Publisher Correction: A DHODH inhibitor increases p53 synthesis and enhances tumor cell killing by p53 degradation blockage

Ladds MJGW, van Leeuwen IMM, Drummond CJ, Chu S, Healy AR, Popova G, Pastor Fernández A, Mollick T, Darekar S, Sedimbi SK, Nekulova M, Sachweh MCC, Campbell J, Higgins M, Tuck C, Popa M, Safont MM, Gelebart P, Fandalyuk Z, Thompson AM, Svensson R, Gustavsson AL, Johansson L, Färnegårdh K, Yngve U, Saleh A, Haraldsson M, D’Hollander ACA, Franco M, Zhao Y, Håkansson M, Walse B, Larsson K, Peat EM, Pelechano V, Lunec J, Vojtesek B, Carmena M, Earnshaw WC, McCarthy AR, Westwood NJ, Arsenian-Henriksson M, Lane DP, Bhatia R, McCormack E, Laín S

Nat Commun 9 (1) - [2018-12-00; online 2018-05-22]

The original PDF version of this Article listed the authors as "Marcus J.G.W. Ladds," where it should have read "Marcus J. G. W. Ladds, Ingeborg M. M. van Leeuwen, Catherine J. Drummond et al. #".Also in the PDF version, it was incorrectly stated that "Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S. Lín.", instead of the correct "Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S. Laín."This has been corrected in the PDF version of the Article. The HTML version was correct from the time of publication.

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PubMed 29789663

DOI 10.1038/s41467-018-04198-5

Crossref 10.1038/s41467-018-04198-5

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