Publications 2025

Title Authors Journal Published Online
Identification of a SNAI1 enhancer RNA that drives cancer cell plasticity. Fan C, Wang Q, Krijger PHL, ..., de Laat W, Ten Dijke P Nat Commun 16 (1) 2890 2025-03-25 2025-03-25
Historic manioc genomes illuminate maintenance of diversity under long-lived clonal cultivation. Kistler L, de Oliveira Freitas F, Gutaker RM, ..., Capriles JM, Allaby RG Science 387 (6738) eadq0018 2025-03-07 2025-03-07
Associations of PFAS and OH-PCBs with risk of multiple sclerosis onset and disability worsening. Vaivade A, Erngren I, Carlsson H, ..., Burman J, Kultima K Nat Commun 16 (1) 2014 2025-02-27 2025-02-27
Duplexed CeTEAM drug biosensors reveal determinants of PARP inhibitor selectivity in cells. Pires MJ, Alam S, Lovric A, ..., Altun M, Valerie NCK J. Biol. Chem. - (-) 108361 2025-02-26 2025-02-26
Dissecting the properties of circulating IgG against streptococcal pathogens through a combined systems antigenomics-serology workflow Gomez Toledo A, Chowdhury S, Hjortswang E, ..., Rasmussen M, Malmström J Nat Commun 16 (1) - 2025-02-24 2025-02-24
Spatial mapping of DNA synthesis reveals dynamics and geometry of human replication nanostructures Hawgood M, Urién González B, Agostinho A, ..., Blom H, Lemmens B - - (-) - 2025-02-23 2025-02-23
Temporal dynamics of airborne fungi in Swedish forest nurseries. Larsson R, Menkis A, Olson Å Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 91 (2) e0130624 2025-02-19 2025-01-16
Measuring plasma membrane fluidity using confocal microscopy. Carravilla P, Andronico L, Schlegel J, ..., Lorent J, Sezgin E Nat Protoc - (-) - 2025-02-19 2025-02-19
A chromosome-level genome assembly of the European green toad (Bufotes viridis). Rödin-Mörch P, Bunikis I, Choi E, ..., Proux-Wéra E, Höglund J G3 (Bethesda) - (-) - 2025-02-19 2025-02-19
Circular RNA circASH1L(4,5) protects microRNA-129-5p from target-directed microRNA degradation in human skin wound healing. Wang Q, Niu G, Liu Z, ..., Sommar P, Xu Landén N Br J Dermatol 192 (3) 468-480 2025-02-18 2024-10-18
Microbial communities in slow sand filters for drinking water treatment adapt to organic matter altered by ozonation. Rosenqvist T, Hilding J, Suarez C, Paul CJ Water Res. 270 (-) 122843 2025-02-15 2024-11-23
Methodological aspects of investigating the resistome in pig farm environments. Ladyhina V, Rajala E, Sternberg-Lewerin S, ..., Bongcam-Rudloff E, Dicksved J J Microbiol Methods 230-231 (-) 107103 2025-02-13 2025-02-13
Imaging Single Particle Profiler to Study Nanoscale Bioparticles Using Conventional Confocal Microscopy. Sych T, Görgens A, Steiner L, ..., El Andaloussi S, Sezgin E Nano Lett. 25 (6) 2173-2180 2025-02-12 2025-01-29
Rare and common single nucleotide variants in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. Sayadi A, Sandling JK, Eloranta ML, ..., Rönnblom L, DISSECT Consortium Lupus Sci Med 12 (1) - 2025-02-11 2025-02-11
Whole genome sequencing in early onset advanced heart failure. Linnér E, Czuba T, Gidlöf O, ..., Ehrencrona H, Smith JG Sci Rep 15 (1) 4306 2025-02-05 2025-02-05
The expanded genome of Hexamita inflata, a free-living diplomonad. Akdeniz Z, Havelka M, Stoklasa M, ..., Andersson JO, Tachezy J Sci Data 12 (1) 192 2025-02-01 2025-02-01
Single cell sequencing reveals shared clonal signatures in non-malignant B- and tumor cells in T-prolymphocytic leukemia Hesselager C, Thörn I, Marincevic M, ..., Baliakas P, Amini RM Blood Neoplasia - (-) 100076 2025-02-00 2025-02-00
Modelling age at death reveals Nordic Corded Ware paleodemography Tornberg A, Vandkilde H Archaeol Anthropol Sci 17 (2) - 2025-02-00 2025-01-20
Impact of plant diversity in potato-ley strip-cropping systems on soil microbial communities Riggi LGA, Ranheim Sveen T, Castaño C, ..., Clemmensen KE, Bahram M Applied Soil Ecology 206 (-) 105777 2025-02-00 2025-02-00
Impact of excess sugar on the whole genome DNA methylation pattern in human sperm. Jönsson J, Perfilyev A, Kugelberg U, ..., Öst A, Ling C Epigenomics 17 (2) 89-104 2025-02-00 2024-12-20
Evolved and Plastic Gene Expression in Adaptation of a Specialist Fly to a Novel Niche. Steward RA, Ortega Giménez J, Choudhary S, ..., Van Aken O, Runemark A Mol. Ecol. 34 (4) e17653 2025-02-00 2025-01-09
Earliest modern human genomes constrain timing of Neanderthal admixture. Sümer AP, Rougier H, Villalba-Mouco V, ..., Prüfer K, Krause J Nature 638 (8051) 711-717 2025-02-00 2024-12-12
