Publications 2018

651 publications

Uncovering the regional localization of inhaled salmeterol retention in the lung.
Bäckström E, Hamm G, Nilsson A, ..., Goodwin RJA, Fridén M
Drug Deliv 25 (1) 838-845 [2018-11-00; online 2018-03-29]
Spatial Mass Spectrometry [Service]
Glycomics@ExPASy: Bridging the Gap.
Mariethoz J, Alocci D, Gastaldello A, ..., Packer NH, Lisacek F
Mol. Cell Proteomics 17 (11) 2164-2176 [2018-11-00; online 2018-08-10]
Glycoproteomics and MS Proteomics [Collaborative]
Role of Thiol Reactivity for Targeting Mutant p53.
Zhang Q, Bergman J, Wiman KG, Bykov VJN
Cell Chem Biol 25 (10) 1219-1230.e3 [2018-10-18; online 2018-07-26]
Protein Science Facility (PSF) [Service]
Halogen Bond Asymmetry in Solution.
Lindblad S, Mehmeti K, Veiga AX, ..., Gräfenstein J, Erdélyi M
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140 (41) 13503-13513 [2018-10-17; online 2018-10-04]
Swedish NMR Centre (SNC) [Service]
Genetic analysis of over 1 million people identifies 535 new loci associated with blood pressure traits.
Evangelou E, Warren HR, Mosen-Ansorena D, ..., Caulfield MJ, Million Veteran Program
Nat. Genet. 50 (10) 1412-1425 [2018-10-00; online 2018-09-17]
Bioinformatics Support for Computational Resources [Service]
Ein Fall von Pankreaskarzinom
Löhr JM, Kordes M, Gustafsson-Liljefors M, ..., Permert J, Jäger D
Forum 33 (4) 232-235 [2018-09-00; online 2018-08-14]
Clinical Genomics [Collaborative] Clinical Genomics Stockholm [Collaborative]
Broad spectrum developmental role of Brachypodium AUX1.
van der Schuren A, Voiniciuc C, Bragg J, ..., Pauly M, Hardtke CS
New Phytol. 219 (4) 1216-1223 [2018-09-00; online 2018-06-27]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]
Diversity of Interneurons in the Dorsal Striatum Revealed by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing and PatchSeq.
Muñoz-Manchado AB, Bengtsson Gonzales C, Zeisel A, ..., Linnarsson S, Hjerling-Leffler J
Cell Rep 24 (8) 2179-2190.e7 [2018-08-21; online 2018-08-23]
Eukaryotic Single Cell Genomics (ESCG) [Service]
Transthyretin Interferes with Aβ Amyloid Formation by Redirecting Oligomeric Nuclei into Non-Amyloid Aggregates.
Nilsson L, Pamrén A, Islam T, ..., Gharibyan AL, Olofsson A
J. Mol. Biol. 430 (17) 2722-2733 [2018-08-17; online 2018-06-08]
Cryo-EM [Service]
Pharmacokinetic Properties of the Nephrotoxin Orellanine in Rats.
Najar D, Haraldsson B, Thorsell A, ..., Nyström J, Ebefors K
Toxins (Basel) 10 (8) - [2018-08-17; online 2018-08-17]
Glycoproteomics and MS Proteomics [Service]
Autoantibody profiling in intraocular fluid of patients with uveitis.
Ten Berge JC, Schreurs MW, van Rosmalen J, Rothova A
Exp. Eye Res. 176 (-) 141-146 [2018-07-10; online 2018-07-10]
Autoimmunity and Serology Profiling [Service]
A synthetic diphosphoinositol phosphate analogue of inositol trisphosphate.
Riley AM, Unterlass J, Konieczny V, ..., Helleday T, Potter BVL
Med. Chem. Commun. 9 (7) 1105-1113 [2018-07-01; online 2018-06-04]
Protein Science Facility (PSF) [Service]
The Properties of Amyloid-β Fibrils Are Determined by their Path of Formation.
Brännström K, Islam T, Gharibyan AL, ..., Pamrén A, Olofsson A
J. Mol. Biol. 430 (13) 1940-1949 [2018-06-22; online 2018-05-09]
Cryo-EM [Service]
Pseudouridylation of tRNA-Derived Fragments Steers Translational Control in Stem Cells.
Guzzi N, Cieśla M, Ngoc PCT, ..., Hsieh AC, Bellodi C
Cell 173 (5) 1204-1216.e26 [2018-05-17; online 2018-04-05]
Structural Proteomics [Service]
Allele-selective RUNX1 binding regulates P1 blood group status by transcriptional control of A4GALT.
Westman JS, Stenfelt L, Vidovic K, ..., Kjellström S, Olsson ML
Blood 131 (14) 1611-1616 [2018-04-05; online 2018-02-08]
Structural Proteomics [Service]
Molecular mechanism of ATP versus GTP selectivity of adenylate kinase
Rogne P, Rosselin M, Grundström C, ..., Sauer UH, Wolf-Watz M
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115 (12) 3012-3017 [2018-03-20; online 2018-03-05]
Swedish NMR Centre (SNC) [Service]
Myopathy With SQSTM1 and TIA1 Variants: Clinical and Pathological Features.
Niu Z, Pontifex CS, Berini S, ..., Pfeffer G, Milone M
Front Neurol 9 (-) 147 [2018-03-19; online 2018-03-19]
Spatial Proteomics [Service]
Sexual dimorphism in the width of the mouse synaptonemal complex
Agostinho A, Kouznetsova A, Hernández-Hernández A, ..., Brismar H, Höög C
J Cell Sci 131 (5) jcs212548 [2018-03-01; online 2018-02-02]
Integrated Microscopy Technologies Stockholm [Collaborative]
Proteomic analyses identify prognostic biomarkers for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Hu D, Ansari D, Pawłowski K, ..., Marko-Varga G, Andersson R
Oncotarget 9 (11) 9789-9807 [2018-02-09; online 2018-01-03]
Structural Proteomics [Service]

Publications 9.5.1