suggested to Mediate Extracellular Electron Transfer. Ni G, Simone D, Palma D, ..., Turner S, Dopson M Front Microbiol 9 (-) 2945 2018-12-05 2018-12-05
Spatially and functionally distinct subclasses of breast cancer-associated fibroblasts revealed by single cell RNA sequencing. Bartoschek M, Oskolkov N, Bocci M, ..., Björklund Å, Pietras K Nat Commun 9 (1) 5150 2018-12-04 2018-12-04
Membrane fluidity is regulated by the C. elegans transmembrane protein FLD-1 and its human homologs TLCD1/2. Ruiz M, Bodhicharla R, Svensk E, ..., Boren J, Pilon M Elife 7 (-) - 2018-12-04 2018-12-04
Crystal Structures and Cytotoxicity of ent-Kaurane-Type Diterpenoids from Two Aspilia Species. Yaouba S, Valkonen A, Coghi P, ..., Erdélyi M, Yenesew A Molecules 23 (12) 3199 2018-12-04 2018-12-04
Transcriptional and Epigenetic Changes Influencing Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Nilsson E, Benrick A, Kokosar M, ..., Ling C, Stener-Victorin E J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 103 (12) 4465-4477 2018-12-01 2018-08-17
Impact of forced fatty acid synthesis on metabolism and physiology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gossing M, Smialowska A, Nielsen J FEMS Yeast Res. 18 (8) - 2018-12-01 2018-09-01
Whole Exome Sequencing of Patients from Multicase Families with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Identifies Multiple Rare Variants Delgado-Vega AM, Martínez-Bueno M, Oparina NY, ..., Kozyrev SV, Alarcón-Riquelme ME Sci Rep 8 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-06-08
Ulvan lyase from Formosa agariphila and its applicability in depolymerisation of ulvan extracted from three different Ulva species Konasani VR, Jin C, Karlsson NG, Albers E Algal Research 36 (-) 106-114 2018-12-00 2018-12-00
Transancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders Walters RK, None , Polimanti R, ..., Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A Nat Neurosci 21 (12) 1656-1669 2018-12-00 2018-11-26
The gut microbiome participates in transgenerational inheritance of low-temperature responses in Drosophila melanogaster. Zare A, Johansson AM, Karlsson E, Delhomme N, Stenberg P FEBS Lett. 592 (24) 4078-4086 2018-12-00 2018-11-15
The Mutant p53-Targeting Compound APR-246 Induces ROS-Modulating Genes in Breast Cancer Cells. Synnott NC, Madden SF, Bykov VJN, ..., Wiman KG, Duffy MJ Transl Oncol 11 (6) 1343-1349 2018-12-00 2018-09-06
Targeting PFKFB3 radiosensitizes cancer cells and suppresses homologous recombination Gustafsson NMS, Färnegårdh K, Bonagas N, ..., Olin T, Helleday T Nat Commun 9 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-09-24
T-cell transcriptomics from peripheral blood highlights differences between polymyositis and dermatomyositis patients Houtman M, Ekholm L, Hesselberg E, ..., Lundberg IE, Padyukov L Arthritis Res. Ther. 20 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-08-29
Structure of a functional obligate complex III 2IV2 respiratory supercomplex from Mycobacterium smegmatis. Wiseman B, Nitharwal RG, Fedotovskaya O, ..., Brzezinski P, Högbom M Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 25 (12) 1128-1136 2018-12-00 2018-12-05
Stereocilin gene variants associated with episodic vertigo: expansion of the DFNB16 phenotype. Frykholm C, Klar J, Tomanovic T, Ameur A, Dahl N Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 26 (12) 1871-1874 2018-12-00 2018-09-24
Somatic mutagenesis in satellite cells associates with human skeletal muscle aging Franco I, Johansson A, Olsson K, ..., Fischer H, Eriksson M Nat Commun 9 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-02-23
Sharing of photobionts in sympatric populations of Thamnolia and Cetraria lichens: evidence from high-throughput sequencing Onuț-Brännström I, Benjamin M, Scofield DG, ..., Lindström ES, Johannesson H Sci Rep 8 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-03-13
RNA-sequencing reveals long-term effects of silver nanoparticles on human lung cells Gliga AR, Di Bucchianico S, Lindvall J, Fadeel B, Karlsson HL Sci Rep 8 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-04-27
Publisher Correction: A DHODH inhibitor increases p53 synthesis and enhances tumor cell killing by p53 degradation blockage Ladds MJGW, van Leeuwen IMM, Drummond CJ, ..., McCormack E, Laín S Nat Commun 9 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-05-22
Protein Profiling in Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid Following Complex Surgery on the Thoracic Aorta Identifies Biological Markers of Neurologic Injury. Lindblom RPF, Shen Q, Axén S, ..., Kamali-Moghaddam M, Thelin S J. of Cardiovasc. Trans. Res. 11 (6) 503-516 2018-12-00 2018-10-26
Oxidatively stressed mitochondria-mimicking membranes: A molecular insight into their organization during apoptosis. Dingeldein APG, Sparrman T, Gröbner G Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1860 (12) 2644-2654 2018-12-00 2018-10-05
Molecular Investigation of the Ciliate Spirostomum semivirescens, with First Transcriptome and New Geographical Records Hines HN, Onsbring H, Ettema TJG, Esteban GF Protist 169 (6) 875-886 2018-12-00 2018-12-00
Linking FOXO3, NCOA3, and TCF7L2 to Ras pathway phenotypes through a genome-wide forward genetic screen in human colorectal cancer cells Kundu S, Ali MA, Handin N, ..., Hellström M, Sjöblom T Genome Med 10 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-01-04
Intramolecular 13C analysis of tree rings provides multiple plant ecophysiology signals covering decades Wieloch T, Ehlers I, Yu J, ..., Gessler A, Schleucher J Sci Rep 8 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-03-22
Individual Genetic Variation Might Predict Acute Skin Reactions in Women Undergoing Adjuvant Breast Cancer Radiotherapy. Oliva D, Nilsson M, Strandéus M, ..., Laytragoon-Lewin N, Lewin F Anticancer Res. 38 (12) 6763-6770 2018-12-00 2018-12-07
Image-Based Detection of Patient-Specific Drug-Induced Cell-Cycle Effects in Glioblastoma. Matuszewski DJ, Wählby C, Krona C, Nelander S, Sintorn IM SLAS DISCOVERY: Advancing Life Sciences R&D 23 (10) 1030-1039 2018-12-00 2018-08-03
High-efficient bacterial production of human ApoA-I amyloidogenic variants. Del Giudice R, Lagerstedt JO Protein Sci. 27 (12) 2101-2109 2018-12-00 2018-10-07
Genomic screening in rare disorders: New mutations and phenotypes, highlighting ALG14 as a novel cause of severe intellectual disability. Kvarnung M, Taylan F, Nilsson D, ..., Nordgren A, Lundberg ES Clin. Genet. 94 (6) 528-537 2018-12-00 2018-10-15
Genomes from uncultivated prokaryotes: a comparison of metagenome-assembled and single-amplified genomes Alneberg J, Karlsson CMG, Divne AM, ..., Andersson AF, Pinhassi J Microbiome 6 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-09-28
Genome sequencing and conservation genomics in the Scandinavian wolverine population Ekblom R, Brechlin B, Persson J, ..., Flagstad Ø, Ellegren H Conservation Biology 32 (6) 1301-1312 2018-12-00 2018-09-07
Genetic characterization of a novel picorna-like virus in Culex spp. mosquitoes from Mozambique Cholleti H, Hayer J, Fafetine J, Berg M, Blomström AL Virol J 15 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-04-18
Gene expression correlated with delay in shell formation in larval Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) exposed to experimental ocean acidification provides insights into shell formation mechanisms De Wit P, Durland E, Ventura A, Langdon CJ BMC Genomics 19 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-02-22
GWAS and colocalization analyses implicate carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaque loci in cardiovascular outcomes Franceschini N, None , Giambartolomei C, ..., Casas JP, O’Donnell CJ Nat Commun 9 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-12-03
Extracellular nanovesicles released from the commensal yeast Malassezia sympodialis are enriched in allergens and interact with cells in human skin Johansson HJ, Vallhov H, Holm T, ..., Lehtiö J, Scheynius A Sci Rep 8 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-06-15
Exploring benzimidazole resistance in Haemonchus contortus by next generation sequencing and droplet digital PCR Baltrušis P, Halvarsson P, Höglund J International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance 8 (3) 411-419 2018-12-00 2018-12-00
Epigenetics and early domestication: differences in hypothalamic DNA methylation between red junglefowl divergently selected for high or low fear of humans Bélteky J, Agnvall B, Bektic L, ..., Jensen P, Guerrero-Bosagna C Genet. Sel. Evol. 50 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-04-02
Eleven percent intact PGM3 in a severely immunodeficient patient with a novel splice-site mutation, a case report Lundin KE, Wang Q, Hamasy A, ..., Ekwall O, Smith CIE BMC Pediatr 18 (1) 285 2018-12-00 2018-08-29
Effects of predation stress and food ration on perch gut microbiota Zha Y, Eiler A, Johansson F, Svanbäck R Microbiome 6 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-02-06
EMBLmyGFF3: a converter facilitating genome annotation submission to European Nucleotide Archive Norling M, Jareborg N, Dainat J BMC Res Notes 11 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-08-13
Convergent evolution of complex genomic rearrangements in two fungal meiotic drive elements Svedberg J, Hosseini S, Chen J, ..., Lascoux M, Johannesson H Nat Commun 9 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-10-12
Comprehensive analysis of CTNNB1 in adrenocortical carcinomas: Identification of novel mutations and correlation to survival Maharjan R, Backman S, Åkerström T, Hellman P, Björklund P Sci Rep 8 (1) 8610 2018-12-00 2018-06-05
Comparative omics and feeding manipulations in chicken indicate a shift of the endocrine role of visceral fat towards reproduction Bornelöv S, Seroussi E, Yosefi S, ..., Andersson L, Friedman-Einat M BMC Genomics 19 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-04-26
Anti-Rift Valley fever virus activity in vitro, pre-clinical pharmacokinetics and oral bioavailability of benzavir-2, a broad-acting antiviral compound Islam MK, Strand M, Saleeb M, ..., Elofsson M, Evander M Sci Rep 8 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-01-31
Analysis of porcine body size variation using re-sequencing data of miniature and large pigs Reimer C, Rubin CJ, Sharifi AR, ..., Schlather M, Simianer H BMC Genomics 19 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-09-19
Aberrant splicing and defective mRNA production induced by somatic spliceosome mutations in myelodysplasia Shiozawa Y, Malcovati L, Gallì A, ..., Ogawa S, Cazzola M Nat Commun 9 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-09-07
A randomized controlled cross-over trial investigating the effect of anti-inflammatory diet on disease activity and quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis: the Anti-inflammatory Diet In Rheumatoid Arthritis (ADIRA) study protocol Winkvist A, Bärebring L, Gjertsson I, Ellegård L, Lindqvist HM Nutr J 17 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-04-20
