Uhlén M

Family name Uhlén
Given name Mathias
Initials M

ORCID 0000-0002-4858-8056

Affiliations Science for Life Laboratory, Department of Protein Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Center for Biosustainability, Danish Technical University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

165 publications

High Amounts of SARS-CoV-2 Precede Sickness Among Asymptomatic Health Care Workers.
Dillner J, Elfström KM, Blomqvist J, ..., Arroyo Mühr LS, Lundgren KC
J. Infect. Dis. 224 (1) 14-20 [2021-07-02; online 2021-02-14]
Autoimmunity and Serology Profiling [Service]
A proposal for validation of antibodies.
Uhlen M, Bandrowski A, Carr S, ..., Snyder M, Yamamoto T
Nat. Methods 13 (10) 823-827 [2016-10-00; online 2016-09-05]
Spatial Proteomics [Collaborative]
Analysis of Body-wide Unfractionated Tissue Data to Identify a Core Human Endothelial Transcriptome.
Butler LM, Hallström BM, Fagerberg L, ..., Renné T, Odeberg J
Cell Syst 3 (3) 287-301.e3 [2016-09-28; online 2016-09-15]
Tissue Profiling [Collaborative]
Autoantibody targets in vaccine-associated narcolepsy.
Häggmark-Månberg A, Zandian A, Forsström B, ..., Olsson T, Nilsson P
Autoimmunity 49 (6) 421-433 [2016-09-00; online 2016-05-20]
Autoimmunity and Serology Profiling [Collaborative]
Elevated levels of FN1 and CCL2 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from sarcoidosis patients.
Hamsten C, Wiklundh E, Grönlund H, ..., Grunewald J, Häggmark-Månberg A
Respir. Res. 17 (1) 69 [2016-06-04; online 2016-06-04]
Affinity Proteomics Stockholm [Collaborative]
Heat differentiated complement factor profiling.
Hamsten C, Skattum L, Truedsson L, ..., Nilsson P, Neiman M
J Proteomics 126 (-) 155-162 [2015-08-03; online 2015-06-07]
Affinity Proteomics Stockholm [Technology development]
A secretagogin locus of the mammalian hypothalamus controls stress hormone release.
Romanov RA, Alpár A, Zhang MD, ..., Hökfelt T, Harkany T
EMBO J. 34 (1) 36-54 [2015-01-02; online 2014-11-27]
Fluorescence Tissue Profiling
Analysis of candidate genes for lineage-specific expression changes in humans and primates.
Lindskog C, Kuhlwilm M, Davierwala A, ..., Pääbo S, Pontén F
J. Proteome Res. 13 (8) 3596-3606 [2014-08-01; online 2014-07-15]
Tissue Profiling
Antibody performance in western blot applications is context-dependent.
Algenäs C, Agaton C, Fagerberg L, ..., Ottosson Takanen J, Hober S
Biotechnol J 9 (3) 435-445 [2014-03-00; online 2014-01-10]
Spatial Proteomics Tissue Profiling
A systematic analysis of commonly used antibodies in cancer diagnostics.
Gremel G, Bergman J, Djureinovic D, ..., Micke P, Pontén F
Histopathology 64 (2) 293-305 [2014-01-00; online 2013-12-18]
Tissue Profiling
Antibody-based protein profiling of the human chromosome 21.
Uhlén M, Oksvold P, Älgenäs C, ..., Kondo T, Sivertsson Å
Mol. Cell Proteomics 11 (3) M111.013458 [2012-03-00; online 2011-11-02]
Spatial Proteomics Tissue Profiling
Characterization of MRFAP1 turnover and interactions downstream of the NEDD8 pathway.
Larance M, Kirkwood KJ, Xirodimas DP, ..., Uhlen M, Lamond AI
Mol. Cell Proteomics 11 (3) M111.014407 [2012-03-00; online 2011-10-29]
Spatial Proteomics
Hypothalamic mitochondrial dysfunction associated with anorexia in the anx/anx mouse.
Lindfors C, Nilsson IA, Garcia-Roves PM, ..., Schalling M, Johansen JE
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108 (44) 18108-18113 [2011-11-01; online 2011-10-26]
Fluorescence Tissue Profiling
Large-scale protein profiling in human cell lines using antibody-based proteomics.
Fagerberg L, Strömberg S, El-Obeid A, ..., Ponten F, Asplund A
J. Proteome Res. 10 (9) 4066-4075 [2011-09-02; online 2011-07-06]
Tissue Profiling
RBM3-regulated genes promote DNA integrity and affect clinical outcome in epithelial ovarian cancer.
Ehlén Å, Nodin B, Rexhepaj E, ..., Brennan DJ, Jirström K
Transl Oncol 4 (4) 212-221 [2011-08-00; online 2011-08-01]
Tissue Profiling
Novel asymmetrically localizing components of human centrosomes identified by complementary proteomics methods.
Jakobsen L, Vanselow K, Skogs M, ..., Hyman AA, Andersen JS
EMBO J. 30 (8) 1520-1535 [2011-04-20; online 2011-03-15]
Spatial Proteomics
SOX10 expression in superficial spreading and nodular malignant melanomas.
Agnarsdóttir M, Sooman L, Bolander A, ..., Uhlen M, Hedstrand H
Melanoma Res. 20 (6) 468-478 [2010-12-00; online 2010-10-05]
Tissue Profiling
Towards a knowledge-based Human Protein Atlas.
Uhlen M, Oksvold P, Fagerberg L, ..., Björling L, Ponten F
Nat. Biotechnol. 28 (12) 1248-1250 [2010-12-00; online 2010-12-09]
Spatial Proteomics
Antibody-based proteomics for discovery and exploration of proteins expressed in pancreatic islets.
Lindskog C, Asplund A, Engkvist M, ..., Korsgren O, Ponten F
Discov Med 9 (49) 565-578 [2010-06-00; online 2010-07-01]
Tissue Profiling
Tumour-specific HMG-CoAR is an independent predictor of recurrence free survival in epithelial ovarian cancer.
Brennan DJ, Brändstedt J, Rexhepaj E, ..., O'Herlihy C, Jirstrom K
BMC Cancer 10 (-) 125 [2010-04-01; online 2010-04-01]
Tissue Profiling

Publications 9.5.1