Modulation of biological activities in adipose derived stem cells by histone deacetylation. Abdallah S, Tabebi M, Qanadilo S, ..., Elmasry M, El-Serafi A Sci Rep 15 (1) 3629 2025-01-29 2025-01-29
The di-leucine motif in the host defense peptide LL-37 is essential for initiation of autophagy in human macrophages. Rekha RS, Padhi A, Frengen N, ..., Guðmundsson GH, Bergman P Cell Rep 44 (1) 115031 2025-01-28 2024-12-20
Association between alcohol consumption and peripheral artery disease: two de novo prospective cohorts and a systematic review with meta-analysis. Yuan S, Wu J, Chen J, ..., Åkesson A, Larsson SC Eur J Prev Cardiol 32 (2) 149-155 2025-01-27 2024-04-16
Ultra-Sensitive Detection of Bacterial Spores via SERS. Segervald J, Malyshev D, Öberg R, ..., Wågberg T, Andersson M ACS Sens. - (-) - 2025-01-23 2025-01-23
A de novo, mosaic and complex chromosome 21 rearrangement causes APP triplication and familial autosomal dominant early onset Alzheimer disease. Ehn E, Eisfeldt J, Laffita-Mesa JM, ..., Nennesemo I, Graff C Sci Rep 15 (1) 2912 2025-01-23 2025-01-23
Chromosome-scale genome assembly reveals how repeat elements shape non-coding RNA landscapes active during newt limb regeneration. Brown T, Mishra K, Elewa A, ..., Yun MH, Simon A Cell Genomics - (-) 100761 2025-01-22 2025-01-22
Visualization using NIPTviewer support the clinical interpretation of noninvasive prenatal testing results. Smeds P, Baranowska Körberg I, Melin M, Ladenvall C BMC Med Genomics 18 (1) 15 2025-01-20 2025-01-20
Systems-level immunomonitoring in children with solid tumors to enable precision medicine. Chen Q, Zhao B, Tan Z, ..., Ljungblad L, Brodin P Cell - (-) - 2025-01-17 2025-01-17
Somatic CAG repeat expansion in blood associates with biomarkers of neurodegeneration in Huntington's disease decades before clinical motor diagnosis. Scahill RI, Farag M, Murphy MJ, ..., Langbehn DR, Tabrizi SJ Nat. Med. - (-) - 2025-01-17 2025-01-17
Structure of the T=13 capsid of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV)-a salmonid birnavirus. Munke A, Ahmed Abdelrahim Gamil A, Mikalsen AB, ..., Evensen Ø, Okamoto K J. Virol. - (-) e0145424 2025-01-16 2025-01-16
A thermoplastic chip for 2D and 3D correlative assays combining screening and high-resolution imaging of immune cell responses. van Ooijen H, Verron Q, Zhang H, ..., Sandström N, Önfelt B Cell Reports Methods - (-) 100965 2025-01-16 2025-01-16
The Progression of Mycosis Fungoides During Treatment with Mogamulizumab: A BIO-MUSE Case Study of the Tumor and Immune Response in Peripheral Blood and Tissue. Johansson A, Kalliara E, Belfrage E, ..., Drott K, Ek S Biomedicines 13 (1) - 2025-01-14 2025-01-14
Spatial transcriptomics unveils estrogen-modulated immune responses and structural alterations in the ectocervical mucosa of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate users. Kaldhusdal V, Boger MF, Tjernlund A, ..., Czarnewski P, Broliden K Sci Rep 15 (1) 1014 2025-01-06 2025-01-06
Model-informed drug development for antimicrobials: translational pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling of apramycin to facilitate prediction of efficacious dose in complicated urinary tract infections. Hernández-Lozano I, Aranzana-Climent V, Cao S, ..., Vingsbo Lundberg C, Friberg LE J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 80 (1) 301-310 2025-01-03 2024-11-16
Single-cell proteo-transcriptomic profiling reveals altered characteristics of stem and progenitor cells in patients receiving cytoreductive hydroxyurea in early-phase chronic myeloid leukemia. Komic H, Nilsson MS, Wennström L, ..., Thorén FB, Martner A Haematologica 110 (1) 117-128 2025-01-01 2025-01-01
Dark carbon fixation is a common process in the water column of stratified boreal lakes. Martin G, Rissanen AJ, Garcia SL, Peura S Sci. Total Environ. 958 (-) 177433 2025-01-01 2024-12-10
Trees First Inhibit Then Promote Litter Decomposition in the Subarctic. Jonsson M, Clemmensen KE, Castaño C, Parker TC Ecol. Lett. 28 (1) e70063 2025-01-00 2025-01-20
Evaluation of nationwide analysis surveillance for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus within Genomic Medicine Sweden. Tång Hallbäck E, Björkman JT, Dyrkell F, ..., Sikora P, Mölling P Microb Genom 11 (1) - 2025-01-00 2025-01-27

Publications 9.5.1