A novel ulvan lyase family with broad-spectrum activity from the ulvan utilisation loci of Formosa agariphila KMM 3901 Konasani VR, Jin C, Karlsson NG, Albers E Sci Rep 8 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-10-02
A novel derivative of the fungal antimicrobial peptide plectasin is active against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tenland E, Krishnan N, Rönnholm A, ..., Robertson BD, Godaly G Tuberculosis 113 (-) 231-238 2018-12-00 2018-10-30
A major locus controls local adaptation and adaptive life history variation in a perennial plant Wang J, Ding J, Tan B, ..., Street NR, Ingvarsson PK Genome Biol. 19 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-06-04
A drug screening assay on cancer cells chronically adapted to acidosis Pellegrini P, Serviss JT, Lundbäck T, ..., Linder S, De Milito A Cancer Cell Int 18 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-09-25
A comprehensive map coupling histone modifications with gene regulation in adult dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons Södersten E, Toskas K, Rraklli V, ..., Perlmann T, Holmberg J Nat Commun 9 (1) - 2018-12-00 2018-03-26
Using High Content Imaging to Quantify Target Engagement in Adherent Cells. Axelsson H, Almqvist H, Seashore-Ludlow B J Vis Exp - (141) - 2018-11-29 2018-11-29
The Human Salivary Antimicrobial Peptide Profile according to the Oral Microbiota in Health, Periodontitis and Smoking. Grant M, Kilsgård O, Åkerman S, ..., Malmström J, Jönsson D J Innate Immun 11 (5) 432-444 2018-11-28 2018-11-28
RollFISH achieves robust quantification of single-molecule RNA biomarkers in paraffin-embedded tumor tissue samples. Wu C, Simonetti M, Rossell C, ..., Crosetto N, Nilsson M Commun Biol 1 (-) 209 2018-11-28 2018-11-28
Metabolic control of PPAR activity by aldehyde dehydrogenase regulates invasive cell behavior and predicts survival in hepatocellular and renal clear cell carcinoma. Andrejeva D, Kugler JM, Nguyen HT, ..., Loya AC, Cohen SM BMC Cancer 18 (1) 1180 2018-11-28 2018-11-28
Folding pathway of an Ig domain is conserved on and off the ribosome. Tian P, Steward A, Kudva R, ..., Clarke J, Best RB Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115 (48) E11284-E11293 2018-11-27 2018-11-09
Depth and Dissolved Organic Carbon Shape Microbial Communities in Surface Influenced but Not Ancient Saline Terrestrial Aquifers. Lopez-Fernandez M, Åström M, Bertilsson S, Dopson M Front Microbiol 9 (-) 2880 2018-11-27 2018-11-27
The shape of the bacterial ribosome exit tunnel affects cotranslational protein folding. Kudva R, Tian P, Pardo-Avila F, ..., Bernstein HD, von Heijne G Elife 7 (-) - 2018-11-26 2018-11-26
Out in the Cold: Identification of Genomic Regions Associated With Cold Tolerance in the Biocontrol Fungus Clonostachys rosea Through Genome-Wide Association Mapping. Broberg M, Dubey M, Sun MH, ..., Brandström Durling M, Karlsson M Front Microbiol 9 (-) 2844 2018-11-22 2018-11-22
Cell-free DNA profiling of metastatic prostate cancer reveals microsatellite instability, structural rearrangements and clonal hematopoiesis. Mayrhofer M, De Laere B, Whitington T, ..., Grönberg H, Lindberg J Genome Med 10 (1) 85 2018-11-21 2018-05-11
Metatranscriptomes Reveal That All Three Domains of Life Are Active but Are Dominated by Bacteria in the Fennoscandian Crystalline Granitic Continental Deep Biosphere Lopez-Fernandez M, Simone D, Wu X, ..., Bertilsson S, Dopson M MBio 9 (6) - 2018-11-20 2018-11-20
Quantitative Interpretation of Intracellular Drug Binding and Kinetics Using the Cellular Thermal Shift Assay Seashore-Ludlow B, Axelsson H, Almqvist H, ..., Jonsson M, Lundbäck T Biochemistry - (-) - 2018-11-19 2018-11-19
Genome-Wide Association Studies of Estimated Fatty Acid Desaturase Activity in Serum and Adipose Tissue in Elderly Individuals: Associations with Insulin Sensitivity Marklund M, Morris A, Mahajan A, ..., Lind L, Risérus U Nutrients 10 (11) 1791 2018-11-17 2018-11-17
Small-molecule inhibitor of OGG1 suppresses proinflammatory gene expression and inflammation. Visnes T, Cázares-Körner A, Hao W, ..., Boldogh I, Helleday T Science 362 (6416) 834-839 2018-11-16 2018-11-18
MutT homologue 1 (MTH1) catalyzes the hydrolysis of mutagenic O6-methyl-dGTP. Jemth AS, Gustafsson R, Bräutigam L, ..., Stenmark P, Helleday T Nucleic Acids Res. 46 (20) 10888-10904 2018-11-16 2018-10-12
Expression profiling and in situ screening of circular RNAs in human tissues. Zaghlool A, Ameur A, Wu C, ..., Nilsson M, Feuk L Sci Rep 8 (1) 16953 2018-11-16 2018-11-16
Diazotrophs and N2-Fixation Associated With Particles in Coastal Estuarine Waters. Pedersen JN, Bombar D, Paerl RW, Riemann L Front Microbiol 9 (-) 2759 2018-11-16 2018-11-16
Diet-dependent gene expression highlights the importance of Cytochrome P450 in detoxification of algal secondary metabolites in a marine isopod. De Wit P, Yamada K, Panova M, André C, Johannesson K Sci Rep 8 (1) 16824 2018-11-14 2018-11-14
Comparative Analysis of the Nodule Transcriptomes of Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (Rhamnaceae, Rosales) and Datisca glomerata (Datiscaceae, Cucurbitales). Salgado MG, van Velzen R, Nguyen TV, ..., Lundin D, Pawlowski K Front Plant Sci 9 (-) 1629 2018-11-14 2018-11-14
Satiety Factors Oleoylethanolamide, Stearoylethanolamide, and Palmitoylethanolamide in Mother's Milk Are Strongly Associated with Infant Weight at Four Months of Age-Data from the Odense Child Cohort. Bruun S, Gouveia-Figueira S, Domellöf M, ..., Fowler CJ, Zachariassen G Nutrients 10 (11) 1747 2018-11-13 2018-11-13
Integrative Analysis of Three RNA Sequencing Methods Identifies Mutually Exclusive Exons of MADS-Box Isoforms During Early Bud Development in Picea abies Akhter S, Kretzschmar WW, Nordal V, ..., Emanuelsson O, Sundström JF Front Plant Sci 9 (-) - 2018-11-13 2018-11-13
Parallel plumage colour evolution and introgressive hybridization in wheatears. Schweizer M, Warmuth V, Alaei Kakhki N, ..., Suh A, Burri R J. Evol. Biol. - (-) - 2018-11-12 2018-11-12
Disease-specific oligodendrocyte lineage cells arise in multiple sclerosis Falcão AM, van Bruggen D, Marques S, ..., Guerreiro-Cacais AO, Castelo-Branco G Nat Med - (-) - 2018-11-12 2018-11-12
New tools for automated high-resolution cryo-EM structure determination in RELION-3 Zivanov J, Nakane T, Forsberg BO, ..., Lindahl E, Scheres SH Elife 7 (-) - 2018-11-09 2018-11-09
Affinity to cellulose is a shared property among coiled-coil domains of intermediate filaments and prokaryotic intermediate filament-like proteins. Söderholm N, Javadi A, Flores IS, Flärdh K, Sandblad L Sci Rep 8 (1) 16524 2018-11-08 2018-11-08
Markers of Basement Membrane Remodeling Are Associated With Higher Mortality in Patients With Known Atherosclerosis. Holm Nielsen S, Tengryd C, Edsfeldt A, ..., Nilsson J, Goncalves I J Am Heart Assoc 7 (21) e009193 2018-11-06 2019-01-05
Vandermonde Factorization of Hankel Matrix for Complex Exponential Signal Recovery—Application in Fast NMR Spectroscopy Ying J, Cai JF, Guo D, ..., Chen Z, Qu X IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 66 (21) 5520-5533 2018-11-01 2018-11-01
Structures of two fimbrial adhesins, AtfE and UcaD, from the uropathogen Proteus mirabilis. Jiang W, Ubhayasekera W, Pearson MM, Knight SD Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 74 (Pt 11) 1053-1062 2018-11-01 2018-10-29
Computational and Statistical Analysis of Array-Based DNA Methylation Data. Nordlund J, Bäcklin C, Raine A Methods Mol. Biol. 1878 (-) 173-191 2018-11-01 2018-11-01
VEGF receptor-2/neuropilin 1 trans-complex formation between endothelial and tumor cells is an independent predictor of pancreatic cancer survival Morin E, Sjöberg E, Tjomsland V, ..., Sjöblom T, Claesson-Welsh L J. Pathol 246 (3) 311-322 2018-11-00 2018-09-04
Upregulated BMP-Smad signaling activity in the glucuronyl C5-epimerase knock out MEF cells Batool T, Fang J, Jansson V, ..., Moustakas A, Li JP Cellular Signalling - (-) - 2018-11-00 2018-11-00
Uncovering the regional localization of inhaled salmeterol retention in the lung. Bäckström E, Hamm G, Nilsson A, ..., Goodwin RJA, Fridén M Drug Deliv 25 (1) 838-845 2018-11-00 2018-03-29
Serum, plasma and erythrocyte membrane lipidomes in infants fed formula supplemented with bovine milk fat globule membranes. Grip T, Dyrlund TS, Ahonen L, ..., Orešič M, Timby N Pediatr. Res. 84 (5) 726-732 2018-11-00 2018-08-04
Replicative and non-replicative mechanisms in the formation of clustered CNVs are indicated by whole genome characterization. Nazaryan-Petersen L, Eisfeldt J, Pettersson M, ..., Tümer Z, Lindstrand A PLoS Genet. 14 (11) e1007780 2018-11-00 2018-11-12
Preparation of plant tissue to enable Spatial Transcriptomics profiling using barcoded microarrays. Giacomello S, Lundeberg J Nat Protoc 13 (11) 2425-2446 2018-11-00 2018-10-26
One-view breast tomosynthesis versus two-view mammography in the Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Screening Trial (MBTST): a prospective, population-based, diagnostic accuracy study Zackrisson S, Lång K, Rosso A, ..., Tingberg A, Andersson I The Lancet Oncology 19 (11) 1493-1503 2018-11-00 2018-11-00
Notch signaling promotes a HIF2α-driven hypoxic response in multiple tumor cell types. Mutvei AP, Landor SK, Fox R, ..., Jin S, Lendahl U Oncogene 37 (46) 6083-6095 2018-11-00 2018-07-11
Metal-free ribonucleotide reduction powered by a DOPA radical in Mycoplasma pathogens. Srinivas V, Lebrette H, Lundin D, ..., Sjöberg BM, Högbom M Nature 563 (7731) 416-420 2018-11-00 2018-10-31
LMO7 and LIMCH1 interact with LRIG proteins in lung cancer, with prognostic implications for early-stage disease. Karlsson T, Kvarnbrink S, Holmlund C, ..., Johansson M, Hedman H Lung Cancer 125 (-) 174-184 2018-11-00 2018-09-24
Isomeric Separation and Recognition of Anionic and Zwitterionic N-glycans from Royal Jelly Glycoproteins. Hykollari A, Malzl D, Eckmair B, ..., Wilson IBH, Paschinger K Mol. Cell Proteomics 17 (11) 2177-2196 2018-11-00 2018-08-13
Glycomics@ExPASy: Bridging the Gap. Mariethoz J, Alocci D, Gastaldello A, ..., Packer NH, Lisacek F Mol. Cell Proteomics 17 (11) 2164-2176 2018-11-00 2018-08-10
Genomes of two archaeal endosymbionts show convergent adaptations to an intracellular lifestyle Lind AE, Lewis WH, Spang A, ..., Embley TM, Ettema TJG ISME J 12 (11) 2655-2667 2018-11-00 2018-07-10
Genome Analyses of >200,000 Individuals Identify 58 Loci for Chronic Inflammation and Highlight Pathways that Link Inflammation and Complex Disorders Ligthart S, Vaez A, Võsa U, ..., Frayling TM, Slagboom EP The American Journal of Human Genetics 103 (5) 691-706 2018-11-00 2018-11-00
Fine-mapping type 2 diabetes loci to single-variant resolution using high-density imputation and islet-specific epigenome maps. Mahajan A, Taliun D, Thurner M, ..., Boehnke M, McCarthy MI Nat. Genet. 50 (11) 1505-1513 2018-11-00 2018-10-08
Detection of autoantibodies against cancer-testis antigens in non-small cell lung cancer. Djureinovic D, Dodig-Crnković T, Hellström C, ..., Schwenk JM, Micke P Lung Cancer 125 (-) 157-163 2018-11-00 2018-09-17
Convergent evolution of 11p allelic loss in multifocal Wilms tumors arising in WT1 mutation carriers. Valind A, Wessman S, Pal N, ..., Sandstedt B, Gisselsson D Pediatr Blood Cancer 65 (11) e27301 2018-11-00 2018-07-03
Barcoded solid-phase RNA capture for Spatial Transcriptomics profiling in mammalian tissue sections. Salmén F, Ståhl PL, Mollbrink A, ..., Frisén J, Lundeberg J Nat Protoc 13 (11) 2501-2534 2018-11-00 2018-10-26
Gene-level associations in suicide attempter families show overrepresentation of synaptic genes and genes differentially expressed in brain development Sokolowski M, Wasserman J, Wasserman D Am. J. Med. Genet. - (-) - 2018-10-31 2018-10-31
Copper Chaperone Atox1 Interacts with Cell Cycle Proteins. Matson Dzebo M, Blockhuys S, Valenzuela S, ..., Esbjörner EK, Wittung-Stafshede P Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 16 (-) 443-449 2018-10-31 2018-10-31
SMAD4 Is Essential for Human Cardiac Mesodermal Precursor Cell Formation. Xu J, Gruber PJ, Chien KR Stem Cells - (-) - 2018-10-30 2018-10-30
Quantitative proteomic characterization of the lung extracellular matrix in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Åhrman E, Hallgren O, Malmström L, ..., Westergren-Thorsson G, Malmström J J Proteomics 189 (-) 23-33 2018-10-30 2018-03-01
E. coli HMS174(DE3) is a sustainable alternative to BL21(DE3). Hausjell J, Weissensteiner J, Molitor C, Halbwirth H, Spadiut O Microb. Cell Fact. 17 (1) 169 2018-10-30 2018-10-30
Cigarette smoking affects microRNAs and inflammatory biomarkers in healthy individuals and an association to single nucleotide polymorphisms is indicated Andersson BÅ, Sayardoust S, Löfgren S, Rutqvist LE, Laytragoon-Lewin N Biomarkers - (-) 1-17 2018-10-30 2018-10-30
Functional and evolutionary genomic inferences in Populus through genome and population sequencing of American and European aspen Lin YC, Wang J, Delhomme N, ..., Ingvarsson PK, Street NR Proc Natl Acad Sci USA - (-) 201801437 2018-10-29 2018-10-29
Targeting autophagy by small molecule inhibitors of vacuolar protein sorting 34 (Vps34) improves the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to Sunitinib. Dyczynski M, Yu Y, Otrocka M, ..., De Milito A, Pokrovskaja Tamm K Cancer Lett. 435 (-) 32-43 2018-10-28 2018-07-25
Single-cell RNA-seq analysis reveals the platinum resistance gene COX7B and the surrogate marker CD63. Tanaka N, Katayama S, Reddy A, ..., Oya M, Uhlén P Cancer Med - (-) - 2018-10-26 2018-10-26
Single-Stranded Nucleic Acids Regulate TLR3/4/7 Activation through Interference with Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis. Järver P, Dondalska A, Poux C, ..., LeGrand R, Spetz AL Sci Rep 8 (1) 15841 2018-10-26 2018-10-26
Role of OmpA1 and OmpA2 in Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Aggregatibacter aphrophilus serum resistance. Lindholm M, Min Aung K, Nyunt Wai S, Oscarsson J Journal of Oral Microbiology 11 (1) 1536192 2018-10-26 2018-10-26
STAT3 differential scanning fluorimetry and differential scanning light scattering assays: Addressing a missing link in the characterization of STAT3 inhibitor interactions. Desroses M, Busker S, Astorga-Wells J, ..., Grandér D, Page BDG Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 160 (-) 80-88 2018-10-25 2018-07-17
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Combination of phage and Gram-positive bacterial display of human antibody repertoires enables isolation of functional high affinity binders. Hu FJ, Volk AL, Persson H, ..., Uhlen M, Rockberg J N Biotechnol 45 (-) 80-88 2018-10-25 2017-08-01
Amplification of the Melanocortin-1 Receptor in Nephrotic Syndrome Identifies a Target for Podocyte Cytoskeleton Stabilization. Bergwall L, Wallentin H, Elvin J, ..., Nyström J, Buvall L Sci Rep 8 (1) 15731 2018-10-24 2018-10-24
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Identification of Potential Plasma Biomarkers for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Using Tandem Mass Tag Quantitative Proteomics. Henriksson AE, Lindqvist M, Sihlbom C, Bergström J, Bylund D Proteomes 6 (4) - 2018-10-18 2018-10-18
Looking for a Treatment for Hailey-Hailey Disease: The Importance of Being Consistent in Case Reports. Micaroni M J Cutan Med Surg 22 (6) 660 2018-10-17 2018-10-17
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Single-Cell Transcriptomics of Traced Epidermal and Hair Follicle Stem Cells Reveals Rapid Adaptations during Wound Healing. Joost S, Jacob T, Sun X, ..., Sur I, Kasper M Cell Rep 25 (3) 585-597.e7 2018-10-16 2018-10-18
Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Enables Dissection of Genetic Heterogeneity in Stage III Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma Thrane K, Eriksson H, Maaskola J, Hansson J, Lundeberg J Cancer Res 78 (20) 5970-5979 2018-10-15 2018-10-15
Transcriptomic and genomic profiling of early-stage ovarian carcinomas associated with histotype and overall survival. Engqvist H, Parris TZ, Rönnerman EW, ..., Karlsson P, Helou K Oncotarget 9 (80) 35162-35180 2018-10-12 2018-10-12
Dynamics of a Perturbed Microbial Community during Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Chemically Defined Soluble Organic Compounds Šafarič L, Shakeri Yekta S, Liu T, ..., Bastviken D, Björn A Microorganisms 6 (4) 105 2018-10-11 2018-10-11
BabA-mediated adherence of pediatric ulcerogenic H. pylori strains to gastric mucins at neutral and acidic pH. Quintana-Hayashi MP, Rocha R, Padra M, ..., Oleastro M, Lindén SK Virulence 9 (1) 1699-1717 2018-10-10 2018-10-10
De Novo Assembly of Two Swedish Genomes Reveals Missing Segments from the Human GRCh38 Reference and Improves Variant Calling of Population-Scale Sequencing Data. Ameur A, Che H, Martin M, ..., Feuk L, Gyllensten U Genes 9 (10) 486 2018-10-09 2018-10-09
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The Xerobranching Response Represses Lateral Root Formation When Roots Are Not in Contact with Water. Orman-Ligeza B, Morris EC, Parizot B, ..., Beeckman T, Draye X Curr. Biol. 28 (19) 3165-3173.e5 2018-10-08 2018-09-27
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A Recurrent De Novo Heterozygous COG4 Substitution Leads to Saul-Wilson Syndrome, Disrupted Vesicular Trafficking, and Altered Proteoglycan Glycosylation. Ferreira CR, Xia ZJ, Clément A, ..., Gahl WA, Freeze HH Am. J. Hum. Genet. 103 (4) 553-567 2018-10-04 2018-10-06
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Hepatitis E Virus Genotype 3 Genomes from RNA-Positive but Serologically Negative Plasma Donors Have CUG as the Start Codon for ORF3. Norder H, Galli C, Magnil E, ..., Nyström K, Magnius LO Intervirology 61 (2) 96-103 2018-10-02 2018-10-02
A systems-approach reveals human nestin is an endothelial-enriched, angiogenesis-independent intermediate filament protein. Dusart P, Fagerberg L, Perisic L, ..., Odeberg J, Butler LM Sci Rep 8 (1) 14668 2018-10-02 2018-10-02
Development and Validation of a Novel RNA Sequencing-Based Prognostic Score for Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Wang M, Lindberg J, Klevebring D, ..., Grönberg H, Rantalainen M J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 110 (10) 1094-1101 2018-10-01 2018-03-06
Biased Inference of Selection Due to GC-Biased Gene Conversion and the Rate of Protein Evolution in Flycatchers When Accounting for It Bolívar P, Mugal CF, Rossi M, ..., Dutoit L, Ellegren H - 35 (10) 2475-2486 2018-10-01 2018-08-02
Using Scipion for stream image processing at Cryo-EM facilities Gómez-Blanco J, de la Rosa-Trevín JM, Marabini R, ..., Conesa P, Carazo JM Journal of Structural Biology - (-) - 2018-10-00 2018-10-00
Use of Vascular Assessments and Novel Biomarkers to Predict Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes: The SUMMIT VIP Study. Shore AC, Colhoun HM, Natali A, ..., Nilsson J, SUMMIT Consortium Diabetes Care 41 (10) 2212-2219 2018-10-00 2018-07-30
Rapid Increase in Carriage Rates of Enterobacteriaceae Producing Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamases in Healthy Preschool Children, Sweden Kaarme J, Riedel H, Schaal W, ..., Nevéus T, Melhus Å Emerg. Infect. Dis. 24 (10) 1874-1881 2018-10-00 2018-10-00
RAVEN 2.0: A versatile toolbox for metabolic network reconstruction and a case study on Streptomyces coelicolor. Wang H, Marcišauskas S, Sánchez BJ, ..., Nielsen J, Kerkhoven EJ PLoS Comput. Biol. 14 (10) e1006541 2018-10-00 2018-10-18
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Mutation, methylation, and gene expression profiles in dup(1q)-positive pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Gunnarsson R, Dilorenzo S, Lundin-Ström KB, ..., Isaksson A, Johansson B Leukemia 32 (10) 2117-2125 2018-10-00 2018-03-12
Ibrutinib induces rapid down-regulation of inflammatory markers and altered transcription of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia-related genes in blood and lymph nodes. Palma M, Krstic A, Peña Perez L, ..., Månsson R, Smith CIE Br. J. Haematol. 183 (2) 212-224 2018-10-00 2018-08-20
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Genetic analysis of over 1 million people identifies 535 new loci associated with blood pressure traits. Evangelou E, Warren HR, Mosen-Ansorena D, ..., Caulfield MJ, Million Veteran Program Nat. Genet. 50 (10) 1412-1425 2018-10-00 2018-09-17
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Deep learning is combined with massive-scale citizen science to improve large-scale image classification Sullivan DP, Winsnes CF, Åkesson L, ..., Szantner A, Lundberg E Nat Biotechnol 36 (9) 820-828 2018-10-00 2018-10-01
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments of the ligand binding domain of the human wildtype glucocorticoid receptor and the F602S mutant variant Köhler C, Carlström G, Tångefjord S, ..., Edman K, Akke M Biomol NMR Assign 12 (2) 263-268 2018-10-00 2018-04-17
Associations of Circulating Protein Levels With Lipid Fractions in the General Population. Figarska SM, Gustafsson S, Sundström J, ..., Lind L, Ingelsson E Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 38 (10) 2505-2518 2018-10-00 2018-10-26
Ancient genomes suggest the eastern Pontic-Caspian steppe as the source of western Iron Age nomads. Krzewińska M, Kılınç GM, Juras A, ..., Storå J, Götherström A Sci Adv 4 (10) eaat4457 2018-10-00 2018-10-03
Alu-Alu mediated intragenic duplications in IFT81 and MATN3 are associated with skeletal dysplasias. Pettersson M, Vaz R, Hammarsjö A, ..., Grigelioniene G, Lindstrand A Hum. Mutat. 39 (10) 1456-1467 2018-10-00 2018-08-22
Conformational Sampling of Macrocyclic Drugs in Different Environments: Can We Find the Relevant Conformations? Poongavanam V, Danelius E, Peintner S, ..., Ermondi G, Kihlberg J ACS Omega 3 (9) 11742-11757 2018-09-30 2018-09-24
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Microbial Community and Metabolic Activity in Thiocyanate Degrading Low Temperature Microbial Fuel Cells. Ni G, Canizales S, Broman E, ..., Sleutels T, Dopson M Front Microbiol 9 (-) 2308 2018-09-28 2018-09-28
Male sex and the pattern of recurrent myeloid mutations are strong independent predictors of blood transfusion intensity in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes Rydén J, Edgren G, Karimi M, ..., Hellström-Lindberg E, Höglund P Leukemia - (-) - 2018-09-28 2018-09-28
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Structural and biochemical characterization of the Cutibacterium acnes exo-β-1,4-mannosidase that targets the N-glycan core of host glycoproteins Reichenbach T, Kalyani D, Gandini R, ..., Aspeborg H, Divne C PLoS ONE 13 (9) e0204703 2018-09-27 2018-09-27
High-throughput metabarcoding reveals the effect of physicochemical soil properties on soil and litter biodiversity and community turnover across Amazonia. Ritter CD, Zizka A, Roger F, ..., Nilsson RH, Antonelli A PeerJ 6 (-) e5661 2018-09-25 2018-09-25
Genotyping of Phytophthora infestans in eastern-Africa reveals a dominating invasive European lineage Njoroge AW, Andersson B, Lees AK, ..., Yuen J, Pelle R Phytopathology - (-) - 2018-09-25 2018-09-25
NMR Determination of the Binding Constant of Ionic Species: A Caveat. Schulz N, Schindler S, Huber SM, Erdelyi M J. Org. Chem. 83 (18) 10881-10886 2018-09-21 2018-08-23
Methanogens and Iron-Reducing Bacteria: the Overlooked Members of Mercury-Methylating Microbial Communities in Boreal Lakes Bravo AG, Peura S, Buck M, ..., Björn E, Bertilsson S Appl Environ Microbiol 84 (23) - 2018-09-21 2018-11-15
Characterization of different fat depots in NAFLD using inflammation-associated proteome, lipidome and metabolome. Lovric A, Granér M, Bjornson E, ..., Mardinoglu A, Boren J Sci Rep 8 (1) 14200 2018-09-21 2018-09-21
Impact of spliceosome mutations on RNA splicing in myelodysplasia: dysregulated genes/pathways and clinical associations Pellagatti A, Armstrong RN, Steeples V, ..., Smith S, Boultwood J Blood 132 (12) 1225-1240 2018-09-20 2018-06-21
SWI/SNF interacts with cleavage and polyadenylation factors and facilitates pre-mRNA 3' end processing. Yu S, Jordán-Pla A, Gañez-Zapater A, ..., Östlund Farrants AK, Visa N Nucleic Acids Res. 46 (16) 8557-8573 2018-09-19 2018-06-04
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Structural and Functional Characterization of the BcsG Subunit of the Cellulose Synthase in Salmonella typhimurium. Sun L, Vella P, Schnell R, ..., Schneider G, Römling U J. Mol. Biol. 430 (18 Pt B) 3170-3189 2018-09-14 2018-07-12
TP53 outperforms other androgen receptor biomarkers to predict abiraterone or enzalutamide outcome in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. De Laere B, Oeyen S, Mayrhofer M, ..., Lindberg J, Dirix LY Clin. Cancer Res. - (-) - 2018-09-12 2018-09-12
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Continuous Immune Cell Differentiation Inferred From Single-Cell Measurements Following Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation. Chen Y, Lakshmikanth T, Olin A, ..., Remberger M, Brodin P Front Mol Biosci 5 (-) 81 2018-09-12 2018-09-12
How Does the Sweet Violet (Viola odorata L.) Fight Pathogens and Pests - Cyclotides as a Comprehensive Plant Host Defense System. Slazak B, Kapusta M, Strömstedt AA, ..., Kuta E, Göransson U Front Plant Sci 9 (-) 1296 2018-09-11 2018-09-11
The all-intracellular order Legionellales is unexpectedly diverse, globally distributed and lowly abundant Graells T, Ishak H, Larsson M, Guy L FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. - (-) - 2018-09-10 2018-09-10
Genomic and Strontium Isotope Variation Reveal Immigration Patterns in a Viking Age Town. Krzewińska M, Kjellström A, Günther T, ..., Storå J, Götherström A Curr. Biol. 28 (17) 2730-2738.e10 2018-09-10 2018-08-23
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The Thomsen-Friedenreich Antigen: A Highly Sensitive and Specific Predictor of Microsatellite Instability in Gastric Cancer. Mereiter S, Polom K, Williams C, ..., Magalhães A, Reis CA J Clin Med 7 (9) - 2018-09-05 2018-09-05
A New Species of the γ-Proteobacterium Francisella, F. adeliensis Sp. Nov., Endocytobiont in an Antarctic Marine Ciliate and Potential Evolutionary Forerunner of Pathogenic Species Vallesi A, Sjödin A, Petrelli D, ..., Gutiérrez G, Villalobo E Microb Ecol 77 (3) 587-596 2018-09-05 2018-09-05
Neuronal Expression of Opioid Gene is Controlled by Dual Epigenetic and Transcriptional Mechanism in Human Brain. Bazov I, Sarkisyan D, Kononenko O, ..., Yakovleva T, Bakalkin G Cereb. Cortex 28 (9) 3129-3142 2018-09-01 2017-10-03
Interactions between monomeric CCTδ and p150 Glued: A novel function for CCTδ at the cell periphery distinct from the protein folding activity of the molecular chaperone CCT. Echbarthi M, Vallin J, Grantham J Exp. Cell Res. 370 (1) 137-149 2018-09-01 2018-06-18
Draft Genome Sequence for the Tree Pathogen Phytophthora plurivora. Vetukuri RR, Tripathy S, Malar C M, ..., Grenville-Briggs LJ, Whisson SC Genome Biol Evol 10 (9) 2432-2442 2018-09-01 2018-09-01
Complex Evolutionary History of Translation Elongation Factor 2 and Diphthamide Biosynthesis in Archaea and Parabasalids Narrowe AB, Spang A, Stairs CW, ..., Miller CS, Ettema TJG Genome Biol Evol 10 (9) 2380-2393 2018-09-01 2018-08-27
The molecular genetic basis of herbivory between butterflies and their host plants. Nallu S, Hill JA, Don K, ..., Wheat CW, Kronforst MR Nat Ecol Evol 2 (9) 1418-1427 2018-09-00 2018-08-03
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The Protozoan Parasite Toxoplasma gondii Selectively Reprograms the Host Cell Translatome. Leroux LP, Lorent J, Graber TE, ..., Larsson O, Jaramillo M Infect. Immun. 86 (9) - 2018-09-00 2018-08-22
Sex-biased gene expression, sexual antagonism and levels of genetic diversity in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) genome Dutoit L, Mugal CF, Bolívar P, ..., Gustafsson L, Ellegren H Mol Ecol 27 (18) 3572-3581 2018-09-00 2018-09-04
Screening for Inhibitors of Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase (AdhE) from Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). Zetterström CE, Uusitalo P, Qian W, ..., Grundström C, Elofsson M SLAS DISCOVERY: Advancing Life Sciences R&D 23 (8) 815-822 2018-09-00 2018-04-09
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Phylogenetic relationships of rollers (Coraciidae) based on complete mitochondrial genomes and fifteen nuclear genes. Johansson US, Irestedt M, Qu Y, Ericson PGP Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 126 (-) 17-22 2018-09-00 2018-04-06
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Genome Sequence Resource for the Oomycete Taro Pathogen Phytophthora colocasiae. Vetukuri RR, Kushwaha SK, Sen D, ..., Lamour KH, Grenville-Briggs LJ Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 31 (9) 903-905 2018-09-00 2018-08-03
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The endoplasmic reticulum-resident collagen chaperone Hsp47 interacts with and promotes the secretion of decorin, fibromodulin, and lumican. Ishikawa Y, Rubin K, Bächinger HP, Kalamajski S J. Biol. Chem. 293 (35) 13707-13716 2018-08-31 2018-07-12
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A glutaredoxin domain fused to the radical-generating subunit of ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) functions as an efficient RNR reductant. Rozman Grinberg I, Lundin D, Sahlin M, ..., Hofer A, Sjöberg BM J. Biol. Chem. - (-) - 2018-08-30 2018-08-30
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Novel genome and genome-wide SNPs reveal early fragmentation effects in an edge-tolerant songbird population across an urbanized tropical metropolis. Tan DJX, Chattopadhyay B, Garg KM, ..., Irestedt M, Rheindt FE Sci Rep 8 (1) 12804 2018-08-24 2018-08-24
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Global characterization of the Dicer-like protein DrnB roles in miRNA biogenesis in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Liao Z, Kjellin J, Hoeppner MP, Grabherr M, Söderbom F RNA Biol 15 (7) 937-954 2018-08-21 2018-08-21
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Novel Autotrophic Organisms Contribute Significantly to the Internal Carbon Cycling Potential of a Boreal Lake Peura S, Buck M, Aalto SL, ..., Nykänen H, Eiler A MBio 9 (4) - 2018-08-14 2018-08-14
Reduction in White Blood Cell, Neutrophil and Red Blood Cell counts Related to Gender, HLA and Islet Autoantibodies in Swedish TEDDY Children at Increased Risk for Type 1 Diabetes Salami F, Lee HS, Freyhult E, ..., Lernmark Å, Törn C Diabetes - (-) db180355 2018-08-13 2018-08-13
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Nutritional Metabolomics: Postprandial Response of Meals Relating to Vegan, Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, and Omnivore Diets. Rådjursöga M, Lindqvist HM, Pedersen A, ..., Ellegård L, Winkvist A Nutrients 10 (8) 1063 2018-08-10 2018-08-10
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SURGE complex of Plasmodium falciparum in the rhoptry-neck (SURFIN4.2-RON4-GLURP) contributes to merozoite invasion. Quintana MDP, Ch'ng JH, Zandian A, ..., Chan S, Wahlgren M PLoS ONE 13 (8) e0201669 2018-08-09 2018-08-09
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Thermodynamics of Hg(II) Bonding to Thiol Groups in Suwannee River Natural Organic Matter Resolved by Competitive Ligand Exchange, Hg LIII-Edge EXAFS and 1H NMR Spectroscopy Song Y, Jiang T, Liem-Nguyen V, ..., Björn E, Skyllberg U Environ. Sci. Technol. 52 (15) 8292-8301 2018-08-07 2018-07-07
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Modeling the structural implications of an alternatively spliced Exoc3l2, a paralog of the tunneling nanotube-forming M-Sec O’Callaghan P, Zarb Y, Noborn F, Kreuger J PLoS ONE 13 (8) e0201557 2018-08-07 2018-08-07
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Sample size effects on the assessment of eukaryotic diversity and community structure in aquatic sediments using high-throughput sequencing. Nascimento FJA, Lallias D, Bik HM, Creer S Sci Rep 8 (1) 11737 2018-08-06 2018-08-06
Biaryl sulfonamide motifs up- or down-regulate ion channel activity by activating voltage sensors. Liin SI, Lund PE, Larsson JE, ..., Wallner B, Elinder F J. Gen. Physiol. 150 (8) 1215-1230 2018-08-06 2018-07-12
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Impact in Plasma Metabolome as Effect of Lifestyle Intervention for Weight-Loss Reveals Metabolic Benefits in Metabolically Healthy Obese Women. Almanza-Aguilera E, Brunius C, Bernal-Lopez MR, ..., Landberg R, Andres-Lacueva C J. Proteome Res. 17 (8) 2600-2610 2018-08-03 2018-06-28
Contrasting distribution patterns between aquatic and terrestrial Phytophthora species along a climatic gradient are linked to functional traits Redondo MA, Boberg J, Stenlid J, Oliva J ISME J - (-) - 2018-08-02 2018-08-02
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Prenatal arsenic exposure is associated with increased plasma IGFBP3 concentrations in 9-year-old children partly via changes in DNA methylation. Gliga AR, Engström K, Kippler M, ..., Raqib R, Broberg K Arch. Toxicol. 92 (8) 2487-2500 2018-08-00 2018-06-08
Plasma Protein Profiling Reveal Osteoprotegerin as a Marker of Prognostic Impact for Colorectal Cancer Birgisson H, Tsimogiannis K, Freyhult E, Kamali-Moghaddam M Transl Oncol 11 (4) 1034-1043 2018-08-00 2018-08-00
Novel Multiomics Profiling of Human Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques and Plasma Reveals Biliverdin Reductase B as a Marker of Intraplaque Hemorrhage. Matic LP, Jesus Iglesias M, Vesterlund M, ..., Odeberg J, Hedin U JACC Basic Transl Sci 3 (4) 464-480 2018-08-00 2018-08-01
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Coupling biogeochemical process rates and metagenomic blueprints of coastal bacterial assemblages in the context of environmental change. Markussen T, Happel EM, Teikari JE, ..., Middelboe M, Kisand V Environ. Microbiol. 20 (8) 3083-3099 2018-08-00 2018-09-19
Comprehensive RNA sequencing analysis in serum and muscle reveals novel small RNA signatures with biomarker potential for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Coenen-Stass AML, Sork H, Gatto S, ..., Wood MJA, Roberts TC Mol Ther Nucleic Acids - (-) - 2018-08-00 2018-08-00
Characterization of an activating R1353H insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor variant in a male with extreme tall height. Lin Y, van Duyvenvoorde HA, Liu H, ..., Wit JM, Larsson O Eur. J. Endocrinol. 179 (2) 85-95 2018-08-00 2018-05-22
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An imidazole based H-Phe-Phe-NH 2 peptidomimetic with anti-allodynic effect in spared nerve injury mice Skogh A, Lesniak A, Sköld C, ..., Hallberg M, Sandström A Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 28 (14) 2446-2450 2018-08-00 2018-08-00
Acute sleep loss results in tissue-specific alterations in genome-wide DNA methylation state and metabolic fuel utilization in humans Cedernaes J, Schönke M, Westholm JO, ..., Zierath JR, Benedict C Sci Adv 4 (8) eaar8590 2018-08-00 2018-08-22
A bacteriophage enzyme induces bacterial metabolic perturbation that confers a novel promiscuous function. Jerlström Hultqvist J, Warsi O, Söderholm A, ..., Selmer M, Andersson DI Nat Ecol Evol 2 (8) 1321-1330 2018-08-00 2018-05-28
BARM and BalticMicrobeDB, a reference metagenome and interface to meta-omic data for the Baltic Sea. Alneberg J, Sundh J, Bennke C, ..., Labrenz M, Andersson AF Sci Data 5 (-) 180146 2018-07-31 2018-07-31
Regulation of Neuronal Na,K-ATPase by Extracellular Scaffolding Proteins. Liebmann T, Fritz N, Kruusmägi M, ..., Aperia A, Brismar H Int J Mol Sci 19 (8) 2214 2018-07-29 2018-07-29
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Insights into Avian Incomplete Dosage Compensation: Sex-Biased Gene Expression Coevolves with Sex Chromosome Degeneration in the Common Whitethroat. Sigeman H, Ponnikas S, Videvall E, ..., Naurin S, Hansson B Genes 9 (8) 373 2018-07-26 2018-07-26
Glyco-engineered cell line and computational docking studies reveals enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli CFA/I fimbriae bind to Lewis a glycans. Mottram L, Liu J, Chavan S, ..., Svennerholm AM, Holgersson J Sci Rep 8 (1) 11250 2018-07-26 2018-07-26
Response of Microbial Communities to Changing Climate Conditions During Summer Cyanobacterial Blooms in the Baltic Sea. Berner C, Bertos-Fortis M, Pinhassi J, Legrand C Front Microbiol 9 (-) 1562 2018-07-25 2018-07-25
A patient-derived xenograft pre-clinical trial reveals treatment responses and a resistance mechanism to karonudib in metastatic melanoma. Einarsdottir BO, Karlsson J, Söderberg EMV, ..., Helleday T, Nilsson JA Cell Death Dis 9 (8) 810 2018-07-24 2018-07-24
The psoriasis risk allele HLA-Cw0602 shows evidence of association with chronic or recurrent streptococcal tonsillitis. Haapasalo K, Koskinen LLE, Suvilehto J, ..., Jokiranta TS, Saavalainen P Infect. Immun. - (-) - 2018-07-23 2018-07-23
Mebendazole stimulates CD14+ myeloid cells to enhance T-cell activation and tumour cell killing. Rubin J, Mansoori S, Blom K, ..., Nygren P, Larsson R Oncotarget 9 (56) 30805-30813 2018-07-20 2018-07-20
Effective Assignment of α2,3/α2,6-Sialic Acid Isomers by LC-MS/MS-Based Glycoproteomics. Pett C, Nasir W, Sihlbom C, ..., Nilsson J, Westerlind U Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 57 (30) 9320-9324 2018-07-20 2018-06-20
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Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles Induce Vitronectin Release Into the Bronchoalveolar Space Conferring Protection From Complement-Mediated Killing. Paulsson M, Che KF, Ahl J, ..., Lindén A, Riesbeck K Front Microbiol 9 (-) 1559 2018-07-13 2018-07-13
Untargeted 1H NMR-Based Metabolomics Analysis of Urine and Serum Profiles after Consumption of Lentils, Chickpeas, and Beans: An Extended Meal Study To Discover Dietary Biomarkers of Pulses. Madrid-Gambin F, Brunius C, Garcia-Aloy M, ..., Landberg R, Andres-Lacueva C J. Agric. Food Chem. 66 (27) 6997-7005 2018-07-11 2018-07-02
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Metabolic Profiling of Multiorgan Samples: Evaluation of MODY5/RCAD Mutant Mice. Torell F, Bennett K, Cereghini S, ..., Trygg J, Lundstedt T J. Proteome Res. 17 (7) 2293-2306 2018-07-06 2018-06-15
Primary glioblastoma cells for precision medicine: a quantitative portrait of genomic (in)stability during the first 30 passages. Baskaran S, Mayrhofer M, Kultima HG, ..., Isaksson A, Nelander S Neuro-oncology 20 (8) 1080-1091 2018-07-05 2018-02-21
Multimodal Chemical Imaging of Amyloid Plaque Polymorphism Reveals Aβ Aggregation Dependent Anionic Lipid Accumulations and Metabolism. Michno W, Kaya I, Nyström S, ..., Zetterberg H, Hanrieder J Anal. Chem. 90 (13) 8130-8138 2018-07-03 2018-06-19
Enteric Species F Human Adenoviruses use Laminin-Binding Integrins as Co-Receptors for Infection of Ht-29 Cells. Rajan A, Persson BD, Frängsmyr L, ..., Gall J, Arnberg N Sci Rep 8 (1) 10019 2018-07-03 2018-07-03
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Women Have High Numbers of CD103-CD8+ T Cells Residing Close to the Basal Membrane of the Ectocervical Epithelium. Gibbs A, Buggert M, Edfeldt G, ..., Broliden K, Tjernlund A J. Infect. Dis. 218 (3) 453-465 2018-07-02 2017-12-23
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The mycoparasitic fungus Clonostachys rosea responds with both common and specific gene expression during interspecific interactions with fungal prey Nygren K, Dubey M, Zapparata A, ..., Jensen DF, Karlsson M Evol Appl 11 (6) 931-949 2018-07-00 2018-03-14
The STAT4 SLE risk allele rs7574865[T] is associated with increased IL-12-induced IFN-γ production in T cells from patients with SLE. Hagberg N, Joelsson M, Leonard D, ..., Bryceson YT, Rönnblom L Ann. Rheum. Dis. 77 (7) 1070-1077 2018-07-00 2018-02-23
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Novel gene variants associated with cardiovascular disease in systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. Leonard D, Svenungsson E, Dahlqvist J, ..., Criswell LA, Rönnblom L Ann. Rheum. Dis. 77 (7) 1063-1069 2018-07-00 2018-03-07
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Increased Neuronal Differentiation of Neural Progenitor Cells Derived from Phosphovimentin-Deficient Mice. Chen M, Puschmann TB, Marasek P, ..., Wilhelmsson U, Pekny M Mol Neurobiol 55 (7) 5478-5489 2018-07-00 2017-09-27
Identification of inhibitors of Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP/ACP5) activity by small-molecule screening. Reithmeier A, Lundbäck T, Haraldsson M, ..., Gustavsson AL, Andersson G Chem Biol Drug Des 92 (1) 1255-1271 2018-07-00 2018-03-30
Genotype-Phenotype Correlation of PLOD2 Skeletal Dysplasias Using Structural Information. Tham E, Grigelionis G, Hammarsjö A, Grigelioniene G J. Bone Miner. Res. 33 (7) 1377-1378 2018-07-00 2018-06-07
Genome-wide association meta-analysis in 269,867 individuals identifies new genetic and functional links to intelligence. Savage JE, Jansen PR, Stringer S, ..., Wright MJ, Posthuma D Nat. Genet. 50 (7) 912-919 2018-07-00 2018-06-25
Detection of novel syntrophic acetate-oxidizing bacteria from biogas processes by continuous acetate enrichment approaches. Westerholm M, Müller B, Singh A, Karlsson Lindsjö O, Schnürer A Microb Biotechnol 11 (4) 680-693 2018-07-00 2017-12-04
Complete genome sequence of the marine Rhodococcus sp. H-CA8f isolated from Comau fjord in Northern Patagonia, Chile. Undabarrena A, Salvà-Serra F, Jaén-Luchoro D, ..., Seeger M, Cámara B Marine Genomics 40 (-) 13-17 2018-07-00 2018-02-15
Calcium-activated Chloride Channel Regulator 1 (CLCA1) Controls Mucus Expansion in Colon by Proteolytic Activity. Nyström EEL, Birchenough GMH, van der Post S, ..., Hansson GC, Johansson MEV EBioMedicine 33 (-) 134-143 2018-07-00 2018-06-07
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Bioconda: sustainable and comprehensive software distribution for the life sciences Grüning B, Dale R, Sjödin A, ..., Valieris R, Köster J Nat Methods 15 (7) 475-476 2018-07-00 2018-07-02
Assessment of titanium dioxide nanoparticle toxicity in the rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss) liver and gill cell lines RTL-W1 and RTgill-W1 under particular consideration of nanoparticle stability and interference with fluorometric assays Lammel T, Sturve J NanoImpact 11 (-) 1-19 2018-07-00 2018-07-00
A protein activity assay to measure global transcription factor activity reveals determinants of chromatin accessibility. Wei B, Jolma A, Sahu B, ..., Taipale M, Taipale J Nat. Biotechnol. 36 (6) 521-529 2018-07-00 2018-05-21
A heterogeneous response of liver and skeletal muscle fat to the combination of a Paleolithic diet and exercise in obese individuals with type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial Otten J, Stomby A, Waling M, ..., Hauksson J, Olsson T Diabetologia 61 (7) 1548-1559 2018-07-00 2018-04-26
A freshwater diatom challenged by Zn: Biochemical, physiological and metabolomic responses of Tabellaria flocculosa(Roth) Kützing. Gonçalves S, Kahlert M, Almeida SFP, Figueira E Environ Pollut 238 (-) 959-971 2018-07-00 2018-04-28
LC-MS/MS characterization of xyloside-primed glycosaminoglycans with cytotoxic properties reveals structural diversity and novel glycan modifications. Persson A, Gomez Toledo A, Vorontsov E, ..., Nilsson J, Larson G J. Biol. Chem. 293 (26) 10202-10219 2018-06-29 2018-05-08
Model Communities Hint at Promiscuous Metabolic Linkages between Ubiquitous Free-Living Freshwater Bacteria. Garcia SL, Buck M, Hamilton JJ, ..., McMahon KD, Eiler A mSphere 3 (3) - 2018-06-27 2018-05-30
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The contribution of common genetic risk variants for ADHD to a general factor of childhood psychopathology. Brikell I, Larsson H, Lu Y, ..., Lichtenstein P, Martin J Mol. Psychiatry - (-) - 2018-06-22 2018-06-22
The Properties of Amyloid-β Fibrils Are Determined by their Path of Formation. Brännström K, Islam T, Gharibyan AL, ..., Pamrén A, Olofsson A J. Mol. Biol. 430 (13) 1940-1949 2018-06-22 2018-05-09
In Vitro Evolution of Antibodies Inspired by In Vivo Evolution Persson H, Kirik U, Thörnqvist L, ..., Levander F, Ohlin M Front Immunol 9 (-) - 2018-06-21 2018-06-21
Spatial maps of prostate cancer transcriptomes reveal an unexplored landscape of heterogeneity Berglund E, Maaskola J, Schultz N, ..., Helleday T, Lundeberg J Nat Commun 9 (1) 2419 2018-06-20 2018-06-20
Simultaneous determination of ribonucleoside and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in biological samples by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Kong Z, Jia S, Chabes AL, ..., Moritz T, Chabes A Nucleic Acids Res. 46 (11) e66 2018-06-20 2018-03-20
Gut microbiota regulates maturation of the adult enteric nervous system via enteric serotonin networks. De Vadder F, Grasset E, Mannerås Holm L, ..., Olofsson LE, Bäckhed F Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115 (25) 6458-6463 2018-06-19 2018-06-04
Gene expression profiling of periodontitis-affected gingival tissue by spatial transcriptomics. Lundmark A, Gerasimcik N, Båge T, ..., Lundeberg J, Yucel-Lindberg T Sci Rep 8 (1) 9370 2018-06-19 2018-06-19
Novel genetic associations for blood pressure identified via gene-alcohol interaction in up to 570K individuals across multiple ancestries. Feitosa MF, Kraja AT, Chasman DI, ..., Province MA, Levy D PLoS ONE 13 (6) e0198166 2018-06-18 2018-06-18
Poly(alkylidenimine) Dendrimers Functionalized with the Organometallic Moiety [Ru(η⁵-C₅H₅)(PPh₃)₂]⁺ as Promising Drugs Against Cisplatin-Resistant Cancer Cells and Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Gouveia M, Figueira J, Jardim MG, ..., Rissanen K, Rodrigues J Molecules 23 (6) 1471 2018-06-17 2018-06-17
Stabilized Cyclic Peptides as Scavengers of Autoantibodies: Neutralization of Anticitrullinated Protein/Peptide Antibodies in Rheumatoid Arthritis Gunasekera S, Fernandes-Cerqueira C, Wennmalm S, ..., Jakobsson PJ, Göransson U ACS Chem. Biol. 13 (6) 1525-1535 2018-06-15 2018-04-09
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Investigating Holocene human population history in North Asia using ancient mitogenomes. Kılınç GM, Kashuba N, Yaka R, ..., Storå J, Götherström A Sci Rep 8 (1) 8969 2018-06-12 2018-06-12
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Higher Concentrations of BCAAs and 3-HIB Are Associated with Insulin Resistance in the Transition from Gestational Diabetes to Type 2 Diabetes. Andersson-Hall U, Gustavsson C, Pedersen A, ..., Joelsson L, Holmäng A Journal of Diabetes Research 2018 (-) 4207067 2018-06-05 2018-06-05
Four evolutionary trajectories underlie genetic intratumoral variation in childhood cancer Karlsson J, Valind A, Holmquist Mengelbier L, ..., Bexell D, Gisselsson D Nat Genet 50 (7) 944-950 2018-06-04 2018-06-04
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Presence of Aedes and Anopheles mosquito larvae is correlated to bacteria found in domestic water-storage containers Nilsson LKJ, Sharma A, Bhatnagar RK, Bertilsson S, Terenius O FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 94 (6) - 2018-06-01 2018-03-29
Deciphering the genome and secondary metabolome of the plant pathogen Fusarium culmorum Schmidt R, Durling MB, de Jager V, ..., Karlsson M, Garbeva P FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 94 (6) - 2018-06-01 2018-04-30
γ-glutamyl transpeptidase deficiency caused by a large homozygous intragenic deletion in GGT1. Darin N, Leckström K, Sikora P, ..., Almén G, Asin-Cayuela J Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 26 (6) 808-817 2018-06-00 2018-02-26
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Testis transcriptome alterations in zebrafish (Danio rerio) with reduced fertility due to developmental exposure to 17α-ethinyl estradiol Porseryd T, Reyhanian Caspillo N, Volkova K, ..., Olsson PE, Porsch-Hällström I General and Comparative Endocrinology 262 (-) 44-58 2018-06-00 2018-06-00
Streptococcus pyogenes Infection and the Human Proteome with a Special Focus on the Immunoglobulin G-cleaving Enzyme IdeS. Karlsson CAQ, Järnum S, Winstedt L, ..., Linder A, Malmström JA Mol. Cell Proteomics 17 (6) 1097-1111 2018-06-00 2018-03-06
Paternally expressed imprinted genes associate with hybridization barriers in Capsella Lafon-Placette C, Hatorangan MR, Steige KA, ..., Slotte T, Köhler C NPLANTS 4 (6) 352-357 2018-06-00 2018-05-28
Neuronal atlas of the dorsal horn defines its architecture and links sensory input to transcriptional cell types. Häring M, Zeisel A, Hochgerner H, ..., Linnarsson S, Ernfors P Nat. Neurosci. 21 (6) 869-880 2018-06-00 2018-04-23
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Liquid Norbornadiene Photoswitches for Solar Energy Storage Dreos A, Wang Z, Udmark J, ..., Nielsen MB, Moth-Poulsen K Adv. Energy Mater. 8 (18) 1703401 2018-06-00 2018-03-25
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Expression of ribosomal and actin network proteins and immunochemotherapy resistance in diffuse large B cell lymphoma patients Bram Ednersson S, Stenson M, Stern M, ..., Hasselblom S, Andersson PO Br J Haematol 181 (6) 770-781 2018-06-00 2018-05-16
Development and Utility of a Birth Defects Surveillance Toolkit. Flores AL, Turay K, Valencia D, ..., Groisman B, Mastroiacovo P J Glob Health Perspect 0 (-) - 2018-06-00 2018-06-14
Design, synthesis and evaluation of potent and selective inhibitors of mono-(ADP-ribosyl)transferases PARP10 and PARP14 Holechek J, Lease R, Thorsell AG, ..., Schüler H, Ferraris D Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 28 (11) 2050-2054 2018-06-00 2018-06-00
Cracking the Sugar Code by Mass Spectrometry : An Invited Perspective in Honor of Dr. Catherine E. Costello, Recipient of the 2017 ASMS Distinguished Contribution Award. Mirgorodskaya E, Karlsson NG, Sihlbom C, Larson G, Nilsson CL J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 29 (6) 1065-1074 2018-06-00 2018-04-11
Circadian clock components control daily growth activities by modulating cytokinin levels and cell division-associated gene expression in Populus trees. Edwards KD, Takata N, Johansson M, ..., Ljung K, Eriksson ME Plant Cell Environ. 41 (6) 1468-1482 2018-06-00 2018-04-15
Assessing Cu impacts on freshwater diatoms: biochemical and metabolomic responses of Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kützing Gonçalves S, Kahlert M, Almeida SFP, Figueira E Science of The Total Environment 625 (-) 1234-1246 2018-06-00 2018-06-00
A novel ECEL1 mutation expands the phenotype of distal arthrogryposis multiplex congenita type 5D to include pretibial vertical skin creases. Stattin EL, Johansson J, Gudmundsson S, ..., Bondeson ML, Wilbe M Am. J. Med. Genet. A 176 (6) 1405-1410 2018-06-00 2018-04-16
A genome scan for quantitative trait loci affecting average daily gain and Kleiber ratio in Baluchi Sheep. Pasandideh M, Rahimi-Mianji G, Gholizadeh M J. Genet. 97 (2) 493-503 2018-06-00 2018-06-23
Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 gene polymorphisms and clinical outcomes following acute coronary syndromes: findings from the PLATelet inhibition and patient Outcomes (PLATO) study. Parker WAE, Eriksson N, Becker RC, ..., Storey RF, PLATO Investigators Platelets - (-) 1-10 2018-05-31 2018-05-31
Discovery of SNPs for individual identification by reduced representation sequencing of moose (Alces alces). Blåhed IM, Königsson H, Ericsson G, Spong G PLoS ONE 13 (5) e0197364 2018-05-30 2018-05-30
Common genetic variation in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) locus is associated with autoimmune Addison's disease in Sweden. Eriksson D, Bianchi M, Landegren N, ..., Rosengren Pielberg G, Kämpe O Sci Rep 8 (1) 8395 2018-05-30 2018-05-30
Study of 300,486 individuals identifies 148 independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive function. Davies G, Lam M, Harris SE, ..., Lencz T, Deary IJ Nat Commun 9 (1) 2098 2018-05-29 2018-05-29
Diminished CXCR5 expression in peripheral blood of patients with Sjögren's syndrome may relate to both genotype and salivary gland homing Aqrawi LA, Ivanchenko M, Björk A, ..., Skarstein K, Wahren-Herlenius M Clin Exp Immunol 192 (3) 259-270 2018-05-25 2018-03-24
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SWI/SNF regulates half of its targets without the need of ATP-driven nucleosome remodeling by Brahma. Jordán-Pla A, Yu S, Waldholm J, ..., Östlund Farrants AK, Visa N BMC Genomics 19 (1) 367 2018-05-18 2018-05-18
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A genome-wide association study of IgM antibody against phosphorylcholine: shared genetics and phenotypic relationship to chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Chen X, Gustafsson S, Whitington T, ..., Frostegård J, Magnusson PKE Hum. Mol. Genet. 27 (10) 1809-1818 2018-05-15 2018-03-17
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Habitual coffee consumption and cognitive function: a Mendelian randomization meta-analysis in up to 415,530 participants. Zhou A, Taylor AE, Karhunen V, ..., Llewellyn DJ, Hyppönen E Sci Rep 8 (1) 7526 2018-05-14 2018-05-14
Impact of Dynamically Exposed Polarity on Permeability and Solubility of Chameleonic Drugs Beyond the Rule of 5 Rossi Sebastiano M, Doak BC, Backlund M, ..., Matsson P, Kihlberg J J. Med. Chem. 61 (9) 4189-4202 2018-05-10 2018-04-02
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The structure of the N-terminal module of the cell wall hydrolase RipA and its role in regulating catalytic activity. Steiner EM, Lyngsø J, Guy JE, ..., Schneider G, Schnell R Proteins - (-) - 2018-05-02 2018-05-02
Multiplexed Antigen Bead Arrays for the Assessment of Antibody Selectivity and Epitope Mapping. Ayoglu B, Nilsson P, Schwenk JM Methods Mol. Biol. 1785 (-) 239-248 2018-05-02 2018-05-02
High-Density Antigen Microarrays for the Assessment of Antibody Selectivity and Off-Target Binding. Sjöberg R, Andersson E, Hellström C, ..., Nilsson P, Ayoglu B Methods Mol. Biol. 1785 (-) 231-238 2018-05-02 2018-05-02
O6-methylguanine–induced transcriptional mutagenesis reduces p53 tumor-suppressor function Ezerskyte M, Paredes JA, Malvezzi S, ..., Scicchitano DA, Dreij K Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115 (18) 4731-4736 2018-05-01 2018-04-17
Extended and Continuous Decline in Effective Population Size Results in Low Genomic Diversity in the World's Rarest Hyena Species, the Brown Hyena. Westbury MV, Hartmann S, Barlow A, ..., Dalén L, Hofreiter M Mol. Biol. Evol. 35 (5) 1225-1237 2018-05-01 2018-03-13
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Transcription profiling of peripheral B cells in antibody-positive primary Sjögren's syndrome reveals upregulated expression of CX3CR1 and a type I and type II interferon signature. Imgenberg-Kreuz J, Sandling JK, Björk A, ..., Syvänen AC, Nordmark G Scand. J. Immunol. 87 (5) e12662 2018-05-00 2018-04-15
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Microenvironmental control of breast cancer subtype elicited through paracrine platelet-derived growth factor-CC signaling. Roswall P, Bocci M, Bartoschek M, ..., Eriksson U, Pietras K Nat. Med. 24 (4) 463-473 2018-05-00 2018-03-12
Increasing sorghum yields by seed treatment with an aqueous extract of the plant Eclipta alba may involve a dual mechanism of hydropriming and suppression of fungal pathogens Zida PE, Néya BJ, Stokholm MS, ..., Sérémé P, Lund OS Crop Protection 107 (-) 48-55 2018-05-00 2018-05-00
Identification of novel diagnostic biomarkers for deep venous thrombosis. Memon AA, Sundquist K, PirouziFard M, ..., Sundquist J, Zöller B Br. J. Haematol. 181 (3) 378-385 2018-05-00 2018-04-19
Host genetic variation strongly influences the microbiome structure and function in fungal fruiting-bodies Pent M, Hiltunen M, Põldmaa K, ..., Ryberg M, Bahram M Environ Microbiol 20 (5) 1641-1650 2018-05-00 2018-03-25
Genome-wide association analyses identify 44 risk variants and refine the genetic architecture of major depression. Wray NR, Ripke S, Mattheisen M, ..., Sullivan PF, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Nat. Genet. 50 (5) 668-681 2018-05-00 2018-04-26
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Editorial and Review: 29th ASMS Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry-Peptidomics: Bridging the Gap between Proteomics and Metabolomics by MS. Li L, Andrén PE, Sweedler JV J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 29 (5) 801-806 2018-05-00 2018-04-07
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DNA methylation mapping identifies gene regulatory effects in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Imgenberg-Kreuz J, Carlsson Almlöf J, Leonard D, ..., Syvänen AC, Sandling JK Ann. Rheum. Dis. 77 (5) 736-743 2018-05-00 2018-02-01
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Abstract 472: Identifying and Characterizing Causal Genes in GWAS-identified Loci for Triglyceride Levels Using High-throughput, Image-based Screens in Zebrafish Larvae von der Heyde B, Masiero M, Emmanouilidou A, Klingström T, den Hoed M Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 38 (Suppl_1) - 2018-05-00 2018-05-00
Ultra-rapid auxin metabolite profiling for high-throughput mutant screening in Arabidopsis. Pencík A, Casanova-Sáez R, Pilarová V, ..., Ljung K, Novák O J. Exp. Bot. 69 (10) 2569-2579 2018-04-27 2018-03-08
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Genome-Guided Analysis of Clostridium ultunense and Comparative Genomics Reveal Different Strategies for Acetate Oxidation and Energy Conservation in Syntrophic Acetate-Oxidising Bacteria Manzoor S, Schnürer A, Bongcam-Rudloff E, Müller B Genes 9 (4) 225 2018-04-23 2018-04-23
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A GWAS meta-analysis from 5 population-based cohorts implicates ion channel genes in the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome. Bonfiglio F, Henström M, Nag A, ..., Zhernakova A, D'Amato M Neurogastroenterol. Motil. - (-) e13358 2018-04-19 2018-04-19
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Expression of scavenger receptor MARCO defines a targetable tumor-associated macrophage subset in non-small cell lung cancer. La Fleur L, Boura VF, Alexeyenko A, ..., Karlsson MCI, Botling J Int. J. Cancer - (-) - 2018-04-18 2018-04-18
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Complete Remission with Reduction of High-Risk Clones following Haploidentical NK-Cell Therapy against MDS and AML Björklund AT, Carlsten M, Sohlberg E, ..., Ljunggren HG, Malmberg KJ Clin. Cancer Res. 24 (8) 1834-1844 2018-04-15 2018-02-14
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Crystal Structure of Botulinum Neurotoxin A2 in Complex with the Human Protein Receptor SV2C Reveals Plasticity in Receptor Binding. Gustafsson R, Zhang S, Masuyer G, Dong M, Stenmark P Toxins (Basel) 10 (4) - 2018-04-12 2018-04-12
A mechanistic framework for auxin dependent Arabidopsis root hair elongation to low external phosphate. Bhosale R, Giri J, Pandey BK, ..., Bennett MJ, Swarup R Nat Commun 9 (1) 1409 2018-04-12 2018-04-12
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Female-specific Association Between Variants on Chromosome 9 and Self-reported Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Bonfiglio F, Zheng T, Garcia-Etxebarria K, ..., Zhernakova A, D'Amato M Gastroenterology - (-) - 2018-04-04 2018-04-04
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An Application-Directed, Versatile DNA FISH Platform for Research and Diagnostics. Gelali E, Custodio J, Girelli G, ..., Crosetto N, Bienko M Methods Mol. Biol. 1766 (-) 303-333 2018-04-02 2018-04-02
Transcriptional Roadmap to Seasonal Variation in Wood Formation of Norway Spruce. Jokipii-Lukkari S, Delhomme N, Schiffthaler B, ..., Street NR, Tuominen H Plant Physiol. 176 (4) 2851-2870 2018-04-00 2018-02-27
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Refining the accuracy of validated target identification through coding variant fine-mapping in type 2 diabetes. Mahajan A, Wessel J, Willems SM, ..., Rotter JI, McCarthy MI Nat. Genet. 50 (4) 559-571 2018-04-00 2018-04-09
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Multiancestry genome-wide association study of 520,000 subjects identifies 32 loci associated with stroke and stroke subtypes. Malik R, Chauhan G, Traylor M, ..., Debette S, Dichgans M Nat. Genet. 50 (4) 524-537 2018-04-00 2018-03-12
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Identification of Potential MR-Derived Biomarkers for Tumor Tissue Response to 177Lu-Octreotate Therapy in an Animal Model of Small Intestine Neuroendocrine Tumor. Montelius M, Spetz J, Jalnefjord O, ..., Ljungberg M, Forssell-Aronsson E Transl Oncol 11 (2) 193-204 2018-04-00 2018-01-11
Identification of Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase Macrodomain Inhibitors Using an AlphaScreen Protocol Ekblad T, Verheugd P, Lindgren AE, ..., Elofsson M, Schüler H SLAS DISCOVERY: Advancing Life Sciences R&D 23 (4) 353-362 2018-04-00 2018-01-09
GABA Regulates Release of Inflammatory Cytokines From Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and CD4 + T Cells and Is Immunosuppressive in Type 1 Diabetes Bhandage AK, Jin Z, Korol SV, ..., Kamali-Moghaddam M, Birnir B EBioMedicine 30 (-) 283-294 2018-04-00 2018-04-00
Effects of fixation on electrophysiology and structure of human jejunal villi. Casselbrant A, Helander HF Microsc Res Tech 81 (4) 376-383 2018-04-00 2018-01-11
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Confocal super-resolution imaging of the glomerular filtration barrier enabled by tissue expansion Unnersjö-Jess D, Scott L, Sevilla SZ, ..., Blom H, Brismar H Kidney International 93 (4) 1008-1013 2018-04-00 2018-04-00
An in vitro evaluation of browser and grazer fermentation efficiency and microbiota using European moose spring and summer foods Krizsan SJ, Mateos-Rivera A, Bertilsson S, ..., Gidlund H, Huhtanen P Ecol Evol 8 (8) 4183-4196 2018-04-00 2018-03-31
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Protein Expression in Tonsillar and Base of Tongue Cancer and in Relation to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Clinical Outcome. Ramqvist T, Näsman A, Franzén B, ..., Dalianis T, Munck-Wikland E Int J Mol Sci 19 (4) 978 2018-03-25 2018-03-25
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Pulmonary fibrosis in vivo displays increased p21 expression reduced by 5-HT2B receptor antagonists in vitro - a potential pathway affecting proliferation. Löfdahl A, Rydell-Törmänen K, Larsson-Callerfelt A, Wenglén C, Westergren-Thorsson G Sci Rep 8 (1) 1927 2018-01-31 2018-01-31
A Single Bout of Electroacupuncture Remodels Epigenetic and Transcriptional Changes in Adipose Tissue in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Kokosar M, Benrick A, Perfilyev A, ..., Ling C, Stener-Victorin E Sci Rep 8 (1) 1878 2018-01-30 2018-01-30
Metabolome dynamics of diapause in the butterfly Pieris napi: distinguishing maintenance, termination and post-diapause phases. Lehmann P, Pruisscher P, Koštál V, ..., Wheat CW, Gotthard K J Exp Biol 221 (Pt 2) - 2018-01-25 2018-01-25
Innate immune alterations are elicited in microglial cells before plaque deposition in the Alzheimer's disease mouse model 5xFAD. Boza-Serrano A, Yang Y, Paulus A, Deierborg T Sci Rep 8 (1) 1550 2018-01-24 2018-01-24
In Situ Analyses Directly in Diarrheal Stool Reveal Large Variations in Bacterial Load and Active Toxin Expression of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae Begum YA, Rydberg HA, Thorell K, ..., Qadri F, Sjöling Å mSphere 3 (1) e00517-17 2018-01-24 2018-01-24
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Demography and mating system shape the genome-wide impact of purifying selection in Arabis alpina. Laenen B, Tedder A, Nowak MD, ..., Coupland G, Slotte T Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115 (4) 816-821 2018-01-23 2018-01-04
Targeted NUDT5 inhibitors block hormone signaling in breast cancer cells. Page BDG, Valerie NCK, Wright RHG, ..., Beato M, Helleday T Nat Commun 9 (1) 250 2018-01-17 2018-01-17
Genome-wide association study in 79,366 European-ancestry individuals informs the genetic architecture of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Jiang X, O'Reilly PF, Aschard H, ..., Kraft P, Kiel DP Nat Commun 9 (1) 260 2018-01-17 2018-01-17
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Complete genomic and transcriptional landscape analysis using third-generation sequencing: a case study of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN.PK113-7D Jenjaroenpun P, Wongsurawat T, Pereira R, ..., Nielsen J, Nookaew I Nucleic Acids Res - (-) - 2018-01-13 2018-01-13
Rapid hybrid speciation in Darwin’s finches Lamichhaney S, Han F, Webster MT, ..., Grant BR, Grant PR Science 359 (6372) 224-228 2018-01-12 2017-11-23
Meta-analysis of exome array data identifies six novel genetic loci for lung function. Jackson VE, Latourelle JC, Wain LV, ..., Tobin MD, London SJ Wellcome Open Res 3 (-) 4 2018-01-12 2018-01-12
Identification of shared genetic variants between schizophrenia and lung cancer. Zuber V, Jönsson EG, Frei O, ..., Mills IG, Andreassen OA Sci Rep 8 (1) 674 2018-01-12 2018-01-12
The Global Acetylome of the Human Pathogen Vibrio cholerae V52 Reveals Lysine Acetylation of Major Transcriptional Regulators. Jers C, Ravikumar V, Lezyk M, ..., Wai SN, Mijakovic I Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 7 (-) 537 2018-01-11 2018-01-11
Splicing of platelet resident pre-mRNAs upon activation by physiological stimuli results in functionally relevant proteome modifications. Nassa G, Giurato G, Cimmino G, ..., Weisz A, Tarallo R Sci Rep 8 (1) 498 2018-01-11 2018-01-11
Sample handling of gastric tissue and O-glycan alterations in paired gastric cancer and non-tumorigenic tissues. Adamczyk B, Jin C, Polom K, ..., Roviello F, Karlsson NG Sci Rep 8 (1) 242 2018-01-10 2018-01-10
Bifidobacteria or Fiber Protects against Diet-Induced Microbiota-Mediated Colonic Mucus Deterioration. Schroeder BO, Birchenough GMH, Ståhlman M, ..., Hansson GC, Bäckhed F Cell Host Microbe 23 (1) 27-40.e7 2018-01-10 2017-12-21
A protein interaction network centered on leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1 (LRIG1) regulates growth factor receptors Faraz M, Herdenberg C, Holmlund C, Henriksson R, Hedman H J. Biol. Chem. - (-) jbc.M117.807487 2018-01-09 2018-01-09
Discovering viral genomes in human metagenomic data by predicting unknown protein families. Barrientos-Somarribas M, Messina DN, Pou C, ..., Andersson B, Sonnhammer ELL Sci Rep 8 (1) 28 2018-01-08 2018-01-08
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Evaluating vacquinol-1 in rats carrying glioblastoma models RG2 and NS1 Ahlstedt J, Förnvik K, Zolfaghari S, ..., Salford LG, Redebrandt HN Oncotarget - (-) - 2018-01-03 2018-01-03
Analysis of the hybrid genomes of two field isolates of the soil-borne fungal species Verticillium longisporum. Fogelqvist J, Tzelepis G, Bejai S, ..., Schwelm A, Dixelius C BMC Genomics 19 (1) 14 2018-01-03 2018-01-03
A multi-omics approach reveals function of Secretory Carrier-Associated Membrane Proteins in wood formation of​ ​​Populus​​ ​trees. Obudulu O, Mähler N, Skotare T, ..., Trygg J, Tuominen H BMC Genomics 19 (1) 11 2018-01-03 2018-01-03
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SMLocalizer, a GPU accelerated ImageJ plugin for single molecule localization microscopy Bernhem K, Brismar H Bioinformatics 34 (1) 137-138 2018-01-01 2017-09-04
Metabolism and Whole-Body Fat Oxidation Following Postexercise Carbohydrate or Protein Intake. Andersson-Hall U, Pettersson S, Edin F, ..., Malmodin D, Madsen K International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 28 (1) 37-45 2018-01-01 2018-01-17
Metabolic and functional phenotypic profiling of Drosophila melanogaster reveals reduced sex differentiation under stressful environmental conditions Ørsted M, Malmendal A, Muñoz J, Kristensen TN Biol J Linn Soc Lond 123 (1) 155-162 2018-01-01 2017-10-31
Cytokine Autoantibody Screening in the Swedish Addison Registry Identifies Patients With Undiagnosed APS1 Eriksson D, Dalin F, Eriksson GN, ..., Munoz KD, None J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 103 (1) 179-186 2018-01-01 2017-10-20
Viral metagenomics reveals the presence of highly divergent quaranjavirus in Rhipicephalus ticks from Mozambique Cholleti H, Hayer J, Mulandane FC, ..., Berg M, Blomström AL Infect Ecol Epidemiol 8 (1) 1478585 2018-01-00 2018-05-28
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The SubCons webserver: A user friendly web interface for state-of-the-art subcellular localization prediction. Salvatore M, Shu N, Elofsson A Protein Sci. 27 (1) 195-201 2018-01-00 2017-10-24
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Solid and fluid segments within the same molecule of stratum corneum ceramide lipid. Pham QD, Mojumdar EH, Gooris GS, ..., Sparr E, Topgaard D Quart. Rev. Biophys. 51 (-) e7 2018-01-00 2018-01-01
Single-molecule DNA sequencing of acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes with multiple TP53 alterations. Lodé L, Ameur A, Coste T, ..., Lavabre-Bertrand T, Soussi T Haematologica 103 (1) e13-e16 2018-01-00 2017-10-27
Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure in obesity. Turcot V, Lu Y, Highland HM, ..., MAGIC Investigators , Understanding Society Scientific Group Nat. Genet. 50 (1) 26-41 2018-01-00 2017-12-22
Population genomics of Mesolithic Scandinavia: Investigating early postglacial migration routes and high-latitude adaptation. Günther T, Malmström H, Svensson EM, ..., Götherström A, Jakobsson M PLoS Biol. 16 (1) e2003703 2018-01-00 2018-01-09
Perspectives on NMR studies of CO2 adsorption Bernin D, Hedin N Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 33 (-) 53-62 2018-01-00 2018-01-00
Normalization of mass spectrometry data (NOMAD). Murie C, Sandri B, Sandberg AS, ..., Wendt C, Larsson O Adv Biol Regul 67 (-) 128-133 2018-01-00 2017-11-20
Natural product inspired library synthesis - Identification of 2,3-diarylbenzofuran and 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran based inhibitors of Chlamydia trachomatis Saleeb M, Mojica S, Eriksson AU, ..., Gylfe Å, Elofsson M European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 143 (-) 1077-1089 2018-01-00 2018-01-00
Minimizing inequality in access to precision medicine in breast cancer by real-time population-based molecular analysis in the SCAN-B initiative. Rydén L, Loman N, Larsson C, ..., Saal LH, Borg Å Br J Surg 105 (2) e158-e168 2018-01-00 2018-01-18
MicroRNA expression profiles in non‑epithelial ovarian tumors. Chang RK, Li X, Mu N, ..., Larsson C, Lui WO Int. J. Oncol. 52 (1) 55-66 2018-01-00 2017-11-10
Leucocyte recruitment and molecular fortification of keratinocytes triggered by streptococcal M1 protein. Persson ST, Hauri S, Malmström J, Herwald H Cell. Microbiol. 20 (1) - 2018-01-00 2017-10-19
Homozygosity for a missense variant in COMP gene associated with severe pseudoachondroplasia Tariq M, Khan TN, Lundin L, ..., Dahl N, Klar J Clin Genet 93 (1) 182-186 2018-01-00 2017-11-21
Herpesvirus deconjugases inhibit the IFN response by promoting TRIM25 autoubiquitination and functional inactivation of the RIG-I signalosome. Gupta S, Ylä-Anttila P, Callegari S, ..., Delecluse HJ, Masucci MG PLoS Pathog. 14 (1) e1006852 2018-01-00 2018-01-22
Genomic consequences of intensive inbreeding in an isolated wolf population Kardos M, Åkesson M, Fountain T, ..., Wikenros C, Ellegren H Nat Ecol Evol 2 (1) 124-131 2018-01-00 2017-11-20
Exome sequencing reveals NAA15 and PUF60 as candidate genes associated with intellectual disability. Zhao JJ, Halvardson J, Zander CS, ..., Thuresson AC, Feuk L Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 177 (1) 10-20 2018-01-00 2017-10-09
Epigenetic Changes in the CRH Gene are Related to Severity of Suicide Attempt and a General Psychiatric Risk Score in Adolescents. Jokinen J, Boström AE, Dadfar A, ..., Åsberg M, Schiöth HB EBioMedicine 27 (-) 123-133 2018-01-00 2017-12-18
Complex effects of mammalian grazing on extramatrical mycelial biomass in the Scandes forest-tundra ecotone Vowles T, Lindwall F, Ekblad A, ..., Ryberg M, Björk RG Ecol Evol 8 (2) 1019-1030 2018-01-00 2017-12-14
Clofazimine protects against Mycobacterium tuberculosis dissemination in the central nervous system following aerosol challenge in a murine model. Baijnath S, Moodley C, Ngcobo B, ..., Pym A, Govender T International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 51 (1) 77-81 2018-01-00 2017-08-24
Circulating proteins as predictors of incident heart failure in the elderly. Stenemo M, Nowak C, Byberg L, ..., Fall T, Ärnlöv J Eur. J. Heart Fail. 20 (1) 55-62 2018-01-00 2017-10-02
Characterization of gamma-tubulin filaments in mammalian cells. Lindström L, Alvarado-Kristensson M Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research 1865 (1) 158-171 2018-01-00 2017-10-16
Abundant recent activity of retrovirus-like retrotransposons within and among flycatcher species implies a rich source of structural variation in songbird genomes Suh A, Smeds L, Ellegren H Mol Ecol 27 (1) 99-111 2018-01-00 2017-12-12
Whole Slide Image Registration for the Study of Tumor Heterogeneity Solorzano L, Almeida GM, Mesquita B, ..., Oliveira C, Wählby C - - (-) 95-102 2018-00-00 2018-09-14
The CO<sub>2</sub>capturing ability of cellulose dissolved in NaOH(aq) at low temperature Gunnarsson M, Bernin D, Östlund Å, Hasani M Green Chem. 20 (14) 3279-3286 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
The CO2 capturing ability of cellulose dissolved in NaOH(aq) at low temperature Gunnarsson M, Bernin D, Östlund Å, Hasani M Green Chem. 20 (14) 3279-3286 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
Synthesis of novel 1,2,4-thiadiazinane 1,1-dioxides via three component SuFEx type reaction Khumalo MF, Akpan ED, Chinthakindi PK, ..., Naicker T, Arvidsson PI RSC Adv. 8 (65) 37503-37507 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
Phylogeny, species delimitation and revision of Pleioluma (Sapotaceae) in New Caledonia, a frequently gynodioecious genus Swenson U, Nylander JAA, Munzinger J Aust. Systematic Bot. 31 (2) 120 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
Orange is the new white: rapid curing of an ethylene-glycidyl methacrylate copolymer with a Ti-bisphenolate type catalyst Mauri M, Svenningsson L, Hjertberg T, ..., Prieto O, Müller C Polym. Chem. 9 (13) 1710-1718 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
Optimising methods for the recovery and quantification of di- and tripeptides in soil Jämtgård S, Robinson N, Moritz T, Colgrave ML, Schmidt S Soil Res. 56 (4) 404 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
Improved Reconstruction of Low Intensity Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy With Weighted Low Rank Hankel Matrix Completion Guo D, Qu X IEEE Access 6 (-) 4933-4940 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
High-fidelity spectroscopy reconstruction in accelerated NMR Qu X, Qiu T, Guo D, ..., Orekhov V, Chen Z Chem. Commun. 54 (78) 10958-10961 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
High purity and viability cell separation of a bacterivorous jakobid flagellate based on a steep velocity gradient induced soft inertial force Deng P, Fu CJ, Wu Z RSC Adv. 8 (62) 35512-35520 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
Efficient C–C coupling of bio-based furanics and carbonyl compounds to liquid hydrocarbon precursors over lignosulfonate derived acidic carbocatalysts Konwar LJ, Samikannu A, Mäki-Arvela P, Mikkola JP Catal. Sci. Technol. 8 (9) 2449-2459 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
Effect of various structure directing agents (SDAs) on low-temperature deactivation of Cu/SAPO-34 during NH<sub>3</sub>-SCR reaction Woo J, Leistner K, Bernin D, ..., Zammit M, Olsson L Catal. Sci. Technol. 8 (12) 3090-3106 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
Effect of various structure directing agents (SDAs) on low-temperature deactivation of Cu/SAPO-34 during NH3-SCR reaction Woo J, Leistner K, Bernin D, ..., Zammit M, Olsson L Catal. Sci. Technol. 8 (12) 3090-3106 2018-00-00 2018-00-00
An unexpected re-arrangement of the antibiotic carbapenem core to new 1,4-diazepin-5-one scaffolds Peters BK, Razuwika R, Samipillai M, ..., Govender T, Naicker T RSC Adv. 8 (1) 190-193 2018-00-00 2018-00-00

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